mirror of
synced 2025-03-19 23:39:42 +01:00
Merge branch 'proxyrefactor'
This commit is contained in:
@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
* along with Tomahawk. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "config.h"
#include "tomahawkutils.h"
#include "headlesscheck.h"
@ -28,6 +29,7 @@
#include <QtGui/QLayout>
#include <QtGui/QPainter>
#include <QtGui/QPixmap>
#include <QtNetwork/QNetworkConfiguration>
#include <QtNetwork/QNetworkAccessManager>
#include <QtNetwork/QNetworkProxy>
@ -60,6 +62,10 @@
#include "utils/logger.h"
#include "config.h"
#include <lastfm/ws.h>
namespace TomahawkUtils
@ -459,8 +465,11 @@ unmarginLayout( QLayout* layout )
static QWeakPointer< QNetworkAccessManager > s_nam;
static NetworkProxyFactory* s_proxyFactory = 0;
NetworkProxyFactory::NetworkProxyFactory( const NetworkProxyFactory& other )
m_noProxyHosts = QStringList( other.m_noProxyHosts );
m_proxy = QNetworkProxy( other.m_proxy );
QList< QNetworkProxy >
@ -491,13 +500,14 @@ void
NetworkProxyFactory::setNoProxyHosts( const QStringList& hosts )
QStringList newList;
qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "No-proxy hosts:" << hosts;
foreach( QString host, hosts )
QString munge = host.simplified();
newList << munge;
//TODO: wildcard support
qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "No-proxy hosts:" << newList;
qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "New no-proxy hosts:" << newList;
m_noProxyHosts = newList;
@ -515,20 +525,40 @@ NetworkProxyFactory::setProxy( const QNetworkProxy& proxy )
bool NetworkProxyFactory::operator==( const NetworkProxyFactory& other )
if ( m_noProxyHosts != other.m_noProxyHosts or m_proxy != other.m_proxy )
if ( m_noProxyHosts != other.m_noProxyHosts || m_proxy != other.m_proxy )
return false;
return true;
static QMap< QThread*, QNetworkAccessManager* > s_threadNamHash;
static QMap< QThread*, NetworkProxyFactory* > s_threadProxyFactoryHash;
static QMutex s_namAccessMutex;
proxyFactory( bool noMutexLocker )
if ( !s_proxyFactory )
s_proxyFactory = new NetworkProxyFactory();
// Don't lock if being called from nam()
QMutexLocker locker( noMutexLocker ? new QMutex() : &s_namAccessMutex );
if ( s_threadProxyFactoryHash.contains( QThread::currentThread() ) )
return s_threadProxyFactoryHash[ QThread::currentThread() ];
return s_proxyFactory;
if ( !s_threadProxyFactoryHash.contains( TOMAHAWK_APPLICATION::instance()->thread() ) )
return 0;
// create a new proxy factory for this thread
TomahawkUtils::NetworkProxyFactory *mainProxyFactory = s_threadProxyFactoryHash[ TOMAHAWK_APPLICATION::instance()->thread() ];
TomahawkUtils::NetworkProxyFactory *newProxyFactory = new TomahawkUtils::NetworkProxyFactory();
newProxyFactory->setNoProxyHosts( mainProxyFactory->noProxyHosts() );
newProxyFactory->setProxy( QNetworkProxy ( mainProxyFactory->proxy() ) );
s_threadProxyFactoryHash[ QThread::currentThread() ] = newProxyFactory;
if ( s_threadNamHash.contains( QThread::currentThread() ) )
s_threadNamHash[ QThread::currentThread() ]->setProxyFactory( newProxyFactory );
return newProxyFactory;
@ -536,27 +566,65 @@ void
setProxyFactory( NetworkProxyFactory* factory )
Q_ASSERT( factory );
s_proxyFactory = factory;
NetworkProxyFactory::setApplicationProxyFactory( s_proxyFactory );
//nam takes ownership so set a copy, not the global one
if ( !s_nam.isNull() )
QMutexLocker locker( &s_namAccessMutex );
if ( !s_threadProxyFactoryHash.contains( TOMAHAWK_APPLICATION::instance()->thread() ) )
if ( QThread::currentThread() == TOMAHAWK_APPLICATION::instance()->thread() )
TomahawkUtils::NetworkProxyFactory* newProxyFactory = new TomahawkUtils::NetworkProxyFactory();
newProxyFactory->setNoProxyHosts( factory->noProxyHosts() );
QNetworkProxy newProxy( factory->proxy() );
newProxyFactory->setProxy( newProxy );
s_nam.data()->setProxyFactory( newProxyFactory );
// If setting new values on the main thread, clear the other entries
// so that on next access new ones will be created with new proper values
NetworkProxyFactory::setApplicationProxyFactory( factory );
// Yes, we really do need to create a new one, or we will crash when we set the factory
// in the QNAM, because it deletes the old one -- and guess what happens when the old one is
// the same as the new one?
TomahawkUtils::NetworkProxyFactory *mainProxyFactory = factory;
TomahawkUtils::NetworkProxyFactory *newProxyFactory = new TomahawkUtils::NetworkProxyFactory();
newProxyFactory->setNoProxyHosts( mainProxyFactory->noProxyHosts() );
newProxyFactory->setProxy( QNetworkProxy ( mainProxyFactory->proxy() ) );
s_threadProxyFactoryHash[ QThread::currentThread() ] = newProxyFactory;
if ( s_threadNamHash.contains( QThread::currentThread() ) )
s_threadNamHash[ QThread::currentThread() ]->setProxyFactory( newProxyFactory );
if ( s_nam.isNull() )
QMutexLocker locker( &s_namAccessMutex );
if ( s_threadNamHash.contains( QThread::currentThread() ) )
// Ensure the proxy values are up to date
Q_UNUSED( proxyFactory( true ) );
return s_threadNamHash[ QThread::currentThread() ];
if ( !s_threadNamHash.contains( TOMAHAWK_APPLICATION::instance()->thread() ) )
return 0;
return s_nam.data();
// Create a nam for this thread based on the main thread's settings but with its own proxyfactory
QNetworkAccessManager *mainNam = s_threadNamHash[ TOMAHAWK_APPLICATION::instance()->thread() ];
QNetworkAccessManager* newNam;
newNam = lastfm::nam();
newNam = new QNetworkAccessManager();
newNam->setConfiguration( QNetworkConfiguration( mainNam->configuration() ) );
newNam->setNetworkAccessible( mainNam->networkAccessible() );
s_threadNamHash[ QThread::currentThread() ] = newNam;
//get the proxy info, must be done *after* setting the new thread in the hash
Q_UNUSED( proxyFactory( true ) );
return newNam;
@ -564,7 +632,39 @@ void
setNam( QNetworkAccessManager* nam )
Q_ASSERT( nam );
s_nam = QWeakPointer< QNetworkAccessManager >( nam );
QMutexLocker locker( &s_namAccessMutex );
if ( !s_threadNamHash.contains( TOMAHAWK_APPLICATION::instance()->thread() ) &&
QThread::currentThread() == TOMAHAWK_APPLICATION::instance()->thread() )
// Should only get here on first initialization of the nam
TomahawkSettings *s = TomahawkSettings::instance();
TomahawkUtils::NetworkProxyFactory* proxyFactory = new TomahawkUtils::NetworkProxyFactory();
if ( s->proxyType() != QNetworkProxy::NoProxy && !s->proxyHost().isEmpty() )
tDebug( LOGEXTRA ) << "Setting proxy to saved values";
QNetworkProxy proxy( static_cast<QNetworkProxy::ProxyType>( s->proxyType() ), s->proxyHost(), s->proxyPort(), s->proxyUsername(), s->proxyPassword() );
proxyFactory->setProxy( proxy );
//TODO: On Windows and Mac because liblastfm sets an application level proxy it may override our factory, so may need to explicitly do
//a QNetworkProxy::setApplicationProxy with our own proxy (but then also overriding our own factory :-( )
if ( !s->proxyNoProxyHosts().isEmpty() )
proxyFactory->setNoProxyHosts( s->proxyNoProxyHosts().split( ',', QString::SkipEmptyParts ) );
nam->setProxyFactory( proxyFactory );
s_threadNamHash[ QThread::currentThread() ] = nam;
s_threadProxyFactoryHash[ QThread::currentThread() ] = proxyFactory;
NetworkProxyFactory::setApplicationProxyFactory( proxyFactory );
if ( QThread::currentThread() == TOMAHAWK_APPLICATION::instance()->thread() )
// If setting new values on the main thread, clear the other entries
// so that on next access new ones will be created with new proper values
s_threadNamHash[ QThread::currentThread() ] = nam;
@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ namespace TomahawkUtils
: m_proxy( QNetworkProxy::NoProxy )
NetworkProxyFactory( const NetworkProxyFactory &other );
virtual ~NetworkProxyFactory() {}
virtual QList< QNetworkProxy > queryProxy( const QNetworkProxyQuery & query = QNetworkProxyQuery() );
@ -92,7 +93,7 @@ namespace TomahawkUtils
DLLEXPORT void unmarginLayout( QLayout* layout );
DLLEXPORT NetworkProxyFactory* proxyFactory();
DLLEXPORT NetworkProxyFactory* proxyFactory( bool noMutexLocker = false );
DLLEXPORT QNetworkAccessManager* nam();
DLLEXPORT void setProxyFactory( TomahawkUtils::NetworkProxyFactory* factory );
@ -146,7 +146,7 @@
<item row="5" column="1">
<widget class="QLineEdit" name="noHostLineEdit">
<property name="placeholderText">
<string>localhost, *.example.com</string>
<string>localhost *.example.com (space separated)</string>
@ -892,9 +892,14 @@ ProxyDialog::saveSettings()
TomahawkUtils::NetworkProxyFactory* proxyFactory = new TomahawkUtils::NetworkProxyFactory();
tDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Got proxyFactory: " << proxyFactory;
QNetworkProxy proxy( static_cast<QNetworkProxy::ProxyType>(s->proxyType()), s->proxyHost(), s->proxyPort(), s->proxyUsername(), s->proxyPassword() );
proxyFactory->setProxy( proxy );
if ( !ui->noHostLineEdit->text().isEmpty() )
proxyFactory->setNoProxyHosts( ui->noHostLineEdit->text().split( ',', QString::SkipEmptyParts ) );
tDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "hosts line edit is " << ui->noHostLineEdit->text();
tDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "split hosts line edit is " << ui->noHostLineEdit->text().split( ' ', QString::SkipEmptyParts );
proxyFactory->setNoProxyHosts( ui->noHostLineEdit->text().split( ' ', QString::SkipEmptyParts ) );
TomahawkUtils::setProxyFactory( proxyFactory );
@ -19,8 +19,6 @@
#include "tomahawkapp.h"
#include "config.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <QPluginLoader>
@ -170,21 +168,6 @@ TomahawkApp::init()
lastfm::setNetworkAccessManager( TomahawkUtils::nam() );
TomahawkUtils::NetworkProxyFactory* proxyFactory = new TomahawkUtils::NetworkProxyFactory();
if ( s->proxyType() != QNetworkProxy::NoProxy && !s->proxyHost().isEmpty() )
tDebug( LOGEXTRA ) << "Setting proxy to saved values";
QNetworkProxy proxy( static_cast<QNetworkProxy::ProxyType>( s->proxyType() ), s->proxyHost(), s->proxyPort(), s->proxyUsername(), s->proxyPassword() );
proxyFactory->setProxy( proxy );
//TODO: On Windows and Mac because liblastfm sets an application level proxy it may override our factory, so may need to explicitly do
//a QNetworkProxy::setApplicationProxy with our own proxy (but then also overriding our own factory :-( )
if ( !s->proxyNoProxyHosts().isEmpty() )
proxyFactory->setNoProxyHosts( s->proxyNoProxyHosts().split( ',', QString::SkipEmptyParts ) );
TomahawkUtils::setProxyFactory( proxyFactory );
m_audioEngine = QWeakPointer<AudioEngine>( new AudioEngine );
m_scanManager = QWeakPointer<ScanManager>( new ScanManager( this ) );
new Pipeline( this );
Reference in New Issue
Block a user