2015-01-28 13:23:10 +00:00

4.1 KiB

Cachet Deploy

Build Status Quality Score Software License PHP Dependency Status JavaScript Dependency Status Node.js Dependency Status Gitter

Current progress

For more information on why I started developing Cachet, check out my blog post, for more read [What's next for Cachet?](What's next for Cachet?) A demo, deployed to Heroku.

Currently in development. Things may change or break until a solid release has been announced.


Cachet is currently unable to build assets under CentOS 6 and Debian Wheezy. This problem lies within the dependencies of our build setup, not Cachet itself. For more information see this issue.


  • List your services components.
  • Log incidents.
  • Override status page colors.
  • Apply a custom stylesheet to the status page.
  • Markdown support for incident messages.
  • RESTful API.
  • Multilingual.


  • PHP 5.4 or newer
  • mcrypt extension
  • Composer
  • Node.js
    • Bower
    • Gulp

Installation & Documentation

You can now find our documentation at or, directly at

What Cachet is not

Here is a list of things that Cachet is not or does not do:

  1. It does not monitor your services. It works only as a way to display the status of your services. However, Cachet is able to recieve updates from third-party services via its API.
  2. It does not work on a plugin system. There are no monitoring services to extend.
  3. It's not a Twitter clone.

Quickstart with Docker

Run a DB container (you can either pass in environment variables for the DB, or mount a config with -v /my/database.php:/var/www/html/app/config/database.php):

$ export DB_USERNAME=cachet
$ export DB_PASSWORD=cachet
$ export DB_DATABASE=cachet

Initialize the DB if you havent yet:

$ docker run --link mysql:mysql -e DB_HOST=mysql -e DB_DATABASE=$DB_DATABASE -e DB_USERNAME=$DB_USERNAME -e DB_PASSWORD=$DB_PASSWORD cachethq/cachet:latest php artisan migrate

Run Cachet:

$ docker run -d --name cachet --link mysql:mysql -p 80:80 -e DB_HOST=mysql -e DB_DATABASE=$DB_DATABASE -e DB_USERNAME=$DB_USERNAME -e DB_PASSWORD=$DB_PASSWORD cachethq/cachet:latest

Now go to http://<ipdockerisboundto>/setup and have fun!


A special thank you to our translators, who have allowed us to share Cachet with the world. If you'd like to contribute translations, please check out our CrowdIn project.


Cachet is licensed under The MIT License (MIT).