mirror of
synced 2025-03-20 15:59:42 +01:00
autogenerate dbus adaptors for mpris
This commit is contained in:
@ -18,12 +18,16 @@ if(NOT Qt5Core_DIR)
qt4_add_dbus_adaptor(mpris_srcs mpris/MprisPluginRootAdaptor.xml
mpris/MprisPlugin.h Tomahawk::InfoSystem::MprisPlugin MprisPluginRootAdaptor MprisPluginRootAdaptor)
qt4_add_dbus_adaptor(mpris_srcs mpris/MprisPluginPlayerAdaptor.xml
mpris/MprisPlugin.h Tomahawk::InfoSystem::MprisPlugin MprisPluginPlayerAdaptor MprisPluginPlayerAdaptor)
SOURCES "${mpris_srcs}"
@ -1,205 +0,0 @@
* This file was generated by qdbusxml2cpp version 0.7
* Command line was: qdbusxml2cpp -a mprispluginplayeradaptor -c MprisPluginPlayerAdaptor MprisPluginPlayerAdaptor.xml
* qdbusxml2cpp is Copyright (C) 2011 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* This is an auto-generated file.
* Do not edit! All changes made to it will be lost.
#include "MprisPluginPlayerAdaptor.h"
#include <QtCore/QMetaObject>
#include <QtCore/QByteArray>
#include <QtCore/QList>
#include <QtCore/QMap>
#include <QtCore/QString>
#include <QtCore/QStringList>
#include <QtCore/QVariant>
* Implementation of adaptor class MprisPluginPlayerAdaptor
MprisPluginPlayerAdaptor::MprisPluginPlayerAdaptor(QObject *parent)
: QDBusAbstractAdaptor(parent)
// constructor
// destructor
bool MprisPluginPlayerAdaptor::canControl() const
// get the value of property CanControl
return qvariant_cast< bool >(parent()->property("CanControl"));
bool MprisPluginPlayerAdaptor::canGoNext() const
// get the value of property CanGoNext
return qvariant_cast< bool >(parent()->property("CanGoNext"));
bool MprisPluginPlayerAdaptor::canGoPrevious() const
// get the value of property CanGoPrevious
return qvariant_cast< bool >(parent()->property("CanGoPrevious"));
bool MprisPluginPlayerAdaptor::canPause() const
// get the value of property CanPause
return qvariant_cast< bool >(parent()->property("CanPause"));
bool MprisPluginPlayerAdaptor::canPlay() const
// get the value of property CanPlay
return qvariant_cast< bool >(parent()->property("CanPlay"));
bool MprisPluginPlayerAdaptor::canSeek() const
// get the value of property CanSeek
return qvariant_cast< bool >(parent()->property("CanSeek"));
QString MprisPluginPlayerAdaptor::loopStatus() const
// get the value of property LoopStatus
return qvariant_cast< QString >(parent()->property("LoopStatus"));
void MprisPluginPlayerAdaptor::setLoopStatus(const QString &value)
// set the value of property LoopStatus
parent()->setProperty("LoopStatus", qVariantFromValue(value));
double MprisPluginPlayerAdaptor::maximumRate() const
// get the value of property MaximumRate
return qvariant_cast< double >(parent()->property("MaximumRate"));
QVariantMap MprisPluginPlayerAdaptor::metadata() const
// get the value of property Metadata
return qvariant_cast< QVariantMap >(parent()->property("Metadata"));
double MprisPluginPlayerAdaptor::minimumRate() const
// get the value of property MinimumRate
return qvariant_cast< double >(parent()->property("MinimumRate"));
QString MprisPluginPlayerAdaptor::playbackStatus() const
// get the value of property PlaybackStatus
return qvariant_cast< QString >(parent()->property("PlaybackStatus"));
qlonglong MprisPluginPlayerAdaptor::position() const
// get the value of property Position
return qvariant_cast< qlonglong >(parent()->property("Position"));
double MprisPluginPlayerAdaptor::rate() const
// get the value of property Rate
return qvariant_cast< double >(parent()->property("Rate"));
void MprisPluginPlayerAdaptor::setRate(double value)
// set the value of property Rate
parent()->setProperty("Rate", qVariantFromValue(value));
bool MprisPluginPlayerAdaptor::shuffle() const
// get the value of property Shuffle
return qvariant_cast< bool >(parent()->property("Shuffle"));
void MprisPluginPlayerAdaptor::setShuffle(bool value)
// set the value of property Shuffle
parent()->setProperty("Shuffle", qVariantFromValue(value));
double MprisPluginPlayerAdaptor::volume() const
// get the value of property Volume
return qvariant_cast< double >(parent()->property("Volume"));
void MprisPluginPlayerAdaptor::setVolume(double value)
// set the value of property Volume
parent()->setProperty("Volume", qVariantFromValue(value));
void MprisPluginPlayerAdaptor::Next()
// handle method call org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player.Next
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(parent(), "Next");
void MprisPluginPlayerAdaptor::OpenUri(const QString &Uri)
// handle method call org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player.OpenUri
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(parent(), "OpenUri", Q_ARG(QString, Uri));
void MprisPluginPlayerAdaptor::Pause()
// handle method call org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player.Pause
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(parent(), "Pause");
void MprisPluginPlayerAdaptor::Play()
// handle method call org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player.Play
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(parent(), "Play");
void MprisPluginPlayerAdaptor::PlayPause()
// handle method call org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player.PlayPause
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(parent(), "PlayPause");
void MprisPluginPlayerAdaptor::Previous()
// handle method call org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player.Previous
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(parent(), "Previous");
void MprisPluginPlayerAdaptor::Seek(qlonglong Offset)
qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO;
// handle method call org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player.Seek
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(parent(), "Seek", Q_ARG(qlonglong, Offset));
void MprisPluginPlayerAdaptor::SetPosition(const QDBusObjectPath &TrackId, qlonglong Position)
qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO;
// handle method call org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player.SetPosition
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(parent(), "SetPosition", Q_ARG(QDBusObjectPath, TrackId), Q_ARG(qlonglong, Position));
void MprisPluginPlayerAdaptor::Stop()
// handle method call org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player.Stop
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(parent(), "Stop");
@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
* This file was generated by qdbusxml2cpp version 0.7
* Command line was: qdbusxml2cpp -a mprispluginplayeradaptor -c MprisPluginPlayerAdaptor MprisPluginPlayerAdaptor.xml
* qdbusxml2cpp is Copyright (C) 2011 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* This is an auto-generated file.
* This file may have been hand-edited. Look for HAND-EDIT comments
* before re-generating it.
#include <QtCore/QObject>
#include <QtDBus/QtDBus>
class QByteArray;
template<class T> class QList;
template<class Key, class Value> class QMap;
class QString;
class QStringList;
class QVariant;
* Adaptor class for interface org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player
class MprisPluginPlayerAdaptor: public QDBusAbstractAdaptor
Q_CLASSINFO("D-Bus Interface", "org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player")
Q_CLASSINFO("D-Bus Introspection", ""
" <interface name=\"org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player\">\n"
" <method name=\"Next\"/>\n"
" <method name=\"Previous\"/>\n"
" <method name=\"Pause\"/>\n"
" <method name=\"PlayPause\"/>\n"
" <method name=\"Stop\"/>\n"
" <method name=\"Play\"/>\n"
" <method name=\"Seek\">\n"
" <arg direction=\"in\" type=\"x\" name=\"Offset\"/>\n"
" </method>\n"
" <method name=\"SetPosition\">\n"
" <arg direction=\"in\" type=\"o\" name=\"TrackId\"/>\n"
" <arg direction=\"in\" type=\"x\" name=\"Position\"/>\n"
" </method>\n"
" <method name=\"OpenUri\">\n"
" <arg direction=\"in\" type=\"s\" name=\"Uri\"/>\n"
" </method>\n"
" <signal name=\"Seeked\">\n"
" <arg direction=\"out\" type=\"x\" name=\"Position\"/>\n"
" </signal>\n"
" <property access=\"read\" type=\"s\" name=\"PlaybackStatus\"/>\n"
" <property access=\"readwrite\" type=\"s\" name=\"LoopStatus\"/>\n"
" <property access=\"readwrite\" type=\"d\" name=\"Rate\"/>\n"
" <property access=\"readwrite\" type=\"b\" name=\"Shuffle\"/>\n"
" <property access=\"read\" type=\"a{sv}\" name=\"Metadata\">\n"
" <annotation value=\"QVariantMap\" name=\"com.trolltech.QtDBus.QtTypeName\"/>\n"
" </property>\n"
" <property access=\"readwrite\" type=\"d\" name=\"Volume\"/>\n"
" <property access=\"read\" type=\"x\" name=\"Position\"/>\n"
" <property access=\"read\" type=\"d\" name=\"MinimumRate\"/>\n"
" <property access=\"read\" type=\"d\" name=\"MaximumRate\"/>\n"
" <property access=\"read\" type=\"b\" name=\"CanGoNext\"/>\n"
" <property access=\"read\" type=\"b\" name=\"CanGoPrevious\"/>\n"
" <property access=\"read\" type=\"b\" name=\"CanPlay\"/>\n"
" <property access=\"read\" type=\"b\" name=\"CanPause\"/>\n"
" <property access=\"read\" type=\"b\" name=\"CanSeek\"/>\n"
" <property access=\"read\" type=\"b\" name=\"CanControl\"/>\n"
" </interface>\n"
MprisPluginPlayerAdaptor(QObject *parent);
virtual ~MprisPluginPlayerAdaptor();
public: // PROPERTIES
Q_PROPERTY(bool CanControl READ canControl)
bool canControl() const;
Q_PROPERTY(bool CanGoNext READ canGoNext)
bool canGoNext() const;
Q_PROPERTY(bool CanGoPrevious READ canGoPrevious)
bool canGoPrevious() const;
Q_PROPERTY(bool CanPause READ canPause)
bool canPause() const;
Q_PROPERTY(bool CanPlay READ canPlay)
bool canPlay() const;
Q_PROPERTY(bool CanSeek READ canSeek)
bool canSeek() const;
Q_PROPERTY(QString LoopStatus READ loopStatus WRITE setLoopStatus)
QString loopStatus() const;
void setLoopStatus(const QString &value);
Q_PROPERTY(double MaximumRate READ maximumRate)
double maximumRate() const;
Q_PROPERTY(QVariantMap Metadata READ metadata)
QVariantMap metadata() const;
Q_PROPERTY(double MinimumRate READ minimumRate)
double minimumRate() const;
Q_PROPERTY(QString PlaybackStatus READ playbackStatus)
QString playbackStatus() const;
Q_PROPERTY(qlonglong Position READ position)
qlonglong position() const;
Q_PROPERTY(double Rate READ rate WRITE setRate)
double rate() const;
void setRate(double value);
Q_PROPERTY(bool Shuffle READ shuffle WRITE setShuffle)
bool shuffle() const;
void setShuffle(bool value);
Q_PROPERTY(double Volume READ volume WRITE setVolume)
double volume() const;
void setVolume(double value);
public Q_SLOTS: // METHODS
void Next();
void OpenUri(const QString &Uri);
void Pause();
void Play();
void PlayPause();
void Previous();
void Seek(qlonglong Offset);
void SetPosition(const QDBusObjectPath &TrackId, qlonglong Position);
void Stop();
void Seeked(qlonglong Position);
@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
* This file was generated by qdbusxml2cpp version 0.7
* Command line was: qdbusxml2cpp -a mprispluginrootadaptor -c MprisPluginRootAdaptor MprisPluginRootAdaptor.xml
* qdbusxml2cpp is Copyright (C) 2011 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* This is an auto-generated file.
* Do not edit! All changes made to it will be lost.
#include "MprisPluginRootAdaptor.h"
#include <QtCore/QMetaObject>
#include <QtCore/QByteArray>
#include <QtCore/QList>
#include <QtCore/QMap>
#include <QtCore/QString>
#include <QtCore/QStringList>
#include <QtCore/QVariant>
* Implementation of adaptor class MprisPluginRootAdaptor
MprisPluginRootAdaptor::MprisPluginRootAdaptor(QObject *parent)
: QDBusAbstractAdaptor(parent)
// constructor
// destructor
bool MprisPluginRootAdaptor::canQuit() const
// get the value of property CanQuit
return qvariant_cast< bool >(parent()->property("CanQuit"));
bool MprisPluginRootAdaptor::canRaise() const
qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO;
// get the value of property CanRaise
bool ret = qvariant_cast< bool >(parent()->property("CanRaise"));
qDebug() << "ret: " << ret;
return ret;
QString MprisPluginRootAdaptor::desktopEntry() const
// get the value of property DesktopEntry
return qvariant_cast< QString >(parent()->property("DesktopEntry"));
bool MprisPluginRootAdaptor::hasTrackList() const
// get the value of property HasTrackList
return qvariant_cast< bool >(parent()->property("HasTrackList"));
QString MprisPluginRootAdaptor::identity() const
// get the value of property Identity
return qvariant_cast< QString >(parent()->property("Identity"));
QStringList MprisPluginRootAdaptor::supportedMimeTypes() const
// get the value of property SupportedMimeTypes
return qvariant_cast< QStringList >(parent()->property("SupportedMimeTypes"));
QStringList MprisPluginRootAdaptor::supportedUriSchemes() const
// get the value of property SupportedUriSchemes
return qvariant_cast< QStringList >(parent()->property("SupportedUriSchemes"));
void MprisPluginRootAdaptor::Quit()
// handle method call org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Quit
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(parent(), "Quit");
void MprisPluginRootAdaptor::Raise()
// handle method call org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Raise
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(parent(), "Raise");
@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
* This file was generated by qdbusxml2cpp version 0.7
* Command line was: qdbusxml2cpp -a mprispluginrootadaptor -c MprisPluginRootAdaptor MprisPluginRootAdaptor.xml
* qdbusxml2cpp is Copyright (C) 2011 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* This is an auto-generated file.
* This file may have been hand-edited. Look for HAND-EDIT comments
* before re-generating it.
#include <QtCore/QObject>
#include <QtDBus/QtDBus>
class QByteArray;
template<class T> class QList;
template<class Key, class Value> class QMap;
class QString;
class QStringList;
class QVariant;
* Adaptor class for interface org.mpris.MediaPlayer2
class MprisPluginRootAdaptor: public QDBusAbstractAdaptor
Q_CLASSINFO("D-Bus Interface", "org.mpris.MediaPlayer2")
Q_CLASSINFO("D-Bus Introspection", ""
" <interface name=\"org.mpris.MediaPlayer2\">\n"
" <method name=\"Raise\"/>\n"
" <method name=\"Quit\"/>\n"
" <property access=\"read\" type=\"b\" name=\"CanQuit\"/>\n"
" <property access=\"read\" type=\"b\" name=\"CanRaise\"/>\n"
" <property access=\"read\" type=\"b\" name=\"HasTrackList\"/>\n"
" <property access=\"read\" type=\"s\" name=\"Identity\"/>\n"
" <property access=\"read\" type=\"s\" name=\"DesktopEntry\"/>\n"
" <property access=\"read\" type=\"as\" name=\"SupportedUriSchemes\"/>\n"
" <property access=\"read\" type=\"as\" name=\"SupportedMimeTypes\"/>\n"
" </interface>\n"
MprisPluginRootAdaptor(QObject *parent);
virtual ~MprisPluginRootAdaptor();
public: // PROPERTIES
Q_PROPERTY(bool CanQuit READ canQuit)
bool canQuit() const;
Q_PROPERTY(bool CanRaise READ canRaise)
bool canRaise() const;
Q_PROPERTY(QString DesktopEntry READ desktopEntry)
QString desktopEntry() const;
Q_PROPERTY(bool HasTrackList READ hasTrackList)
bool hasTrackList() const;
Q_PROPERTY(QString Identity READ identity)
QString identity() const;
Q_PROPERTY(QStringList SupportedMimeTypes READ supportedMimeTypes)
QStringList supportedMimeTypes() const;
Q_PROPERTY(QStringList SupportedUriSchemes READ supportedUriSchemes)
QStringList supportedUriSchemes() const;
public Q_SLOTS: // METHODS
void Quit();
void Raise();
Reference in New Issue
Block a user