mirror of https://github.com/tomahawk-player/tomahawk.git synced 2025-03-20 07:49:42 +01:00

Don't do more work than we need to. Use track ids as unique catalog itemids

This commit is contained in:
Leo Franchi 2011-09-30 23:54:18 -04:00
parent 8f181bc4a0
commit a40253da26
2 changed files with 23 additions and 43 deletions

View File

@ -28,8 +28,6 @@
#include <echonest/CatalogUpdateEntry.h>
#include <echonest/Config.h>
#include "database/databasecommand_settrackattributes.h"
#include "database/databasecommand_trackattributes.h"
using namespace Tomahawk;
@ -48,20 +46,21 @@ EchonestCatalogSynchronizer::EchonestCatalogSynchronizer( QObject *parent )
const QByteArray artist = TomahawkSettings::instance()->value( "collection/artistCatalog" ).toByteArray();
const QByteArray song = TomahawkSettings::instance()->value( "collection/songCatalog" ).toByteArray();
if ( !artist.isEmpty() )
m_artistCatalog.setId( artist );
if ( !song.isEmpty() )
m_songCatalog.setId( song );
// Sanity check
if ( !m_songCatalog.id().isEmpty() && !m_syncing )
if ( !song.isEmpty() && !m_syncing )
// Not syncing but have a catalog id... lets fix this
QNetworkReply* r = m_songCatalog.deleteCatalog();
connect( r, SIGNAL( finished() ), this, SLOT( catalogDeleted() ) );
r->setProperty( "type", "song" );
if ( !m_artistCatalog.id().isEmpty() && !m_syncing )
if ( !artist.isEmpty() && !m_syncing )
QNetworkReply* r = m_artistCatalog.deleteCatalog();
connect( r, SIGNAL( finished() ), this, SLOT( catalogDeleted() ) );
@ -82,6 +81,7 @@ EchonestCatalogSynchronizer::checkSettingsChanged()
} else if ( !TomahawkSettings::instance()->enableEchonestCatalogs() && m_syncing )
tDebug() << "FOund echonest change, doing catalog deletes!";
// delete all track nums and catalog ids from our peers
DatabaseCommand_SetTrackAttributes* cmd = new DatabaseCommand_SetTrackAttributes( DatabaseCommand_SetTrackAttributes::EchonestCatalogId );
@ -212,17 +212,14 @@ EchonestCatalogSynchronizer::rawTracksAdd( const QList< QStringList >& tracks )
tDebug() << "Enqueueing a batch of tracks to upload to echonest catalog:" << cur - prev;
Echonest::CatalogUpdateEntries entries;
QList< QPair< QID, QString > > inserted;
for ( int i = prev; i < cur; i++ )
if ( tracks[i][1].isEmpty() || tracks[i][2].isEmpty() )
entries.append( entryFromTrack( tracks[i], Echonest::CatalogTypes::Update ) );
inserted << QPair< QID, QString >( tracks[i][0], entries.last().itemId() );
tDebug() << "Done queuing:" << entries.size() << "tracks";
m_queuedUpdates.enqueue( entries );
m_queuedTrackInfo.enqueue( inserted );
@ -249,10 +246,10 @@ EchonestCatalogSynchronizer::entryFromTrack( const QStringList& track, Echonest:
//qDebug() << "UPLOADING:" << track[0] << track[1] << track[2];
Echonest::CatalogUpdateEntry entry;
entry.setAction( action );
entry.setItemId(track[ 0 ].toLatin1() ); // track dbid
entry.setSongName( escape( track[ 1 ] ) );
entry.setArtistName( escape( track[ 2 ] ) );
entry.setRelease( escape( track[ 3 ] ) );
entry.setItemId( uuid().toUtf8() );
return entry;
@ -264,14 +261,6 @@ EchonestCatalogSynchronizer::songUpdateFinished()
QNetworkReply* r = qobject_cast< QNetworkReply* >( sender() );
Q_ASSERT( r );
QList< QPair< QID, QString > > ids = m_queuedTrackInfo.dequeue();
if ( r->error() == QNetworkReply::NoError )
// Save the ids of each track in the echonest catalog to our db, so we can keep track of them
DatabaseCommand_SetTrackAttributes* cmd = new DatabaseCommand_SetTrackAttributes( DatabaseCommand_SetTrackAttributes::EchonestCatalogId, ids );
Database::instance()->enqueue( QSharedPointer< DatabaseCommand >( cmd ) );
QByteArray ticket = m_songCatalog.parseTicket( r );
@ -333,39 +322,33 @@ EchonestCatalogSynchronizer::tracksRemoved( const QList< query_ptr >& tracks )
if ( !m_syncing || m_songCatalog.id().isEmpty() || tracks.isEmpty() )
// get the catalog ids, if they exist, otherwise we can't do anything with them.
QList< QID > qids;
Echonest::CatalogUpdateEntries entries;
entries.reserve( tracks.size() );
foreach ( const query_ptr& q, tracks )
qids << q->id();
QByteArray itemId;
if ( q->results().size() > 0 )
// Should always be the case, should have the local result from the db that we are deleting!
itemId = QString::number( q->results().first()->dbid() ).toLatin1();
tLog() << "Got deleted query_ptr with no local result! Wtf!" << q->track() << q->artist() << q->results();
DatabaseCommand_TrackAttributes* cmd = new DatabaseCommand_TrackAttributes( DatabaseCommand_SetTrackAttributes::EchonestCatalogId, qids );
connect( cmd, SIGNAL( trackAttributes( PairList ) ), this, SLOT( trackAttributes( PairList ) ) );
Database::instance()->enqueue( QSharedPointer< DatabaseCommand >( cmd ) );
EchonestCatalogSynchronizer::trackAttributes( PairList attributes )
// QString actionStr = cmd->property( "action" ).toString();
Echonest::CatalogTypes::Action action;
// if ( actionStr == "delete" )
action = Echonest::CatalogTypes::Delete;
Echonest::CatalogUpdateEntries entries( attributes.size() );
QPair< QID, QString > track;
foreach ( track, attributes )
Echonest::CatalogUpdateEntry e( action );
e.setItemId( track.second.toUtf8() );
tDebug() << "Deleting item with id:" << itemId;
Echonest::CatalogUpdateEntry e( Echonest::CatalogTypes::Delete );
e.setItemId( itemId );
entries.append( e );
m_songCatalog.update( entries );
EchonestCatalogSynchronizer::escape( const QString &in ) const

View File

@ -66,8 +66,6 @@ private slots:
void checkTicket();
void rawTracksAdd( const QList< QStringList >& tracks );
void trackAttributes( PairList );
void uploadDb();
QByteArray escape( const QString& in ) const;
@ -81,7 +79,6 @@ private:
Echonest::Catalog m_artistCatalog;
QQueue< Echonest::CatalogUpdateEntries > m_queuedUpdates;
QQueue< QList< QPair< QID, QString > > > m_queuedTrackInfo;
static EchonestCatalogSynchronizer* s_instance;