mirror of
synced 2025-03-19 12:00:01 +01:00
More PHP refactorings. 'cs' lang update.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,16 +1,19 @@
"lang": "čeština",
"details": "podrobnosti",
"icons": "ikony",
"details": "Podrobnosti",
"list": "Dlaždice",
"grid": "Seznam",
"icons": "Velké ikony",
"name": "Název",
"lastModified": "Upraveno",
"lastModified": "Datum změny",
"size": "Velikost",
"parentDirectory": "Nadřazený adresář",
"empty": "prázdný",
"empty": "Prázdná složka",
"folders": "složek",
"files": "souborů",
"download": "stáhnout",
"noMatch": "žádná shoda",
"download": "Stáhnout",
"noMatch": "Žádná shoda",
"dateFormat": "DD.MM.YYYY HH:mm",
"filter": "filtr"
"filter": "Filtr",
"delete": "Odstranit"
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- var appHref = "/_{{pkg.name}}/client"
- var href = "/_{{pkg.name}}/"
doctype 5
//if lt IE 9
@ -11,14 +11,14 @@ doctype 5
meta( charset="utf-8" )
meta( http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible", content="IE=edge,chrome=1" )
title Directory index · styled with {{pkg.name}} {{pkg.version}}
meta( name="description", content="Directory index styled with {{pkg.name}} {{pkg.version}} ({{pkg.url}})" )
title index · styled with {{pkg.name}} {{pkg.version}} ({{pkg.url}})
meta( name="description", content="index styled with {{pkg.name}} {{pkg.version}} ({{pkg.url}})" )
meta( name="viewport", content="width=device-width" )
link( rel="shortcut icon", href="#{appHref}/images/app-16x16.ico" )
link( rel="apple-touch-icon", type="image/png", href="#{appHref}/images/app-48x48.png" )
link( rel="shortcut icon", href="#{href}client/images/app-16x16.ico" )
link( rel="apple-touch-icon", type="image/png", href="#{href}client/images/app-48x48.png" )
link( rel="stylesheet", href="//fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Ubuntu+Mono:400,700,400italic,700italic|Ubuntu:400,700,400italic,700italic" )
link( rel="stylesheet", href="#{appHref}/css/styles.css" )
script( src="#{appHref}/js/scripts.js" )
link( rel="stylesheet", href="#{href}client/css/styles.css" )
script( src="#{href}client/js/scripts.js" )
|<body id="h5ai-main">
@ -80,7 +80,9 @@ class App {
$parts = explode("/", $abs_path);
$encoded_parts = array();
foreach ($parts as $part) {
$encoded_parts[] = rawurlencode($part);
if ($part) {
$encoded_parts[] = rawurlencode($part);
return normalize_path($this->root_abs_href . implode("/", $encoded_parts), $trailing_slash);
@ -147,7 +149,7 @@ class App {
return 200;
return "h5ai";
return App::$MAGIC_SEQUENCE;
@ -189,27 +191,30 @@ class App {
public function get_entries($abs_href, $what) {
$folder = Entry::get($this, $this->get_abs_path($abs_href), $abs_href);
$cache = array();
$folder = Entry::get($this, $this->get_abs_path($abs_href), $cache);
if ($what > 1 && $folder !== null) {
foreach ($folder->getContent() as $entry) {
// add content of subfolders
if ($what >= 2 && $folder !== null) {
foreach ($folder->get_content($cache) as $entry) {
$folder = $folder->getParent();
$folder = $folder->get_parent($cache);
while ($what > 0 && $folder !== null) {
$folder = $folder->getParent();
$entries = array();
foreach (Entry::get_cache() as $entry) {
$entries[] = $entry->toJsonObject(true);
// add content of this folder and all parent folders
while ($what >= 1 && $folder !== null) {
$folder = $folder->get_parent($cache);
return $entries;
uasort($cache, array("Entry", "cmp"));
$result = array();
foreach ($cache as $p => $entry) {
$result[] = $entry->to_json_object();
return $result;
@ -217,31 +222,32 @@ class App {
function _cmp_no_js_fallback($entry1, $entry2) {
// function _cmp_no_js_fallback($entry1, $entry2) {
if ($entry1->isFolder && !$entry2->isFolder) {
return -1;
if (!$entry1->isFolder && $entry2->isFolder) {
return 1;
// if ($entry1->isFolder && !$entry2->isFolder) {
// return -1;
// }
// if (!$entry1->isFolder && $entry2->isFolder) {
// return 1;
// }
return strcasecmp($entry1->absHref, $entry2->absHref);
// return strcasecmp($entry1->abs_href, $entry2->abs_href);
// }
$folder = Entry::get($this, $this->abs_path, $this->abs_href);
$entries = $folder->getContent();
uasort($entries, "_cmp_no_js_fallback");
$cache = array();
$folder = Entry::get($this, $this->abs_path, $cache);
$entries = $folder->get_content($cache);
uasort($entries, array("Entry", "cmp"));
$html = "<table>";
$html .= "<tr><th></th><th><span>Name</span></th><th><span>Last modified</span></th><th><span>Size</span></th></tr>";
if ($folder->parent) {
if ($folder->get_parent($cache)) {
$html .= "<tr><td></td><td><a href=\"..\">Parent Directory</a></td><td></td><td></td></tr>";
foreach ($entries as $entry) {
$html .= "<tr>";
$html .= "<td></td>";
$html .= "<td><a href=\"" . $entry->absHref . "\">" . basename($entry->absPath) . ($entry->isFolder ? "/" : "") . "</a></td>";
$html .= "<td>" . ($entry->is_folder ? "[D]" : "[F]") . "</td>";
$html .= "<td><a href=\"" . $entry->abs_href . "\">" . basename($entry->abs_path) . ($entry->is_folder ? "/" : "") . "</a></td>";
$html .= "<td>" . date("Y-m-d H:i", $entry->date) . "</td>";
$html .= "<td>" . ($entry->size !== null ? intval($entry->size / 1000) . " KB" : "" ) . "</td>";
$html .= "</tr>";
@ -4,119 +4,105 @@ class Entry {
private static $FOLDER_SIZE_CMD = "du -sb \"[DIR]\"";
public static function cmp($entry1, $entry2) {
private static $cache = array();
public static function get_cache() {
return Entry::$cache;
return strcasecmp($entry1->abs_path, $entry2->abs_path);
public static function get($app, $abs_path, &$cache) {
public static function get($h5ai, $absPath, $absHref) {
if (!starts_with($absHref, $h5ai->get_root_abs_href())) {
error_log("ILLEGAL REQUEST: " . $absHref . ", " . $absPath . ", " . $h5ai->get_root_abs_href());
if (!starts_with($abs_path, $app->get_root_abs_path())) {
error_log("ILLEGAL REQUEST: " . $abs_path . ", " . $app->get_root_abs_path());
return null;
if (array_key_exists($absHref, Entry::$cache)) {
return Entry::$cache[$absHref];
if (is_array($cache) && array_key_exists($abs_path, $cache)) {
return $cache[$abs_path];
return new Entry($h5ai, $absPath, $absHref);
$entry = new Entry($app, $abs_path);
if (is_array($cache)) {
$cache[$abs_path] = $entry;
return $entry;
public static function sort() {
function cmp($entry1, $entry2) {
return strcasecmp($entry1->absHref, $entry2->absHref);
uasort(Entry::$cache, "cmp");
public $app,
$abs_path, $abs_href,
$date, $size,
private function __construct($app, $abs_path) {
$this->app = $app;
public $h5ai, $absPath, $absHref, $date, $size, $isFolder, $parent, $isContentFetched;
$this->abs_path = normalize_path($abs_path);
$this->is_folder = is_dir($this->abs_path);
$this->abs_href = $this->app->get_abs_href($abs_path, $this->is_folder);
$this->date = filemtime($this->abs_path);
private function __construct($h5ai, $absPath, $absHref) {
$this->h5ai = $h5ai;
$this->absPath = normalize_path($absPath);
$this->isFolder = is_dir($this->absPath);
$this->absHref = normalize_path($absHref, $this->isFolder);
$this->date = filemtime($this->absPath);
if ($this->isFolder) {
if ($this->is_folder) {
$this->size = null;
$options = $h5ai->get_options();
$options = $app->get_options();
if ($options["foldersize"]["enabled"]) {
$cmd = str_replace("[DIR]", $this->absPath, Entry::$FOLDER_SIZE_CMD);
$cmd = str_replace("[DIR]", $this->abs_path, Entry::$FOLDER_SIZE_CMD);
$this->size = intval(preg_replace("/\s.*$/", "", `$cmd`), 10);
} else {
$this->size = filesize($this->absPath);
$this->size = filesize($this->abs_path);
$this->parent = null;
$parentAbsHref = normalize_path(dirname($this->absHref), true);
if ($this->absHref !== "/" && starts_with($parentAbsHref, $h5ai->get_root_abs_href())) {
$this->parent = Entry::get($this->h5ai, normalize_path(dirname($this->absPath)), $parentAbsHref);
$this->isContentFetched = false;
Entry::$cache[$this->absHref] = $this;
$this->is_content_fetched = false;
public function toJsonObject($withStatus) {
public function to_json_object() {
$obj = array(
"absHref" => $this->absHref,
"time" => ($this->date * 1000),
"absHref" => $this->abs_href,
"time" => $this->date * 1000, // seconds (PHP) to milliseconds (JavaScript)
"size" => $this->size
if ($withStatus && $this->isFolder) {
$obj["status"] = $this->h5ai->get_http_code($this->absHref);
$obj["content"] = $this->isContentFetched;
if ($this->is_folder) {
$obj["status"] = $this->app->get_http_code($this->abs_href);
$obj["content"] = $this->is_content_fetched;
return $obj;
public function getParent() {
public function get_parent(&$cache) {
return $this->parent;
$parentAbsPath = normalize_path(dirname($this->abs_path));
if (starts_with($parentAbsPath, $this->app->get_root_abs_path())) {
return Entry::get($this->app, $parentAbsPath, $cache);
return null;
public function getContent() {
public function get_content(&$cache) {
$content = array();
if ($this->h5ai->get_http_code($this->absHref) !== "h5ai") {
if ($this->app->get_http_code($this->abs_href) !== App::$MAGIC_SEQUENCE) {
return $content;
$files = $this->h5ai->read_dir($this->absPath);
$files = $this->app->read_dir($this->abs_path);
foreach ($files as $file) {
$entry = Entry::get($this->h5ai, $this->absPath . "/" . $file, $this->absHref . rawurlencode($file));
$content[$entry->absPath] = $entry;
$entry = Entry::get($this->app, $this->abs_path . "/" . $file, $cache);
$content[$entry->abs_path] = $entry;
$this->isContentFetched = true;
$this->is_content_fetched = true;
return $content;
@ -1,14 +1,9 @@
| header("Content-type: text/html;{{pkg.name}}={{pkg.version}}");
| require_once(str_replace("\\", "/", dirname(__FILE__)) . "/inc/init.php");
| $app_abs_href = $APP->get_app_abs_href();
| $is_head_request = stripos($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"], "HEAD");
|<?php require_once(str_replace("\\", "/", dirname(__FILE__)) . "/inc/init.php"); ?>
- var appHref = "<?php echo $app_abs_href; ?>client"
- var json = "<?php if (!$is_head_request) { echo $APP->get_generic_json(); }?>"
- var fallback = "<?php if (!$is_head_request) { echo $APP->get_no_js_fallback(); }?>"
- var config = "<?php if (!$is_head_request) { echo $APP->get_custom_config(); }?>"
- var href = "<?php echo $APP->get_app_abs_href(); ?>"
- var json = "<?php echo $APP->get_generic_json(); ?>"
- var fallback = "<?php echo $APP->get_no_js_fallback(); ?>"
- var config = "<?php echo $APP->get_custom_config(); ?>"
doctype 5
//if lt IE 9
@ -20,14 +15,14 @@ html.no-js( lang="en" )
meta( charset="utf-8" )
meta( http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible", content="IE=edge,chrome=1" )
title Directory index · styled with {{pkg.name}} {{pkg.version}}
meta( name="description", content="Directory index styled with {{pkg.name}} {{pkg.version}} ({{pkg.url}})" )
title index · styled with {{pkg.name}} {{pkg.version}} ({{pkg.url}})
meta( name="description", content="index styled with {{pkg.name}} {{pkg.version}} ({{pkg.url}})" )
meta( name="viewport", content="width=device-width" )
link( rel="shortcut icon", href!="#{appHref}/images/app-16x16.ico" )
link( rel="apple-touch-icon", type="image/png", href!="#{appHref}/images/app-48x48.png" )
link( rel="shortcut icon", href!="#{href}client/images/app-16x16.ico" )
link( rel="apple-touch-icon", type="image/png", href!="#{href}client/images/app-48x48.png" )
link( rel="stylesheet", href="//fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Ubuntu+Mono:400,700,400italic,700italic|Ubuntu:400,700,400italic,700italic" )
link( rel="stylesheet", href!="#{appHref}/css/styles.css" )
script( src!="#{appHref}/js/scripts.js", data-config!="#{config}" )
link( rel="stylesheet", href!="#{href}client/css/styles.css" )
script( src!="#{href}client/js/scripts.js", data-config!="#{config}" )
Reference in New Issue
Block a user