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synced 2025-03-20 15:59:42 +01:00
Convert ISO country code to proper country names.
This commit is contained in:
@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
#include <QDomElement>
#include "album.h"
#include "chartsplugin_data_p.h"
#include "typedefs.h"
#include "audio/audioengine.h"
#include "tomahawksettings.h"
@ -288,10 +289,31 @@ ChartsPlugin::chartTypes()
const QVariantMap chart = chartObj.toMap();
const QString id = chart.value( "id" ).toString();
const QString country = tr( "Country: %1" ).arg( chart.value( "geo" ).toString() );
const QString geo = chart.value( "geo" ).toString();
QString name = chart.value( "name" ).toString();
const QString type = chart.value( "type" ).toString();
QString country;
if ( !m_cachedCountries.contains( geo ) )
QLocale l( QString( "en_%1" ).arg( geo ) );
country = Tomahawk::CountryUtils::fullCountryFromCode( geo );
for ( int i = 1; i < country.size(); i++ )
if ( country.at( i ).isUpper() )
country.insert( i, " " );
m_cachedCountries[ geo ] = country;
country = m_cachedCountries[ geo ];
if ( name.startsWith( "iTunes Store:" ) ) // truncate
name = name.mid( 13 );
@ -75,6 +75,8 @@ private:
uint m_chartsFetchJobs;
QList< QPair< uint, InfoRequestData > > m_cachedRequests;
QHash< QString, QString > m_cachedCountries;
QWeakPointer< QNetworkAccessManager > m_nam;
@ -0,0 +1,800 @@
/* === This file is part of Tomahawk Player - <http://tomahawk-player.org> ===
* Copyright 2011, Leo Franchi <lfranchi@kde.org>
* Parts copied from qlocale_data_p.h, copyright 2011 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* Tomahawk is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Tomahawk is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Tomahawk. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <QtCore/qchar.h>
#include <QLocale>
namespace Tomahawk {
namespace CountryUtils {
static const unsigned char country_code_list[] =
" \0" // AnyCountry
"AF\0" // Afghanistan
"AL\0" // Albania
"DZ\0" // Algeria
"AS\0" // AmericanSamoa
"AD\0" // Andorra
"AO\0" // Angola
"AI\0" // Anguilla
"AQ\0" // Antarctica
"AG\0" // AntiguaAndBarbuda
"AR\0" // Argentina
"AM\0" // Armenia
"AW\0" // Aruba
"AU\0" // Australia
"AT\0" // Austria
"AZ\0" // Azerbaijan
"BS\0" // Bahamas
"BH\0" // Bahrain
"BD\0" // Bangladesh
"BB\0" // Barbados
"BY\0" // Belarus
"BE\0" // Belgium
"BZ\0" // Belize
"BJ\0" // Benin
"BM\0" // Bermuda
"BT\0" // Bhutan
"BO\0" // Bolivia
"BA\0" // BosniaAndHerzegowina
"BW\0" // Botswana
"BV\0" // BouvetIsland
"BR\0" // Brazil
"IO\0" // BritishIndianOceanTerritory
"BN\0" // BruneiDarussalam
"BG\0" // Bulgaria
"BF\0" // BurkinaFaso
"BI\0" // Burundi
"KH\0" // Cambodia
"CM\0" // Cameroon
"CA\0" // Canada
"CV\0" // CapeVerde
"KY\0" // CaymanIslands
"CF\0" // CentralAfricanRepublic
"TD\0" // Chad
"CL\0" // Chile
"CN\0" // China
"CX\0" // ChristmasIsland
"CC\0" // CocosIslands
"CO\0" // Colombia
"KM\0" // Comoros
"CD\0" // DemocraticRepublicOfCongo
"CG\0" // PeoplesRepublicOfCongo
"CK\0" // CookIslands
"CR\0" // CostaRica
"CI\0" // IvoryCoast
"HR\0" // Croatia
"CU\0" // Cuba
"CY\0" // Cyprus
"CZ\0" // CzechRepublic
"DK\0" // Denmark
"DJ\0" // Djibouti
"DM\0" // Dominica
"DO\0" // DominicanRepublic
"TL\0" // EastTimor
"EC\0" // Ecuador
"EG\0" // Egypt
"SV\0" // ElSalvador
"GQ\0" // EquatorialGuinea
"ER\0" // Eritrea
"EE\0" // Estonia
"ET\0" // Ethiopia
"FK\0" // FalklandIslands
"FO\0" // FaroeIslands
"FJ\0" // Fiji
"FI\0" // Finland
"FR\0" // France
"FX\0" // MetropolitanFrance
"GF\0" // FrenchGuiana
"PF\0" // FrenchPolynesia
"TF\0" // FrenchSouthernTerritories
"GA\0" // Gabon
"GM\0" // Gambia
"GE\0" // Georgia
"DE\0" // Germany
"GH\0" // Ghana
"GI\0" // Gibraltar
"GR\0" // Greece
"GL\0" // Greenland
"GD\0" // Grenada
"GP\0" // Guadeloupe
"GU\0" // Guam
"GT\0" // Guatemala
"GN\0" // Guinea
"GW\0" // GuineaBissau
"GY\0" // Guyana
"HT\0" // Haiti
"HM\0" // HeardAndMcDonaldIslands
"HN\0" // Honduras
"HK\0" // HongKong
"HU\0" // Hungary
"IS\0" // Iceland
"IN\0" // India
"ID\0" // Indonesia
"IR\0" // Iran
"IQ\0" // Iraq
"IE\0" // Ireland
"IL\0" // Israel
"IT\0" // Italy
"JM\0" // Jamaica
"JP\0" // Japan
"JO\0" // Jordan
"KZ\0" // Kazakhstan
"KE\0" // Kenya
"KI\0" // Kiribati
"KP\0" // DemocraticRepublicOfKorea
"KR\0" // RepublicOfKorea
"KW\0" // Kuwait
"KG\0" // Kyrgyzstan
"LA\0" // Lao
"LV\0" // Latvia
"LB\0" // Lebanon
"LS\0" // Lesotho
"LR\0" // Liberia
"LY\0" // LibyanArabJamahiriya
"LI\0" // Liechtenstein
"LT\0" // Lithuania
"LU\0" // Luxembourg
"MO\0" // Macau
"MK\0" // Macedonia
"MG\0" // Madagascar
"MW\0" // Malawi
"MY\0" // Malaysia
"MV\0" // Maldives
"ML\0" // Mali
"MT\0" // Malta
"MH\0" // MarshallIslands
"MQ\0" // Martinique
"MR\0" // Mauritania
"MU\0" // Mauritius
"YT\0" // Mayotte
"MX\0" // Mexico
"FM\0" // Micronesia
"MD\0" // Moldova
"MC\0" // Monaco
"MN\0" // Mongolia
"MS\0" // Montserrat
"MA\0" // Morocco
"MZ\0" // Mozambique
"MM\0" // Myanmar
"NA\0" // Namibia
"NR\0" // Nauru
"NP\0" // Nepal
"NL\0" // Netherlands
"AN\0" // NetherlandsAntilles
"NC\0" // NewCaledonia
"NZ\0" // NewZealand
"NI\0" // Nicaragua
"NE\0" // Niger
"NG\0" // Nigeria
"NU\0" // Niue
"NF\0" // NorfolkIsland
"MP\0" // NorthernMarianaIslands
"NO\0" // Norway
"OM\0" // Oman
"PK\0" // Pakistan
"PW\0" // Palau
"PS\0" // PalestinianTerritory
"PA\0" // Panama
"PG\0" // PapuaNewGuinea
"PY\0" // Paraguay
"PE\0" // Peru
"PH\0" // Philippines
"PN\0" // Pitcairn
"PL\0" // Poland
"PT\0" // Portugal
"PR\0" // PuertoRico
"QA\0" // Qatar
"RE\0" // Reunion
"RO\0" // Romania
"RU\0" // RussianFederation
"RW\0" // Rwanda
"KN\0" // SaintKittsAndNevis
"LC\0" // StLucia
"VC\0" // StVincentAndTheGrenadines
"WS\0" // Samoa
"SM\0" // SanMarino
"ST\0" // SaoTomeAndPrincipe
"SA\0" // SaudiArabia
"SN\0" // Senegal
"SC\0" // Seychelles
"SL\0" // SierraLeone
"SG\0" // Singapore
"SK\0" // Slovakia
"SI\0" // Slovenia
"SB\0" // SolomonIslands
"SO\0" // Somalia
"ZA\0" // SouthAfrica
"GS\0" // SouthGeorgiaAndTheSouthSandwichIslands
"ES\0" // Spain
"LK\0" // SriLanka
"SH\0" // StHelena
"PM\0" // StPierreAndMiquelon
"SD\0" // Sudan
"SR\0" // Suriname
"SJ\0" // SvalbardAndJanMayenIslands
"SZ\0" // Swaziland
"SE\0" // Sweden
"CH\0" // Switzerland
"SY\0" // SyrianArabRepublic
"TW\0" // Taiwan
"TJ\0" // Tajikistan
"TZ\0" // Tanzania
"TH\0" // Thailand
"TG\0" // Togo
"TK\0" // Tokelau
"TO\0" // Tonga
"TT\0" // TrinidadAndTobago
"TN\0" // Tunisia
"TR\0" // Turkey
"TM\0" // Turkmenistan
"TC\0" // TurksAndCaicosIslands
"TV\0" // Tuvalu
"UG\0" // Uganda
"UA\0" // Ukraine
"AE\0" // UnitedArabEmirates
"GB\0" // UnitedKingdom
"US\0" // UnitedStates
"UM\0" // UnitedStatesMinorOutlyingIslands
"UY\0" // Uruguay
"UZ\0" // Uzbekistan
"VU\0" // Vanuatu
"VA\0" // VaticanCityState
"VE\0" // Venezuela
"VN\0" // VietNam
"VG\0" // BritishVirginIslands
"VI\0" // USVirginIslands
"WF\0" // WallisAndFutunaIslands
"EH\0" // WesternSahara
"YE\0" // Yemen
"YU\0" // Yugoslavia
"ZM\0" // Zambia
"ZW\0" // Zimbabwe
"CS\0" // SerbiaAndMontenegro
"ME\0" // Montenegro
"RS\0" // Serbia
"BL\0" // Saint Barthelemy
"MF\0" // Saint Martin
"419" // LatinAmericaAndTheCaribbean
static const char country_name_list[] =
"Saint Barthelemy\0"
"Saint Martin\0"
static const quint16 country_name_index[] = {
0, // AnyCountry
8, // Afghanistan
20, // Albania
28, // Algeria
36, // AmericanSamoa
50, // Andorra
58, // Angola
65, // Anguilla
74, // Antarctica
85, // AntiguaAndBarbuda
103, // Argentina
113, // Armenia
121, // Aruba
127, // Australia
137, // Austria
145, // Azerbaijan
156, // Bahamas
164, // Bahrain
172, // Bangladesh
183, // Barbados
192, // Belarus
200, // Belgium
208, // Belize
215, // Benin
221, // Bermuda
229, // Bhutan
236, // Bolivia
244, // BosniaAndHerzegowina
265, // Botswana
274, // BouvetIsland
287, // Brazil
294, // BritishIndianOceanTerritory
322, // BruneiDarussalam
339, // Bulgaria
348, // BurkinaFaso
360, // Burundi
368, // Cambodia
377, // Cameroon
386, // Canada
393, // CapeVerde
403, // CaymanIslands
417, // CentralAfricanRepublic
440, // Chad
445, // Chile
451, // China
457, // ChristmasIsland
473, // CocosIslands
486, // Colombia
495, // Comoros
503, // DemocraticRepublicOfCongo
529, // PeoplesRepublicOfCongo
552, // CookIslands
564, // CostaRica
574, // IvoryCoast
585, // Croatia
593, // Cuba
598, // Cyprus
605, // CzechRepublic
619, // Denmark
627, // Djibouti
636, // Dominica
645, // DominicanRepublic
663, // EastTimor
673, // Ecuador
681, // Egypt
687, // ElSalvador
698, // EquatorialGuinea
715, // Eritrea
723, // Estonia
731, // Ethiopia
740, // FalklandIslands
756, // FaroeIslands
769, // Fiji
774, // Finland
782, // France
789, // MetropolitanFrance
808, // FrenchGuiana
821, // FrenchPolynesia
837, // FrenchSouthernTerritories
863, // Gabon
869, // Gambia
876, // Georgia
884, // Germany
892, // Ghana
898, // Gibraltar
908, // Greece
915, // Greenland
925, // Grenada
933, // Guadeloupe
944, // Guam
949, // Guatemala
959, // Guinea
966, // GuineaBissau
979, // Guyana
986, // Haiti
992, // HeardAndMcDonaldIslands
1016, // Honduras
1025, // HongKong
1034, // Hungary
1042, // Iceland
1050, // India
1056, // Indonesia
1066, // Iran
1071, // Iraq
1076, // Ireland
1084, // Israel
1091, // Italy
1097, // Jamaica
1105, // Japan
1111, // Jordan
1118, // Kazakhstan
1129, // Kenya
1135, // Kiribati
1144, // DemocraticRepublicOfKorea
1170, // RepublicOfKorea
1186, // Kuwait
1193, // Kyrgyzstan
1204, // Lao
1208, // Latvia
1215, // Lebanon
1223, // Lesotho
1231, // Liberia
1239, // LibyanArabJamahiriya
1260, // Liechtenstein
1274, // Lithuania
1284, // Luxembourg
1295, // Macau
1301, // Macedonia
1311, // Madagascar
1322, // Malawi
1329, // Malaysia
1338, // Maldives
1347, // Mali
1352, // Malta
1358, // MarshallIslands
1374, // Martinique
1385, // Mauritania
1396, // Mauritius
1406, // Mayotte
1414, // Mexico
1421, // Micronesia
1432, // Moldova
1440, // Monaco
1447, // Mongolia
1456, // Montserrat
1467, // Morocco
1475, // Mozambique
1486, // Myanmar
1494, // Namibia
1502, // Nauru
1508, // Nepal
1514, // Netherlands
1526, // NetherlandsAntilles
1546, // NewCaledonia
1559, // NewZealand
1570, // Nicaragua
1580, // Niger
1586, // Nigeria
1594, // Niue
1599, // NorfolkIsland
1613, // NorthernMarianaIslands
1636, // Norway
1643, // Oman
1648, // Pakistan
1657, // Palau
1663, // PalestinianTerritory
1684, // Panama
1691, // PapuaNewGuinea
1706, // Paraguay
1715, // Peru
1720, // Philippines
1732, // Pitcairn
1741, // Poland
1748, // Portugal
1757, // PuertoRico
1768, // Qatar
1774, // Reunion
1782, // Romania
1790, // RussianFederation
1808, // Rwanda
1815, // SaintKittsAndNevis
1834, // StLucia
1842, // StVincentAndTheGrenadines
1868, // Samoa
1874, // SanMarino
1884, // SaoTomeAndPrincipe
1903, // SaudiArabia
1915, // Senegal
1923, // Seychelles
1934, // SierraLeone
1946, // Singapore
1956, // Slovakia
1965, // Slovenia
1974, // SolomonIslands
1989, // Somalia
1997, // SouthAfrica
2009, // SouthGeorgiaAndTheSouthSandwichIslands
2048, // Spain
2054, // SriLanka
2063, // StHelena
2072, // StPierreAndMiquelon
2092, // Sudan
2098, // Suriname
2107, // SvalbardAndJanMayenIslands
2134, // Swaziland
2144, // Sweden
2151, // Switzerland
2163, // SyrianArabRepublic
2182, // Taiwan
2189, // Tajikistan
2200, // Tanzania
2209, // Thailand
2218, // Togo
2223, // Tokelau
2231, // Tonga
2237, // TrinidadAndTobago
2255, // Tunisia
2263, // Turkey
2270, // Turkmenistan
2283, // TurksAndCaicosIslands
2305, // Tuvalu
2312, // Uganda
2319, // Ukraine
2327, // UnitedArabEmirates
2346, // UnitedKingdom
2360, // UnitedStates
2373, // UnitedStatesMinorOutlyingIslands
2406, // Uruguay
2414, // Uzbekistan
2425, // Vanuatu
2433, // VaticanCityState
2450, // Venezuela
2460, // VietNam
2468, // BritishVirginIslands
2489, // USVirginIslands
2505, // WallisAndFutunaIslands
2528, // WesternSahara
2542, // Yemen
2548, // Yugoslavia
2559, // Zambia
2566, // Zimbabwe
2575, // SerbiaAndMontenegro
2595, // Montenegro
2606, // Serbia
2613, // Saint Barthelemy
2630, // Saint Martin
2643, // LatinAmericaAndTheCaribbean
// Assumes that code is a 2 letter code
static QString fullCountryFromCode(const QString& countryCode)
ushort uc1 = countryCode[0].toUpper().unicode();
ushort uc2 = countryCode[1].toUpper().unicode();
ushort uc3 = QChar('\0').unicode(); // No, not dealign with LatinAmericaAndTheCaribbean for convenience
const unsigned char *c = country_code_list;
for (; *c != 0; c += 3) {
if (uc1 == c[0] && uc2 == c[1] && uc3 == c[2])
uint country = (uint)((c - country_code_list)/3);
if (country > uint(QLocale::LastCountry))
return QLatin1String("Unknown");
return QString(country_name_list + country_name_index[country]);
return QString("Unknown");
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