add FirstNameMale and FirstNameFemale method to all Person classes
add gender parameter to some localized lastname and prefix method
update README
add missing prefix method for bg_BG Person provider
set male and female firstnames for netherland locales
refactore is_IS firstname providers
add more values for gender parameter
rename person prefix methods to title and refactore them
separate male and female en_US firstname
update all Person Providers
add some unit tests for man, woman firstname and title
replace male and female title by academic degrees only for pl_PL
add polish names source comment
update male and female firstname for fr_FR, fr_CA and fr_BE
update male and female firstnames for es_AR, es_ES and es_PE
update male and female firstnames for pt_BR
update male and female firstnames and titles for it_IT
change title behavior for cs_CZ
update male and female firstnames for da_DK
change title behavior for nl_NL
update male and female firstnames for hu_HU
fix PSR2 coding style
fix PSR2 coding style
update male and female bengali titles
fix firstnames unit tests for me_ME
update male and female firstnames and titles for en_ZA and fi_FI (some names stay with gender unkown)
update male and female firstnames for lv_LV
update male and female firstnames for tr_TR
update male and female firstnames for zh_CN
update male and female firstnames for ja_JP
update male and female firstnames for fi_FI
update male and female firstnames for bn_BD
update male and female firstnames for ru_RU
fix title method for sk_SK
update partially male and female firstnames for sr_*
update README
remove deprecated comments
update male and female firstnames and title for hy_AM
update male and female firstnames for uk_UA
add gender option to name formatter
fix PSR2 coding style
make gender option more simple and improve implementation
restore unknown gender firstnames into male and female firstnames list
update es_ES firstnames list
restore source link for sr_RS Person firstname provider
simplify Person name unit test
Sometimes shit happens... The Romanian national identity card number
generator generated a non-exisiting date (02/29/98). Fixing the seed
solves the problem.
* Move more common formatters first
* make it obvious that `realTest` outputs real text
* reduce the image formatters doc (the readme doesn't replace the phpDoc)