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Fast Forward
by Marco Stoll
- marco.stoll@rocketmail.com
- http://marcostoll.de
- https://github.com/marcostoll
- https://github.com/marcostoll/FF
Introduction - What is Fast Forward?
Fast Forward (in short FF) is a generic application template for building web and/or command line applications fast and easy. It addresses the common tasks and provides configurable and/or extendable default implementations for you to use.
Currently FF is composed of the following features:
- Services and a Service Factory
More features will follow (see the Road Map section below).
A Warning before you start
FF is highly opinionated and depends on a bunch of conventions! So be sure to consult the documentation before deciding to develop your application based on FF. But if you do FF ensures a minimal amount of setup, letting you concentrate your efforts on your business logic instead of soe framework configuration.
FF Family
FF makes heavy usage of the Fast Forward Family components, a collection of independent components providing generic implementations (like data structures of design patterns) used by many of FF's features.
via Composer
manual Installation
Bootstrap a web application
Bootstrap a command line application
Services and the Service Factory
Services - a definition
From the FF perspective a service is a singular component (mostly class) that provide needed functionality as part of certain domain. Common attributes of services should be
- Make minimal assumptions of the surrounding runtime environment.
- Be stateless.
- Be unit testable.
Writing services
[CONVENTION] Service classes extend FF\Services\AbstractService
[CONVENTION] Services should be located in your project's MyProject\Services
namespace (or any sub namespace
thereof) to be found by the ServicesFactory
Example: Basic service implementation
namespace MyProject\Services;
use FF\Services\AbstractService;
class MyService extends AbstractService
FF services can be configured if needed. The ServicesFactory
will initialize a service's instance with available
config options. But it will be your responsibility to validate that any given options will meet your service's
Example: Configurable service implementation
namespace MyProject\Services;
use FF\Services\AbstractService;
class MyConfigurableService extends AbstractService
* {@inheritDoc}
protected function validateOptions(array $options, array &$errors): bool
// place you option validation logic here
// example
if (!isset($options['some-option'])) {
$errors[] = 'missing options [some-options]';
return false;
return true;
Using the Service Factory
FF's service factory is based on the AbstractSingletonFactory
of the FF-Factories component. Be sure to
consult component's documentation for further information about using
FF factories.
To retrieve a service from the factory you have to know thw service's class identifier. These class identifiers are
composed of the service's class name prefixed by any sub namespace relative to FF\Services
(for built-in services) or
(for you custom services).
For convenience reasons there is a shorthand class SF
that lets you retrieve one or more services with minimal effort.
Example: Getting a single service
use FF\Services\SF;
use MyProject\Services\MyService;
/** @var MyService $myService */
$myService = SF::i()->get('MyService'); // finds MyProject\Services\MyService
Example: Getting multiple services at once
use FF\Services\Events\EventBroker;
use FF\Services\SF;
use MyProject\Services\MyService;
/** @var EventBroker $eventBroker */
/** @var MyService $myService */
list ($eventBroker, $myService) = SF::i()->get('Events\EventBroker', MyService');
Extending built-in FF Services
The ServicesFactory
uses a FF\Factories\NamespaceClassLocator
locator to find services definitions bases on a class
identifier. To archive this, it searches the list of registered base namespace for any suitable service class in the
given order.
This feature lets you sub class and replace FF's built-in service implementations easily by just following the
naming conventions and registering the ServiceFactory
as shown in the Bootstrapping section of this document.
Example: Extend/Replace a built-in service
namespace MyProject\Services\Runtime;
use FF\Services\Runtime\ExceptionHandler as FFExceptionHandler;
class ExceptionHandler extends FFExceptionHandler
// place your custom logic here
// when ever some component refers to the 'Runtime\ExceptionHandler' service via the ServicesFactory
// an instance of your service extension will be used instead of the built-in service
/** @var MyProject\Services\Runtime\ExceptionHandler $exceptionHandler */
$exceptionHandler = SF::get('Runtime\ExceptionHandler');
Road map
- Events
- Runtime
- Controllers
- Sessions
- Security
- Bootstrapping