mirror of https://github.com/tomahawk-player/tomahawk.git synced 2025-03-21 00:09:47 +01:00

Merge pull request #153 from tomahawk-player/genreradio

Implement genreradio
This commit is contained in:
Stefan Derkits 2013-02-11 15:00:05 -08:00
commit f24e593ad4
6 changed files with 277 additions and 113 deletions

View File

@ -605,6 +605,13 @@ TomahawkSettings::doUpgrade( int oldVersion, int newVersion )
else if ( oldVersion == 13 )
//Delete old echonest_stylesandmoods.dat file
QFile dataFile( TomahawkUtils::appDataDir().absoluteFilePath( "echonest_stylesandmoods.dat" ) );
const bool removed = dataFile.remove();
tDebug() << "Tried to remove echonest_stylesandmoods.dat, succeeded?" << removed;

View File

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
#include <QtNetwork/QNetworkProxy>
#include <QStringList>
* Convenience wrapper around QSettings for tomahawk-specific config

View File

@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
QHash< QString, QStringList > Tomahawk::EchonestControl::s_suggestCache = QHash< QString, QStringList >();
bool Tomahawk::EchonestControl::s_fetchingMoodsAndStyles = false;
bool Tomahawk::EchonestControl::s_fetchingMoodsStylesAndGenres = false;
int Tomahawk::EchonestControl::s_stylePollCount = 0;
@ -72,7 +72,8 @@ Tomahawk::EchonestControl::matchSelector()
Tomahawk::EchonestControl::setSelectedType ( const QString& type )
if( type != selectedType() ) {
if( type != selectedType() )
if( !m_input.isNull() )
delete m_input.data();
if( !m_match.isNull() )
@ -81,7 +82,7 @@ Tomahawk::EchonestControl::setSelectedType ( const QString& type )
Tomahawk::DynamicControl::setSelectedType ( type );
// qDebug() << "Setting new type, set data to:" << m_data.first << m_data.second;
//qDebug() << "Setting new type, set data to:" << m_data.first << m_data.second;
@ -89,7 +90,8 @@ Tomahawk::EchonestControl::setSelectedType ( const QString& type )
Tomahawk::EchonestControl::toENParam() const
if( m_overrideType != -1 ) {
if( m_overrideType != -1 )
Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::PlaylistParamData newData = m_data;
newData.first = static_cast<Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::PlaylistParam>( m_overrideType );
return newData;
@ -155,7 +157,8 @@ Tomahawk::EchonestControl::updateWidgets()
m_overrideType = -1;
// make sure the widgets are the proper kind for the selected type, and hook up to their slots
if( selectedType() == "Artist" ) {
if( selectedType() == "Artist" )
m_currentType = Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::Artist;
QComboBox* match = new QComboBox();
@ -184,7 +187,9 @@ Tomahawk::EchonestControl::updateWidgets()
m_match = QPointer< QWidget >( match );
m_input = QPointer< QWidget >( input );
m_data.first = m_currentType;
} else if( selectedType() == "Artist Description" ) {
else if( selectedType() == "Artist Description" )
m_currentType = Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::Description;
QLabel* match = new QLabel( tr( "is" ) );
@ -203,7 +208,9 @@ Tomahawk::EchonestControl::updateWidgets()
m_match = QPointer< QWidget >( match );
m_input = QPointer< QWidget >( input );
m_data.first = m_currentType;
} else if( selectedType() == "User Radio" ) {
else if( selectedType() == "User Radio" )
m_currentType = Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::SourceCatalog;
QLabel* match = new QLabel( tr( "from user" ) );
@ -231,7 +238,9 @@ Tomahawk::EchonestControl::updateWidgets()
m_match = QPointer< QWidget >( match );
m_input = QPointer< QWidget >( combo );
} else if( selectedType() == "Song" ) {
else if( selectedType() == "Song" )
m_currentType = Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::SongId;
QLabel* match = new QLabel( tr( "similar to" ) );
@ -251,7 +260,9 @@ Tomahawk::EchonestControl::updateWidgets()
m_match = QPointer< QWidget >( match );
m_input = QPointer< QWidget >( input );
m_data.first = m_currentType;
} else if( selectedType() == "Variety" ) {
else if( selectedType() == "Variety" )
m_currentType = Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::Variety;
QLabel* match = new QLabel( tr( "is" ) );
@ -272,7 +283,9 @@ Tomahawk::EchonestControl::updateWidgets()
m_match = QPointer< QWidget >( match );
m_input = QPointer< QWidget >( input );
m_data.first = m_currentType;
} else if( selectedType() == "Adventurousness" ) {
else if( selectedType() == "Adventurousness" )
m_currentType = Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::Adventurousness;
QLabel* match = new QLabel( tr( "is" ) );
@ -294,50 +307,72 @@ Tomahawk::EchonestControl::updateWidgets()
m_match = QPointer< QWidget >( match );
m_input = QPointer< QWidget >( input );
m_data.first = m_currentType;
} else if( selectedType() == "Tempo" ) {
else if( selectedType() == "Tempo" )
m_currentType = Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::MinTempo;
setupMinMaxWidgets( Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::MinTempo, Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::MaxTempo, tr( "0 BPM" ), tr( "500 BPM" ), 500 );
} else if( selectedType() == "Duration" ) {
else if( selectedType() == "Duration" )
m_currentType = Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::MinDuration;
setupMinMaxWidgets( Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::MinDuration, Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::MaxDuration, tr( "0 secs" ), tr( "3600 secs" ), 3600 );
} else if( selectedType() == "Loudness" ) {
else if( selectedType() == "Loudness" )
m_currentType = Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::MinLoudness;
setupMinMaxWidgets( Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::MinLoudness, Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::MaxLoudness, tr( "-100 dB" ), tr( "100 dB" ), 100 );
qobject_cast< LabeledSlider* >( m_input.data() )->slider()->setMinimum( -100 );
} else if( selectedType() == "Danceability" ) {
else if( selectedType() == "Danceability" )
m_currentType = Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::MinDanceability;
setupMinMaxWidgets( Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::MinDanceability, Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::MaxDanceability, tr( "Less" ), tr( "More" ), 10000 );
} else if( selectedType() == "Energy" ) {
else if( selectedType() == "Energy" )
m_currentType = Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::MinEnergy;
setupMinMaxWidgets( Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::MinEnergy, Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::MaxEnergy, tr( "Less" ), tr( "More" ), 10000 );
} else if( selectedType() == "Artist Familiarity" ) {
else if( selectedType() == "Artist Familiarity" )
m_currentType = Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::ArtistMinFamiliarity;
setupMinMaxWidgets( Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::ArtistMinFamiliarity, Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::ArtistMaxFamiliarity, tr( "Less" ), tr( "More" ), 10000 );
} else if( selectedType() == "Artist Hotttnesss" ) {
else if( selectedType() == "Artist Hotttnesss" )
m_currentType = Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::ArtistMinHotttnesss;
setupMinMaxWidgets( Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::ArtistMinHotttnesss, Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::ArtistMaxHotttnesss, tr( "Less" ), tr( "More" ), 10000 );
} else if( selectedType() == "Song Hotttnesss" ) {
else if( selectedType() == "Song Hotttnesss" )
m_currentType = Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::SongMinHotttnesss;
setupMinMaxWidgets( Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::SongMinHotttnesss, Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::SongMaxHotttnesss, tr( "Less" ), tr( "More" ), 10000 );
} else if( selectedType() == "Latitude" ) {
else if( selectedType() == "Latitude" )
m_currentType = Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::ArtistMinLatitude;
QString deg = QString( QChar( 0x00B0 ) );
setupMinMaxWidgets( Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::ArtistMinLatitude, Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::ArtistMaxLatitude, QString( "-180%1" ).arg( deg ), QString( "180%1" ).arg( deg ), 180 );
qobject_cast< LabeledSlider* >( m_input.data() )->slider()->setMinimum( -180 );
} else if( selectedType() == "Longitude" ) {
else if( selectedType() == "Longitude" )
m_currentType = Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::ArtistMinLongitude;
QString deg = QString( QChar( 0x00B0 ) );
setupMinMaxWidgets( Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::ArtistMinLongitude, Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::ArtistMaxLongitude, QString( "-180%1" ).arg( deg ), QString( "180%1" ).arg( deg ), 180 );
qobject_cast< LabeledSlider* >( m_input.data() )->slider()->setMinimum( -180 );
} else if( selectedType() == "Mode" ) {
else if( selectedType() == "Mode" )
m_currentType = Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::Mode;
QLabel* match = new QLabel( tr( "is" ) );
@ -356,7 +391,9 @@ Tomahawk::EchonestControl::updateWidgets()
m_match = QPointer< QWidget >( match );
m_input = QPointer< QWidget >( combo );
} else if( selectedType() == "Key" ) {
else if( selectedType() == "Key" )
m_currentType = Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::Key;
QLabel* match = new QLabel( tr( "is" ) );
@ -385,7 +422,9 @@ Tomahawk::EchonestControl::updateWidgets()
m_match = QPointer< QWidget >( match );
m_input = QPointer< QWidget >( combo );
} else if( selectedType() == "Sorting" ) {
else if( selectedType() == "Sorting" )
m_currentType = Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::Sort;
QComboBox* match = new QComboBox();
@ -418,11 +457,15 @@ Tomahawk::EchonestControl::updateWidgets()
m_match = QPointer< QWidget >( match );
m_input = QPointer< QWidget >( combo );
} else if( selectedType() == "Mood" || selectedType() == "Style" ) {
else if( selectedType() == "Mood" || selectedType() == "Style" || selectedType() == "Genre" )
if( selectedType() == "Mood" )
m_currentType = Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::Mood;
else if ( selectedType() == "Style" )
m_currentType = Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::Style;
m_currentType = Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::Genre;
QLabel* match = new QLabel( tr( "is" ) );
@ -440,8 +483,10 @@ Tomahawk::EchonestControl::updateWidgets()
m_match = QPointer< QWidget >( match );
m_input = QPointer< QWidget >( combo );
} else if( selectedType() == "Song Type" ) {
else if( selectedType() == "Song Type" )
m_currentType = Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::SongType;
QComboBox* match = new QComboBox();
@ -463,7 +508,9 @@ Tomahawk::EchonestControl::updateWidgets()
m_match = QPointer< QWidget >( match );
m_input = QPointer< QWidget >( combo );
} else {
m_match = QPointer<QWidget>( new QWidget );
m_input = QPointer<QWidget>( new QWidget );
@ -502,36 +549,53 @@ Tomahawk::EchonestControl::setupMinMaxWidgets( Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::Playli
if( selectedType() == "Artist" ) {
if( selectedType() == "Artist" )
QComboBox* combo = qobject_cast<QComboBox*>( m_match.data() );
if( combo ) {
if( combo )
m_matchString = combo->currentText();
m_matchData = combo->itemData( combo->currentIndex() ).toString();
QLineEdit* edit = qobject_cast<QLineEdit*>( m_input.data() );
if( edit && !edit->text().isEmpty() ) {
if( edit && !edit->text().isEmpty() )
m_data.first = m_currentType;
m_data.second = edit->text();
} else if( selectedType() == "Artist Description" || selectedType() == "Song" ) {
else if( selectedType() == "Artist Description" || selectedType() == "Song" )
QLineEdit* edit = qobject_cast<QLineEdit*>( m_input.data() );
if( edit && !edit->text().isEmpty() ) {
if( edit && !edit->text().isEmpty() )
m_data.first = m_currentType;
m_data.second = edit->text();
} else if( selectedType() == "Variety" || selectedType() == "Adventurousness" ) {
else if( selectedType() == "Variety" || selectedType() == "Adventurousness" )
LabeledSlider* s = qobject_cast<LabeledSlider*>( m_input.data() );
if( s ) {
if( s )
m_data.first = m_currentType;
m_data.second = (qreal)s->slider()->value() / 10000.0;
} else if( selectedType() == "Tempo" || selectedType() == "Duration" || selectedType() == "Loudness" || selectedType() == "Latitude" || selectedType() == "Longitude" ) {
else if( selectedType() == "Tempo" || selectedType() == "Duration" || selectedType() == "Loudness" || selectedType() == "Latitude" || selectedType() == "Longitude" )
} else if( selectedType() == "Danceability" || selectedType() == "Energy" || selectedType() == "Artist Familiarity" || selectedType() == "Artist Hotttnesss" || selectedType() == "Song Hotttnesss" ) {
else if( selectedType() == "Danceability" || selectedType() == "Energy" || selectedType() == "Artist Familiarity" || selectedType() == "Artist Hotttnesss" || selectedType() == "Song Hotttnesss" )
updateFromComboAndSlider( true );
} else if( selectedType() == "Mode" || selectedType() == "Key" || selectedType() == "Mood" || selectedType() == "Style" || selectedType() == "User Radio" ) {
else if( selectedType() == "Mode" || selectedType() == "Key" || selectedType() == "Mood" || selectedType() == "Style" || selectedType() == "Genre" || selectedType() == "User Radio" )
} else if( selectedType() == "Sorting" ) {
else if( selectedType() == "Sorting" )
QComboBox* match = qobject_cast<QComboBox*>( m_match.data() );
QComboBox* input = qobject_cast< QComboBox* >( m_input.data() );
if( match && input ) {
@ -544,10 +608,13 @@ Tomahawk::EchonestControl::updateData()
m_data.second = enumVal;
// qDebug() << "SAVING" << input->currentIndex() << "AS" << enumVal << "(" << input->itemData( input->currentIndex() ).toInt() << "+" << m_matchData.toInt() << ")";
} else if( selectedType() == "Song Type" ) {
else if( selectedType() == "Song Type" )
QComboBox* match = qobject_cast<QComboBox*>( m_match.data() );
QComboBox* combo = qobject_cast< QComboBox* >( m_input.data() );
if ( match && combo ) {
if ( match && combo )
m_matchString = match->currentText();
m_matchData = match->itemData( match->currentIndex() ).toString();
@ -569,12 +636,14 @@ void
Tomahawk::EchonestControl::updateFromComboAndSlider( bool smooth )
QComboBox* combo = qobject_cast<QComboBox*>( m_match.data() );
if( combo ) {
if( combo )
m_matchString = combo->currentText();
m_matchData = combo->itemData( combo->currentIndex() ).toString();
LabeledSlider* ls = qobject_cast<LabeledSlider*>( m_input.data() );
if( ls && ls->slider() ) {
if( ls && ls->slider() )
m_data.first = static_cast< Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::PlaylistParam >( combo->itemData( combo->currentIndex() ).toInt() );
m_data.second = ls->slider()->value() / ( smooth ? 10000. : 1.0 );
@ -585,7 +654,8 @@ void
QComboBox* s = qobject_cast<QComboBox*>( m_input.data() );
if( s ) {
if( s )
m_data.first = m_currentType;
m_data.second = s->itemData( s->currentIndex() );
@ -596,18 +666,22 @@ Tomahawk::EchonestControl::updateFromLabelAndCombo()
if( selectedType() == "Artist" ) {
if( selectedType() == "Artist" )
QComboBox* combo = qobject_cast<QComboBox*>( m_match.data() );
if( combo )
combo->setCurrentIndex( combo->findData( m_matchData ) );
QLineEdit* edit = qobject_cast<QLineEdit*>( m_input.data() );
if( edit )
edit->setText( m_data.second.toString() );
} else if( selectedType() == "Artist Description" || selectedType() == "Song" ) {
else if( selectedType() == "Artist Description" || selectedType() == "Song" )
QLineEdit* edit = qobject_cast<QLineEdit*>( m_input.data() );
if( edit )
edit->setText( m_data.second.toString() );
} else if ( selectedType() == "User Radio" )
else if ( selectedType() == "User Radio" )
QComboBox* combo = qobject_cast< QComboBox* >( m_input.data() );
if ( combo )
@ -627,17 +701,27 @@ Tomahawk::EchonestControl::updateWidgetsFromData()
combo->setCurrentIndex( combo->findData( m_data.second ) );
} else if( selectedType() == "Variety" || selectedType() == "Adventurousness" ) {
else if( selectedType() == "Variety" || selectedType() == "Adventurousness" )
LabeledSlider* s = qobject_cast<LabeledSlider*>( m_input.data() );
if( s )
s->slider()->setValue( m_data.second.toDouble() * 10000 );
} else if( selectedType() == "Tempo" || selectedType() == "Duration" || selectedType() == "Loudness" || selectedType() == "Latitude" || selectedType() == "Longitude" ) {
else if( selectedType() == "Tempo" || selectedType() == "Duration" || selectedType() == "Loudness" || selectedType() == "Latitude" || selectedType() == "Longitude" )
} else if( selectedType() == "Danceability" || selectedType() == "Energy" || selectedType() == "Artist Familiarity" || selectedType() == "Artist Hotttnesss" || selectedType() == "Song Hotttnesss" ) {
else if( selectedType() == "Danceability" || selectedType() == "Energy" || selectedType() == "Artist Familiarity" || selectedType() == "Artist Hotttnesss" || selectedType() == "Song Hotttnesss" )
updateToComboAndSlider( true );
} else if( selectedType() == "Mode" || selectedType() == "Key" || selectedType() == "Mood" || selectedType() == "Style") {
else if( selectedType() == "Mode" || selectedType() == "Key" || selectedType() == "Mood" || selectedType() == "Style" || selectedType() == "Genre" )
} else if( selectedType() == "Sorting" ) {
else if( selectedType() == "Sorting" )
QComboBox* match = qobject_cast<QComboBox*>( m_match.data() );
QComboBox* input = qobject_cast< QComboBox* >( m_input.data() );
if( match && input ) {
@ -646,9 +730,11 @@ Tomahawk::EchonestControl::updateWidgetsFromData()
// HACK alert. if it's odd, subtract 1
int val = ( m_data.second.toInt() - ( m_data.second.toInt() % 2 ) ) / 2;
input->setCurrentIndex( val );
// qDebug() << "LOADING" << m_data.second.toInt() << "AS" << val;
//qDebug() << "LOADING" << m_data.second.toInt() << "AS" << val;
} else if( selectedType() == "Song Type" ) {
else if( selectedType() == "Song Type" )
QComboBox* match = qobject_cast<QComboBox*>( m_match.data() );
QComboBox* combo = qobject_cast< QComboBox* >( m_input.data() );
if ( match && combo ) {
@ -678,9 +764,8 @@ void
QComboBox* s = qobject_cast< QComboBox* >( m_input.data() );
if( s ) {
if( s )
s->setCurrentIndex( s->findData( m_data.second ) );
@ -896,7 +981,16 @@ Tomahawk::EchonestControl::calculateSummary()
Q_ASSERT( qobject_cast< QComboBox* >( m_input.data() ) );
QString text = qobject_cast< QComboBox* >( m_input.data() )->currentText().toLower();
summary = tr( "in a %1 style" ).arg( text );
} else if( selectedType() == "Song Type" ) {
else if ( selectedType() == "Genre" )
Q_ASSERT( !m_input.isNull() );
Q_ASSERT( qobject_cast< QComboBox* >( m_input.data() ) );
QString text = qobject_cast< QComboBox* >( m_input.data() )->currentText().toLower();
summary = tr( "where genre is %1" ).arg( text );
else if ( selectedType() == "Song Type" )
Q_ASSERT( !m_input.isNull() );
Q_ASSERT( qobject_cast< QComboBox* >( m_input.data() ) );
QString text = qobject_cast< QComboBox* >( m_input.data() )->currentText();
@ -916,13 +1010,13 @@ Tomahawk::EchonestControl::calculateSummary()
s_fetchingMoodsAndStyles = false;
if( selectedType() == "Mood" || selectedType() == "Style" ) {
s_fetchingMoodsStylesAndGenres = false;
if( selectedType() == "Mood" || selectedType() == "Style" || selectedType() == "Genre" ) {
QComboBox* cb = qobject_cast< QComboBox* >( m_input.data() );
if( cb && cb->count() == 0 ) { // got nothing, so lets populate
if( insertMoodsAndStyles() )
if( insertMoodsStylesAndGenres() )
@ -930,9 +1024,22 @@ Tomahawk::EchonestControl::checkForMoodsOrStylesFetched()
QStringList src = selectedType() == "Mood" ? EchonestGenerator::moods() : EchonestGenerator::styles();
QStringList src;
if ( selectedType() == "Mood" )
src = EchonestGenerator::moods();
else if ( selectedType() == "Style" )
src = EchonestGenerator::styles();
src = EchonestGenerator::genres();
QComboBox* combo = qobject_cast< QComboBox* >( m_input.data() );
if( !combo )
return false;
@ -941,10 +1048,12 @@ Tomahawk::EchonestControl::insertMoodsAndStyles()
combo->addItem( item, item );
if( src.isEmpty() && !combo->count() ) {
if( s_stylePollCount <= 20 && !s_fetchingMoodsAndStyles ) { // try for 20s to get the styles...
s_fetchingMoodsAndStyles = true;
QTimer::singleShot( 1000, this, SLOT( checkForMoodsOrStylesFetched() ) );
if( src.isEmpty() && !combo->count() )
if( s_stylePollCount <= 20 && !s_fetchingMoodsStylesAndGenres )
{ // try for 20s to get the styles...
s_fetchingMoodsStylesAndGenres = true;
QTimer::singleShot( 1000, this, SLOT( checkForMoodsStylesOrGenresFetched() ) );
return false;

View File

@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ private slots:
void artistTextEdited( const QString& );
void suggestFinished();
void checkForMoodsOrStylesFetched();
void checkForMoodsStylesOrGenresFetched();
void updateWidgets();
void updateWidgetsFromData();
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ private:
void setupMinMaxWidgets( Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::PlaylistParam min, Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::PlaylistParam max, const QString& leftL, const QString& rightL, int maxRange );
void updateFromComboAndSlider( bool smooth = false );
void updateFromLabelAndCombo();
bool insertMoodsAndStyles();
bool insertMoodsStylesAndGenres();
void updateToComboAndSlider( bool smooth = false );
void updateToLabelAndCombo();
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ private:
Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::PlaylistParamData m_data;
QVariant m_cacheData;
static bool s_fetchingMoodsAndStyles;
static bool s_fetchingMoodsStylesAndGenres;
static int s_stylePollCount;
QSet< QNetworkReply* > m_suggestWorkers;

View File

@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
#include "playlist/dynamic/echonest/EchonestSteerer.h"
#include "Query.h"
#include "utils/TomahawkUtils.h"
#include "utils/TomahawkCache.h"
#include "TomahawkSettings.h"
#include "database/DatabaseCommand_CollectionAttributes.h"
#include "database/Database.h"
@ -35,8 +36,10 @@ using namespace Tomahawk;
QStringList EchonestGenerator::s_moods = QStringList();
QStringList EchonestGenerator::s_styles = QStringList();
QStringList EchonestGenerator::s_genres = QStringList();
QNetworkReply* EchonestGenerator::s_moodsJob = 0;
QNetworkReply* EchonestGenerator::s_stylesJob = 0;
QNetworkReply* EchonestGenerator::s_genresJob = 0;
CatalogManager* EchonestGenerator::s_catalogs = 0;
@ -63,7 +66,7 @@ EchonestFactory::createControl( const QString& controlType )
EchonestFactory::typeSelectors() const
QStringList types = QStringList() << "Artist" << "Artist Description" << "User Radio" << "Song" << "Mood" << "Style" << "Adventurousness" << "Variety" << "Tempo" << "Duration" << "Loudness"
QStringList types = QStringList() << "Artist" << "Artist Description" << "User Radio" << "Song" << "Genre" << "Mood" << "Style" << "Adventurousness" << "Variety" << "Tempo" << "Duration" << "Loudness"
<< "Danceability" << "Energy" << "Artist Familiarity" << "Artist Hotttnesss" << "Song Hotttnesss"
<< "Longitude" << "Latitude" << "Mode" << "Key" << "Sorting" << "Song Type";
@ -126,7 +129,7 @@ EchonestGenerator::EchonestGenerator ( QObject* parent )
m_mode = OnDemand;
m_logo.load( RESPATH "/images/echonest_logo.png" );
connect( s_catalogs, SIGNAL( catalogsUpdated() ), this, SLOT( knownCatalogsChanged() ) );
@ -470,12 +473,17 @@ EchonestGenerator::appendRadioType( Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::PlaylistParams& p
/// 4. artist-radio: If all the artist entries are Similar To. If some were but not all, error out.
/// 5. song-radio: If all the artist entries are Similar To. If some were but not all, error out.
bool someCatalog = false;
bool genreType = false;
foreach( const dyncontrol_ptr& control, m_controls ) {
if ( control->selectedType() == "User Radio" )
someCatalog = true;
else if ( control->selectedType() == "Genre" )
genreType = true;
if( someCatalog )
params.append( Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::PlaylistParamData( Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::Type, Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::CatalogRadioType ) );
else if ( genreType )
params.append( Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::PlaylistParamData( Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::Type, Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::GenreRadioType ) );
else if( onlyThisArtistType( Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::ArtistType ) )
params.append( Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::PlaylistParamData( Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::Type, Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::ArtistType ) );
else if( onlyThisArtistType( Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::ArtistDescriptionType ) )
@ -603,50 +611,53 @@ EchonestGenerator::sentenceSummary()
if( !s_styles.isEmpty() || !s_moods.isEmpty() )
if( !s_styles.isEmpty() && !s_moods.isEmpty() && !s_genres.isEmpty() )
QFile dataFile( TomahawkUtils::appDataDir().absoluteFilePath( "echonest_stylesandmoods.dat" ) );
if( !dataFile.exists() ) // load
QVariant styles = TomahawkUtils::Cache::instance()->getData( "EchonesGenerator", "styles" );
if ( styles.isValid() && styles.canConvert< QStringList >() )
s_styles = styles.toStringList();
tLog() << "Styles not in cache or too old, refetching styles ...";
s_stylesJob = Echonest::Artist::listTerms( "style" );
connect( s_stylesJob, SIGNAL( finished() ), this, SLOT( stylesReceived() ) );
QVariant moods = TomahawkUtils::Cache::instance()->getData( "EchonesGenerator", "moods" );
if ( moods.isValid() && moods.canConvert< QStringList >() ) {
s_moods = moods.toStringList();
tLog() << "Moods not in cache or too old, refetching moods ...";
s_moodsJob = Echonest::Artist::listTerms( "mood" );
connect( s_moodsJob, SIGNAL( finished() ), this, SLOT( moodsReceived() ) );
} else
if( !dataFile.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly ) )
tLog() << "Failed to open for reading styles/moods db file:" << dataFile.fileName();
QString allData = QString::fromUtf8( dataFile.readAll() );
QStringList parts = allData.split( "\n" );
if( parts.size() != 2 )
tLog() << "Didn't get both moods and styles in file...:" << allData;
s_moods = parts[ 0 ].split( "|" );
s_styles = parts[ 1 ].split( "|" );
QVariant genres = TomahawkUtils::Cache::instance()->getData( "EchonesGenerator", "genres" );
if ( genres.isValid() && genres.canConvert< QStringList >() )
s_genres = genres.toStringList();
tLog() << "Genres not in cache or too old, refetching genres ...";
s_genresJob = Echonest::Artist::fetchGenres();
connect( s_genresJob, SIGNAL( finished() ), this, SLOT( genresReceived() ) );
QFile dataFile( TomahawkUtils::appDataDir().absoluteFilePath( "echonest_stylesandmoods.dat" ) );
if( !dataFile.open( QIODevice::WriteOnly ) )
tLog() << "Failed to open styles and moods data file for saving:" << dataFile.errorString() << dataFile.fileName();
QByteArray data = QString( "%1\n%2" ).arg( s_moods.join( "|" ) ).arg( s_styles.join( "|" ) ).toUtf8();
dataFile.write( data );
TomahawkUtils::Cache::instance()->putData( "EchonesGenerator", 1209600000 /* 2 weeks */, "moods", QVariant::fromValue< QStringList >( s_moods ) );
TomahawkUtils::Cache::instance()->putData( "EchonesGenerator", 1209600000 /* 2 weeks */, "styles", QVariant::fromValue< QStringList >( s_styles ) );
TomahawkUtils::Cache::instance()->putData( "EchonesGenerator", 1209600000 /* 2 weeks */, "genres", QVariant::fromValue< QStringList >( s_genres ) );
@ -664,15 +675,18 @@ EchonestGenerator::moodsReceived()
QNetworkReply* r = qobject_cast< QNetworkReply* >( sender() );
Q_ASSERT( r );
try {
s_moods = Echonest::Artist::parseTermList( r ).toList();
} catch( Echonest::ParseError& e ) {
catch( Echonest::ParseError& e )
qWarning() << "Echonest failed to parse moods list";
s_moodsJob = 0;
if( !s_styles.isEmpty() )
if( !s_styles.isEmpty() && !s_genres.isEmpty() )
@ -689,13 +703,42 @@ EchonestGenerator::stylesReceived()
QNetworkReply* r = qobject_cast< QNetworkReply* >( sender() );
Q_ASSERT( r );
try {
s_styles = Echonest::Artist::parseTermList( r ).toList();
} catch( Echonest::ParseError& e ) {
catch( Echonest::ParseError& e )
qWarning() << "Echonest failed to parse styles list";
s_stylesJob = 0;
if( !s_moods.isEmpty() )
if( !s_moods.isEmpty() && !s_styles.isEmpty() )
return s_genres;
QNetworkReply* r = qobject_cast< QNetworkReply* >( sender() );
Q_ASSERT( r );
s_genres = Echonest::Artist::parseGenreList( r ).toList();
catch( Echonest::ParseError& e )
qWarning() << "Echonest failed to parse genres list";
s_genresJob = 0;
if( !s_moods.isEmpty() && !s_styles.isEmpty() )

View File

@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ public:
static QStringList styles();
static QStringList moods();
static QStringList genres();
static QStringList userCatalogs();
static QByteArray catalogId( const QString& collectionId );
@ -99,6 +100,7 @@ private slots:
void stylesReceived();
void moodsReceived();
void genresReceived();
void knownCatalogsChanged();
void songLookupFinished();
@ -110,16 +112,18 @@ private:
Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::ArtistTypeEnum appendRadioType( Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::PlaylistParams& params ) const throw( std::runtime_error );
bool onlyThisArtistType( Echonest::DynamicPlaylist::ArtistTypeEnum type ) const throw( std::runtime_error );
void loadStylesAndMoods();
void saveStylesAndMoods();
void loadStylesMoodsAndGenres();
void saveStylesMoodsAndGenres();
Echonest::DynamicPlaylist* m_dynPlaylist;
QPixmap m_logo;
static QStringList s_styles;
static QStringList s_moods;
static QStringList s_genres;
static QNetworkReply* s_stylesJob;
static QNetworkReply* s_moodsJob;
static QNetworkReply* s_genresJob;
static CatalogManager* s_catalogs;
@ -131,3 +135,4 @@ private: