mirror of
synced 2025-03-20 15:59:42 +01:00
* Fixed TWK-474: proper fulltext search.
This commit is contained in:
@ -81,11 +81,9 @@ DatabaseCommand_Resolve::resolve( DatabaseImpl* lib )
typedef QPair<int, float> scorepair_t;
// STEP 1
QList< QPair<int, float> > artists = lib->searchTable( "artist", m_query->artist(), false );
QList< QPair<int, float> > tracks = lib->searchTable( "track", m_query->track(), false );
QList< QPair<int, float> > albums = lib->searchTable( "album", m_query->album(), false );
QList< QPair<int, float> > tracks = lib->search( m_query );
if ( artists.length() == 0 || tracks.length() == 0 )
if ( tracks.length() == 0 )
qDebug() << "No candidates found in first pass, aborting resolve" << m_query->artist() << m_query->track();
emit results( m_query->id(), res );
@ -95,13 +93,10 @@ DatabaseCommand_Resolve::resolve( DatabaseImpl* lib )
// STEP 2
TomahawkSqlQuery files_query = lib->newquery();
QStringList artsl, trksl;
for ( int k = 0; k < artists.count(); k++ )
artsl.append( QString::number( artists.at( k ).first ) );
QStringList trksl;
for ( int k = 0; k < tracks.count(); k++ )
trksl.append( QString::number( tracks.at( k ).first ) );
QString artsToken = QString( "file_join.artist IN (%1)" ).arg( artsl.join( "," ) );
QString trksToken = QString( "file_join.track IN (%1)" ).arg( trksl.join( "," ) );
QString sql = QString( "SELECT "
@ -124,8 +119,7 @@ DatabaseCommand_Resolve::resolve( DatabaseImpl* lib )
"artist.id = file_join.artist AND "
"track.id = file_join.track AND "
"file.id = file_join.file AND "
"(%1 AND %2)" )
.arg( artsToken )
"(%1)" )
.arg( trksToken );
files_query.prepare( sql );
@ -201,34 +195,9 @@ DatabaseCommand_Resolve::fullTextResolve( DatabaseImpl* lib )
typedef QPair<int, float> scorepair_t;
// STEP 1
QList< QPair<int, float> > artistPairs = lib->searchTable( "artist", m_query->fullTextQuery(), false, 20 );
QList< QPair<int, float> > albumPairs = lib->searchTable( "album", m_query->fullTextQuery(), false, 20 );
QList< QPair<int, float> > trackArtistPairs = lib->searchTable( "trackartist", m_query->fullTextQuery(), true, 20 );
QList< QPair<int, float> > trackPairs = lib->search( m_query );
QList< QPair<int, float> > albumPairs = lib->searchAlbum( m_query, 20 );
if ( artistPairs.length() == 0 && albumPairs.length() == 0 && trackArtistPairs.length() == 0 )
qDebug() << "No candidates found in first pass, aborting resolve" << m_query->artist() << m_query->track();
emit results( m_query->id(), res );
foreach ( const scorepair_t& artistPair, artistPairs )
TomahawkSqlQuery query = lib->newquery();
QString sql = QString( "SELECT name FROM artist WHERE id = %1" ).arg( artistPair.first );
query.prepare( sql );
QList<Tomahawk::artist_ptr> artistList;
while ( query.next() )
Tomahawk::artist_ptr artist = Tomahawk::Artist::get( artistPair.first, query.value( 0 ).toString() );
artistList << artist;
emit artists( m_query->id(), artistList );
foreach ( const scorepair_t& albumPair, albumPairs )
TomahawkSqlQuery query = lib->newquery();
@ -247,13 +216,20 @@ DatabaseCommand_Resolve::fullTextResolve( DatabaseImpl* lib )
emit albums( m_query->id(), albumList );
if ( trackPairs.length() == 0 )
qDebug() << "No candidates found in first pass, aborting resolve" << m_query->fullTextQuery();
emit results( m_query->id(), res );
// STEP 2
TomahawkSqlQuery files_query = lib->newquery();
QStringList trksl;
for ( int k = 0; k < trackArtistPairs.count(); k++ )
trksl.append( QString::number( trackArtistPairs.at( k ).first ) );
for ( int k = 0; k < trackPairs.count(); k++ )
trksl.append( QString::number( trackPairs.at( k ).first ) );
QString trksToken = QString( "file_join.track IN (%1)" ).arg( trksl.join( "," ) );
QString sql = QString( "SELECT "
@ -325,11 +301,11 @@ DatabaseCommand_Resolve::fullTextResolve( DatabaseImpl* lib )
result->setAlbumPos( files_query.value( 17 ).toUInt() );
result->setTrackId( files_query.value( 9 ).toUInt() );
for ( int k = 0; k < trackArtistPairs.count(); k++ )
for ( int k = 0; k < trackPairs.count(); k++ )
if ( trackArtistPairs.at( k ).first == (int)result->trackId() )
if ( trackPairs.at( k ).first == (int)result->trackId() )
result->setScore( trackArtistPairs.at( k ).second );
result->setScore( trackPairs.at( k ).second );
@ -44,40 +44,40 @@ DatabaseCommand_UpdateSearchIndex::~DatabaseCommand_UpdateSearchIndex()
DatabaseCommand_UpdateSearchIndex::indexTable( DatabaseImpl* db, const QString& table, const QString& query )
qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO;
TomahawkSqlQuery q = db->newquery();
qDebug() << "Building index for" << table;
q.exec( QString( "SELECT %1" ).arg( query ) );
QMap< unsigned int, QString > fields;
QString value;
while ( q.next() )
value = "";
for ( int v = 1; v < q.record().count(); v++ )
value += q.value( v ).toString() + " ";
fields.insert( q.value( 0 ).toUInt(), value.trimmed() );
db->m_fuzzyIndex->appendFields( table, fields );
qDebug() << "Building index for" << table << "finished.";
DatabaseCommand_UpdateSearchIndex::exec( DatabaseImpl* db )
indexTable( db, "artist", "id, name FROM artist" );
indexTable( db, "album", "id, name FROM album" );
indexTable( db, "track", "id, name FROM track" );
indexTable( db, "trackartist", "track.id, artist.name, track.name FROM track, artist WHERE artist.id = track.artist" );
QMap< unsigned int, QMap< QString, QString > > data;
TomahawkSqlQuery q = db->newquery();
q.exec( "SELECT track.id, track.name, artist.name, artist.id FROM track, artist WHERE artist.id = track.artist" );
while ( q.next() )
QMap< QString, QString > track;
track.insert( "track", q.value( 1 ).toString() );
track.insert( "artist", q.value( 2 ).toString() );
track.insert( "artistid", q.value( 3 ).toString() );
data.insert( q.value( 0 ).toUInt(), track );
db->m_fuzzyIndex->appendFields( data );
q.exec( "SELECT album.id, album.name FROM album" );
while ( q.next() )
QMap< QString, QString > album;
album.insert( "album", q.value( 1 ).toString() );
data.insert( q.value( 0 ).toUInt(), album );
db->m_fuzzyIndex->appendFields( data );
qDebug() << "Building index finished.";
@ -35,13 +35,7 @@ public:
virtual bool doesMutates() const { return true; }
virtual void exec( DatabaseImpl* db );
void indexUpdated();
void indexTable( DatabaseImpl* db, const QString& table, const QString& query );
QString table;
IndexingJobItem* m_statusJob;
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ DatabaseImpl::DatabaseImpl( const QString& dbname, Database* parent )
// in case of unclean shutdown last time:
query.exec( "UPDATE source SET isonline = 'false'" );
// schemaUpdated = true; // REMOVE ME
schemaUpdated = true; // REMOVE ME
m_fuzzyIndex = new FuzzyIndex( *this, schemaUpdated );
if ( schemaUpdated )
QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, SLOT( updateIndex() ) );
@ -409,13 +409,36 @@ DatabaseImpl::albumId( int artistid, const QString& name_orig, bool autoCreate )
QList< QPair<int, float> >
DatabaseImpl::searchTable( const QString& table, const QString& name, bool fulltext, uint limit )
DatabaseImpl::search( const Tomahawk::query_ptr& query, uint limit )
QList< QPair<int, float> > resultslist;
if ( table != "artist" && table != "track" && table != "album" && table != "trackartist" )
QMap< int, float > resultsmap = m_fuzzyIndex->search( query );
foreach ( int i, resultsmap.keys() )
resultslist << QPair<int, float>( i, (float)resultsmap.value( i ) );
qSort( resultslist.begin(), resultslist.end(), DatabaseImpl::scorepairSorter );
if ( !limit )
return resultslist;
QMap< int, float > resultsmap = m_fuzzyIndex->search( table, name, fulltext );
QList< QPair<int, float> > resultscapped;
for ( int i = 0; i < (int)limit && i < resultsmap.count(); i++ )
resultscapped << resultslist.at( i );
return resultscapped;
QList< QPair<int, float> >
DatabaseImpl::searchAlbum( const Tomahawk::query_ptr& query, uint limit )
QList< QPair<int, float> > resultslist;
QMap< int, float > resultsmap = m_fuzzyIndex->searchAlbum( query );
foreach ( int i, resultsmap.keys() )
resultslist << QPair<int, float>( i, (float)resultsmap.value( i ) );
@ -56,7 +56,8 @@ public:
int trackId( int artistid, const QString& name_orig, bool autoCreate );
int albumId( int artistid, const QString& name_orig, bool autoCreate );
QList< QPair<int, float> > searchTable( const QString& table, const QString& name, bool fulltext, uint limit = 0 );
QList< QPair<int, float> > search( const Tomahawk::query_ptr& query, uint limit = 0 );
QList< QPair<int, float> > searchAlbum( const Tomahawk::query_ptr& query, uint limit = 0 );
QList< int > getTrackFids( int tid );
static QString sortname( const QString& str, bool replaceArticle = false );
@ -79,8 +80,6 @@ public:
void indexReady();
public slots:
private slots:
void updateIndex();
@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
#include <QTime>
#include <CLucene.h>
#include <CLucene/queryParser/MultiFieldQueryParser.h>
#include "databaseimpl.h"
#include "utils/tomahawkutils.h"
@ -84,7 +85,7 @@ FuzzyIndex::beginIndexing()
qDebug() << "Creating new index writer.";
IndexWriter luceneWriter = IndexWriter( m_luceneDir, m_analyzer, true );
IndexWriter luceneWriter( m_luceneDir, m_analyzer, true );
catch( CLuceneError& error )
@ -103,31 +104,49 @@ FuzzyIndex::endIndexing()
FuzzyIndex::appendFields( const QString& table, const QMap< unsigned int, QString >& fields )
FuzzyIndex::appendFields( const QMap< unsigned int, QMap< QString, QString > >& trackData )
tDebug() << "Appending to index:" << table << fields.count();
tDebug() << "Appending to index:" << trackData.count();
bool create = !IndexReader::indexExists( TomahawkUtils::appDataDir().absoluteFilePath( "tomahawk.lucene" ).toStdString().c_str() );
IndexWriter luceneWriter = IndexWriter( m_luceneDir, m_analyzer, create );
IndexWriter luceneWriter( m_luceneDir, m_analyzer, create );
Document doc;
QMapIterator< unsigned int, QString > it( fields );
QMapIterator< unsigned int, QMap< QString, QString > > it( trackData );
while ( it.hasNext() )
unsigned int id = it.key();
QString name = it.value();
Field* field = _CLNEW Field( table.toStdWString().c_str(), DatabaseImpl::sortname( name ).toStdWString().c_str(),
doc.add( *field );
QMap< QString, QString > values = it.value();
if ( values.contains( "track" ) )
Field* field = _CLNEW Field( _T( "id" ), QString::number( id ).toStdWString().c_str(), Field::STORE_YES | Field::INDEX_NO );
doc.add( *field );
doc.add( *( _CLNEW Field( _T( "fulltext" ), DatabaseImpl::sortname( QString( "%1 %2" ).arg( values.value( "artist" ) ).arg( values.value( "track" ) ) ).toStdWString().c_str(),
doc.add( *( _CLNEW Field( _T( "track" ), DatabaseImpl::sortname( values.value( "track" ) ).toStdWString().c_str(),
doc.add( *( _CLNEW Field( _T( "artist" ), DatabaseImpl::sortname( values.value( "artist" ) ).toStdWString().c_str(),
doc.add( *( _CLNEW Field( _T( "artistid" ), values.value( "artistid" ).toStdWString().c_str(),
Field::STORE_YES | Field::INDEX_NO ) ) );
doc.add( *( _CLNEW Field( _T( "trackid" ), QString::number( id ).toStdWString().c_str(),
Field::STORE_YES | Field::INDEX_NO ) ) );
else if ( values.contains( "album" ) )
doc.add( *( _CLNEW Field( _T( "album" ), DatabaseImpl::sortname( values.value( "album" ) ).toStdWString().c_str(),
doc.add( *( _CLNEW Field( _T( "albumid" ), QString::number( id ).toStdWString().c_str(),
Field::STORE_YES | Field::INDEX_NO ) ) );
Q_ASSERT( false );
luceneWriter.addDocument( &doc );
@ -152,7 +171,7 @@ FuzzyIndex::loadLuceneIndex()
QMap< int, float >
FuzzyIndex::search( const QString& table, const QString& name, bool fulltext )
FuzzyIndex::search( const Tomahawk::query_ptr& query )
QMutexLocker lock( &m_mutex );
@ -171,47 +190,112 @@ FuzzyIndex::search( const QString& table, const QString& name, bool fulltext )
m_luceneSearcher = _CLNEW IndexSearcher( m_luceneReader );
if ( name.isEmpty() )
return resultsmap;
float minScore;
const TCHAR** fields = 0;
MultiFieldQueryParser parser( fields, m_analyzer );
BooleanQuery* qry = _CLNEW BooleanQuery();
Hits* hits = 0;
Query* qry = 0;
QueryParser parser( table.toStdWString().c_str(), m_analyzer );
if ( fulltext )
if ( query->isFullTextQuery() )
QString escapedName = QString::fromWCharArray( parser.escape( name.toStdWString().c_str() ) );
QString escapedQuery = QString::fromWCharArray( parser.escape( DatabaseImpl::sortname( query->fullTextQuery() ).toStdWString().c_str() ) );
Term* term = _CLNEW Term( _T( "track" ), escapedQuery.toStdWString().c_str() );
Query* fqry = _CLNEW FuzzyQuery( term );
qry->add( fqry, true, BooleanClause::SHOULD );
QStringList sl = DatabaseImpl::sortname( escapedName ).split( " ", QString::SkipEmptyParts );
qry = parser.parse( QString( "%1:%2~" ).arg( table ).arg( sl.join( "~ " ) ).toStdWString().c_str() );
term = _CLNEW Term( _T( "artist" ), escapedQuery.toStdWString().c_str() );
fqry = _CLNEW FuzzyQuery( term );
qry->add( fqry, true, BooleanClause::SHOULD );
term = _CLNEW Term( _T( "fulltext" ), escapedQuery.toStdWString().c_str() );
fqry = _CLNEW FuzzyQuery( term );
qry->add( fqry, true, BooleanClause::SHOULD );
minScore = 0.00;
// qry = _CLNEW FuzzyQuery( _CLNEW Term( table.toStdWString().c_str(), DatabaseImpl::sortname( name ).toStdWString().c_str() ) );
QString escapedName = QString::fromWCharArray( parser.escape( name.toStdWString().c_str() ) );
QString track = QString::fromWCharArray( parser.escape( DatabaseImpl::sortname( query->track() ).toStdWString().c_str() ) );
QString artist = QString::fromWCharArray( parser.escape( DatabaseImpl::sortname( query->artist() ).toStdWString().c_str() ) );
// QString album = QString::fromWCharArray( parser.escape( query->album().toStdWString().c_str() ) );
QStringList sl = DatabaseImpl::sortname( escapedName ).split( " ", QString::SkipEmptyParts );
qry = parser.parse( QString( "%1:\"%2\"~" ).arg( table ).arg( sl.join( " " ) ).toStdWString().c_str() );
Term* term = _CLNEW Term( _T( "track" ), track.toStdWString().c_str() );
Query* fqry = _CLNEW FuzzyQuery( term );
qry->add( fqry, true, BooleanClause::MUST );
term = _CLNEW Term( _T( "artist" ), artist.toStdWString().c_str() );
fqry = _CLNEW FuzzyQuery( term );
qry->add( fqry, true, BooleanClause::MUST );
minScore = 0.05;
hits = m_luceneSearcher->search( qry );
Hits* hits = m_luceneSearcher->search( qry );
for ( uint i = 0; i < hits->length(); i++ )
Document* d = &hits->doc( i );
float score = hits->score( i );
int id = QString::fromWCharArray( d->get( _T( "id" ) ) ).toInt();
QString result = QString::fromWCharArray( d->get( table.toStdWString().c_str() ) );
int id = QString::fromWCharArray( d->get( _T( "trackid" ) ) ).toInt();
if ( DatabaseImpl::sortname( result ) == DatabaseImpl::sortname( name ) )
score = 1.0;
score = qMin( score, (float)0.99 );
if ( score > 0.20 )
if ( score > minScore )
resultsmap.insert( id, score );
// qDebug() << "Hitres:" << result << id << score << table << name;
// tDebug() << "Index hit:" << id << score << QString::fromWCharArray( ((Query*)qry)->toString() );
delete hits;
delete qry;
catch( CLuceneError& error )
tDebug() << "Caught CLucene error:" << error.what();
Q_ASSERT( false );
return resultsmap;
QMap< int, float >
FuzzyIndex::searchAlbum( const Tomahawk::query_ptr& query )
Q_ASSERT( query->isFullTextQuery() );
QMutexLocker lock( &m_mutex );
QMap< int, float > resultsmap;
if ( !m_luceneReader )
if ( !IndexReader::indexExists( TomahawkUtils::appDataDir().absoluteFilePath( "tomahawk.lucene" ).toStdString().c_str() ) )
qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "index didn't exist.";
return resultsmap;
m_luceneReader = IndexReader::open( m_luceneDir );
m_luceneSearcher = _CLNEW IndexSearcher( m_luceneReader );
QueryParser parser( _T( "album" ), m_analyzer );
QString escapedName = QString::fromWCharArray( parser.escape( DatabaseImpl::sortname( query->fullTextQuery() ).toStdWString().c_str() ) );
Query* qry = _CLNEW FuzzyQuery( _CLNEW Term( _T( "album" ), escapedName.toStdWString().c_str() ) );
Hits* hits = m_luceneSearcher->search( qry );
for ( uint i = 0; i < hits->length(); i++ )
Document* d = &hits->doc( i );
float score = hits->score( i );
int id = QString::fromWCharArray( d->get( _T( "albumid" ) ) ).toInt();
if ( score > 0.30 )
resultsmap.insert( id, score );
// tDebug() << "Index hit:" << id << score;
@ -25,6 +25,8 @@
#include <QString>
#include <QMutex>
#include "query.h"
namespace lucene
namespace analysis
@ -58,7 +60,7 @@ public:
void beginIndexing();
void endIndexing();
void appendFields( const QString& table, const QMap< unsigned int, QString >& fields );
void appendFields( const QMap< unsigned int, QMap< QString, QString > >& trackData );
void indexReady();
@ -66,7 +68,8 @@ signals:
public slots:
void loadLuceneIndex();
QMap< int, float > search( const QString& table, const QString& name, bool fulltext );
QMap< int, float > search( const Tomahawk::query_ptr& query );
QMap< int, float > searchAlbum( const Tomahawk::query_ptr& query );
DatabaseImpl& m_db;
@ -304,7 +304,18 @@ AlbumModel::addAlbums( const QList<Tomahawk::album_ptr>& albums )
if ( m_overwriteOnAdd )
if ( !albums.count() )
QList<Tomahawk::album_ptr> trimmedAlbums;
foreach ( const album_ptr& album, albums )
if ( !album.isNull() && album->name().length() )
if ( findItem( album ) || trimmedAlbums.contains( album ) )
trimmedAlbums << album;
if ( !trimmedAlbums.count() )
emit itemCountChanged( rowCount( QModelIndex() ) );
@ -313,12 +324,12 @@ AlbumModel::addAlbums( const QList<Tomahawk::album_ptr>& albums )
int c = rowCount( QModelIndex() );
QPair< int, int > crows;
crows.first = c;
crows.second = c + albums.count() - 1;
crows.second = c + trimmedAlbums.count() - 1;
emit beginInsertRows( QModelIndex(), crows.first, crows.second );
AlbumItem* albumitem;
foreach( const album_ptr& album, albums )
foreach( const album_ptr& album, trimmedAlbums )
albumitem = new AlbumItem( album, m_rootItem );
albumitem->index = createIndex( m_rootItem->children.count() - 1, 0, albumitem );
@ -339,7 +350,18 @@ AlbumModel::addArtists( const QList<Tomahawk::artist_ptr>& artists )
if ( m_overwriteOnAdd )
if ( !artists.count() )
QList<Tomahawk::artist_ptr> trimmedArtists;
foreach ( const artist_ptr& artist, artists )
if ( !artist.isNull() && artist->name().length() )
if ( findItem( artist ) || trimmedArtists.contains( artist ) )
trimmedArtists << artist;
if ( !trimmedArtists.count() )
emit itemCountChanged( rowCount( QModelIndex() ) );
@ -348,12 +370,12 @@ AlbumModel::addArtists( const QList<Tomahawk::artist_ptr>& artists )
int c = rowCount( QModelIndex() );
QPair< int, int > crows;
crows.first = c;
crows.second = c + artists.count() - 1;
crows.second = c + trimmedArtists.count() - 1;
emit beginInsertRows( QModelIndex(), crows.first, crows.second );
AlbumItem* albumitem;
foreach( const artist_ptr& artist, artists )
foreach ( const artist_ptr& artist, trimmedArtists )
albumitem = new AlbumItem( artist, m_rootItem );
albumitem->index = createIndex( m_rootItem->children.count() - 1, 0, albumitem );
@ -396,3 +418,35 @@ AlbumModel::onDataChanged()
AlbumItem* p = (AlbumItem*)sender();
emit dataChanged( p->index, p->index.sibling( p->index.row(), columnCount( QModelIndex() ) - 1 ) );
AlbumModel::findItem( const artist_ptr& artist ) const
for ( int i = 0; i < rowCount( QModelIndex() ); i++ )
AlbumItem* item = itemFromIndex( index( i, 0, QModelIndex() ) );
if ( !item->artist().isNull() && item->artist() == artist )
return item;
return 0;
AlbumModel::findItem( const album_ptr& album ) const
for ( int i = 0; i < rowCount( QModelIndex() ); i++ )
AlbumItem* item = itemFromIndex( index( i, 0, QModelIndex() ) );
if ( !item->album().isNull() && item->album() == album )
return item;
return 0;
@ -71,6 +71,9 @@ public:
virtual void setTitle( const QString& title ) { m_title = title; }
virtual void setDescription( const QString& description ) { m_description = description; }
AlbumItem* findItem( const Tomahawk::artist_ptr& artist ) const;
AlbumItem* findItem( const Tomahawk::album_ptr& album ) const;
AlbumItem* itemFromIndex( const QModelIndex& index ) const
if ( index.isValid() )
@ -130,6 +130,9 @@ SearchWidget::jumpToCurrentTrack()
SearchWidget::onResultsFound( const QList<Tomahawk::result_ptr>& results )
QList<Tomahawk::artist_ptr> artists;
QList<Tomahawk::album_ptr> albums;
foreach( const Tomahawk::result_ptr& result, results )
if ( !result->collection().isNull() && !result->isOnline() )
@ -143,7 +146,13 @@ SearchWidget::onResultsFound( const QList<Tomahawk::result_ptr>& results )
q->addResults( rl );
m_resultsModel->append( q );
artists << result->artist();
albums << result->album();
m_artistsModel->addArtists( artists );
m_albumsModel->addAlbums( albums );
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ ZeroconfFactory::createPlugin( const QString& pluginId )
return new ZeroconfPlugin( pluginId.isEmpty() ? generateId() : pluginId );
ZeroconfPlugin::ZeroconfPlugin() : SipPlugin( "") {}
ZeroconfPlugin::ZeroconfPlugin() : SipPlugin( "" ) {}
ZeroconfPlugin::ZeroconfPlugin ( const QString& pluginId )
: SipPlugin( pluginId )
Reference in New Issue
Block a user