mirror of https://github.com/tomahawk-player/tomahawk.git synced 2025-03-19 23:39:42 +01:00

Style fixes

This commit is contained in:
Uwe L. Korn 2014-08-22 18:48:46 +01:00
parent c21bd5a9db
commit 85aed2e0fb

View File

@ -218,6 +218,8 @@ ConnectionManager::newControlConnection( const Tomahawk::peerinfo_ptr& peerInfo
ConnectionManager::connectToPeer( const Tomahawk::peerinfo_ptr& peerInfo, bool lock )
Q_D( ConnectionManager );
// Lock, so that we will not attempt to do two parallell connects.
if ( lock )
@ -225,14 +227,14 @@ ConnectionManager::connectToPeer( const Tomahawk::peerinfo_ptr& peerInfo, bool l
// Check that we are not already connected to this peer
ControlConnection* cconn = Servent::instance()->lookupControlConnection( peerInfo->nodeId() );
if ( cconn != NULL || !d_func()->controlConnection.isNull() )
if ( cconn != NULL || !d->controlConnection.isNull() )
// We are already connected to this peer, so just add some more details.
peerInfoDebug( peerInfo ) << "Existing connection found, not connecting.";
if ( cconn != NULL )
cconn->addPeerInfo( peerInfo );
d_func()->controlConnection = QPointer<ControlConnection>( cconn );
d->controlConnection = QPointer<ControlConnection>( cconn );
@ -241,7 +243,7 @@ ConnectionManager::connectToPeer( const Tomahawk::peerinfo_ptr& peerInfo, bool l
// If we are not connected, try to connect
d_func()->currentPeerInfo = peerInfo;
d->currentPeerInfo = peerInfo;
peerInfoDebug( peerInfo ) << "No existing connection found, trying to connect.";
// Sort SipInfos
QList< SipInfo > anyOther;
@ -291,20 +293,20 @@ ConnectionManager::connectToPeer( const Tomahawk::peerinfo_ptr& peerInfo, bool l
if ( Servent::instance()->ipv6ConnectivityLikely() && !publicIPv6.isEmpty() )
// Prefer IPv6 over IPv4
d_func()->sipCandidates.append( anyOther );
d_func()->sipCandidates.append( publicIPv6 );
d_func()->sipCandidates.append( publicIPv4 );
d_func()->sipCandidates.append( privateIPv6 );
d_func()->sipCandidates.append( privateIPv4 );
d->sipCandidates.append( anyOther );
d->sipCandidates.append( publicIPv6 );
d->sipCandidates.append( publicIPv4 );
d->sipCandidates.append( privateIPv6 );
d->sipCandidates.append( privateIPv4 );
// First try all IPv4 before trying IPv6
d_func()->sipCandidates.append( anyOther );
d_func()->sipCandidates.append( publicIPv4 );
d_func()->sipCandidates.append( privateIPv4 );
d_func()->sipCandidates.append( publicIPv6 );
d_func()->sipCandidates.append( privateIPv6 );
d->sipCandidates.append( anyOther );
d->sipCandidates.append( publicIPv4 );
d->sipCandidates.append( privateIPv4 );
d->sipCandidates.append( publicIPv6 );
d->sipCandidates.append( privateIPv6 );
newControlConnection( peerInfo );
@ -315,31 +317,39 @@ ConnectionManager::connectToPeer( const Tomahawk::peerinfo_ptr& peerInfo, bool l
// ATTENTION: mutex should be already locked by the calling function.
Q_ASSERT( !d_func()->controlConnection.isNull() );
Q_D( ConnectionManager );
if ( d_func()->sipCandidates.isEmpty() )
// ATTENTION: mutex should be already locked by the calling function.
Q_ASSERT( !d->controlConnection.isNull() );
if ( d->sipCandidates.isEmpty() )
// No more possibilities to connect.
peerInfoDebug( d_func()->currentPeerInfo ) << Q_FUNC_INFO << "No more possible SIP endpoints for " << d_func()->controlConnection->name() << " skipping.";
peerInfoDebug( d->currentPeerInfo ) << Q_FUNC_INFO
<< "No more possible SIP endpoints for "
<< d->controlConnection->name()
<< " skipping.";
// Clean up.
delete d_func()->controlConnection.data();
delete d->controlConnection.data();
// Use first available SIP endpoint and remove it from the list
SipInfo info = d_func()->sipCandidates.takeFirst();
SipInfo info = d->sipCandidates.takeFirst();
if ( !info.isVisible() )
peerInfoDebug( d_func()->currentPeerInfo ) << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Try next SipInfo, we can't connect to this one";
peerInfoDebug( d->currentPeerInfo ) << Q_FUNC_INFO
<< "Try next SipInfo, we can't connect to this one";
peerInfoDebug( d_func()->currentPeerInfo ) << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Connecting to " << info.host() << ":" << info.port();
peerInfoDebug( d->currentPeerInfo ) << Q_FUNC_INFO
<< "Connecting to " << info.host()
<< ":" << info.port();
Q_ASSERT( info.port() > 0 );
// Check that we are not connecting to ourselves
@ -347,31 +357,40 @@ ConnectionManager::tryConnect()
if ( info.host() == ha.toString() && info.port() == Servent::instance()->port() )
peerInfoDebug( d_func()->currentPeerInfo ) << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Tomahawk won't try to connect to" << info.host() << ":" << info.port() << ": same ip:port as ourselves.";
peerInfoDebug( d->currentPeerInfo ) << Q_FUNC_INFO
<< "Tomahawk won't try to connect to"
<< info.host() << ":" << info.port()
<< ": same ip:port as ourselves.";
if ( info.host() == Servent::instance()->additionalAddress() && info.port() == Servent::instance()->additionalPort() )
if ( info.host() == Servent::instance()->additionalAddress()
&& info.port() == Servent::instance()->additionalPort() )
peerInfoDebug( d_func()->currentPeerInfo ) << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Tomahawk won't try to connect to" << info.host() << ":" << info.port() << ": same ip:port as ourselves.";
peerInfoDebug( d->currentPeerInfo ) << Q_FUNC_INFO
<< "Tomahawk won't try to connect to"
<< info.host() << ":" << info.port()
<< ": same ip:port as ourselves.";
// We should have already setup a first message in connectToPeer
Q_ASSERT( !d_func()->controlConnection->firstMessage().isNull() );
Q_ASSERT( d->controlConnection->firstMessage() );
QTcpSocketExtra* sock = new QTcpSocketExtra();
sock->setConnectTimeout( CONNECT_TIMEOUT );
sock->_disowned = false;
sock->_conn = d_func()->controlConnection.data();
sock->_conn = d->controlConnection.data();
sock->_outbound = true;
connect( sock, SIGNAL( connected() ), this, SLOT( socketConnected() ) );
connect( sock, SIGNAL( error( QAbstractSocket::SocketError ) ), this, SLOT( socketError( QAbstractSocket::SocketError ) ) );
peerInfoDebug( d_func()->currentPeerInfo ) << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Connecting socket to " << info.host() << ":" << info.port();
peerInfoDebug( d->currentPeerInfo ) << Q_FUNC_INFO
<< "Connecting socket to "
<< info.host() << ":" << info.port();
sock->connectToHost( info.host(), info.port(), QTcpSocket::ReadWrite );
sock->moveToThread( Servent::instance()->thread() );
@ -380,11 +399,16 @@ ConnectionManager::tryConnect()
ConnectionManager::socketError( QAbstractSocket::SocketError error )
Q_D( ConnectionManager );
Q_UNUSED( error );
Q_ASSERT( !d_func()->controlConnection.isNull() );
Q_ASSERT( d->controlConnection );
QTcpSocketExtra* sock = (QTcpSocketExtra*)sender();
peerInfoDebug( d_func()->currentPeerInfo ) << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Connecting to " << sock->peerAddress().toString() << " failed: " << sock->errorString();
peerInfoDebug( d->currentPeerInfo ) << Q_FUNC_INFO
<< "Connecting to "
<< sock->peerAddress().toString()
<< " failed: " << sock->errorString();
// Try to connect with the next available SipInfo.
@ -402,16 +426,20 @@ ConnectionManager::handleSipInfoPrivateS( const Tomahawk::peerinfo_ptr& peerInfo
setActive( true, d_func()->nodeid, weakRef().toStrongRef() );
Q_D( ConnectionManager );
setActive( true, d->nodeid, weakRef().toStrongRef() );
Q_D( ConnectionManager );
QSharedPointer<ConnectionManager> strongRef = weakRef().toStrongRef();
setActive( false, d_func()->nodeid, strongRef );
setActive( false, d->nodeid, strongRef );
@ -422,7 +450,10 @@ ConnectionManager::socketConnected()
Q_D( ConnectionManager );
QTcpSocketExtra* sock = (QTcpSocketExtra*)sender();
peerInfoDebug( d->currentPeerInfo ) << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Connected to hostaddr: " << sock->peerAddress() << ", hostname:" << sock->peerName();
peerInfoDebug( d->currentPeerInfo ) << Q_FUNC_INFO
<< "Connected to hostaddr: "
<< sock->peerAddress()
<< ", hostname:" << sock->peerName();
Q_ASSERT( !sock->_conn.isNull() );
@ -438,19 +469,21 @@ ConnectionManager::socketConnected()
ConnectionManager::handoverSocket( QTcpSocketExtra* sock )
Q_ASSERT( !d_func()->controlConnection.isNull() );
Q_D( ConnectionManager );
Q_ASSERT( d->controlConnection );
Q_ASSERT( sock );
Q_ASSERT( d_func()->controlConnection->socket().isNull() );
Q_ASSERT( d->controlConnection->socket().isNull() );
Q_ASSERT( sock->isValid() );
disconnect( sock, SIGNAL( disconnected() ), sock, SLOT( deleteLater() ) );
disconnect( sock, SIGNAL( error( QAbstractSocket::SocketError ) ), this, SLOT( socketError( QAbstractSocket::SocketError ) ) );
sock->_disowned = true;
d_func()->controlConnection->setOutbound( sock->_outbound );
d_func()->controlConnection->setPeerPort( sock->peerPort() );
d->controlConnection->setOutbound( sock->_outbound );
d->controlConnection->setPeerPort( sock->peerPort() );
QMetaObject::invokeMethod( d_func()->controlConnection, "start", Qt::QueuedConnection, Q_ARG( QTcpSocket*, sock ) );
QMetaObject::invokeMethod( d->controlConnection, "start", Qt::QueuedConnection, Q_ARG( QTcpSocket*, sock ) );
// ControlConntection is now connected, now it can be destroyed if the PeerInfos disappear
d_func()->controlConnection->setShutdownOnEmptyPeerInfos( true );
d->controlConnection->setShutdownOnEmptyPeerInfos( true );