The $size variable in the SetFontSize function is supposed to be a float type, but a string can be passed in like "14px" causing an error in PHP 7. Re-casting the variable is a simple solution to fix the variable type if it was incorrectly passed in.
- Bug #1070 "PNG regression in 6.2.9 (they appear as their alpha channel)" was fixed.
- Bug #1069 "Encoded SRC URLs in <img> tags don't work anymore" was fixed.
- Bug #1005 "Security Report, LFI posting internal files externally abusing default parameter" was fixed.
- Static methods serializeTCPDFtagParameters() and unserializeTCPDFtagParameters() were moved as non static to the main TCPDF class (see changes in example n. 49).
- Deprecated methods were removed, please use the equivalents defined in other classes (i.e. TCPDF_STATIC and TCPDF_FONTS).
- The constant K_TCPDF_CALLS_IN_HTML is now set by default to FALSE.
- DLE, DLX and DLP page format was added.
- Page format are now defined as a public property in TCPDF_STATIC.
- The method TCPDF_STATIC::getRandomSeed() was improved.
- The disk caching feature was removed.
- Bug #1003 "Backslashes become duplicated in table, using WriteHTML" was fixed.
- Bug #1002 "SVG radialGradient within non-square Rect" was fixed.
- Added basic support for nested SVG images (adapted PR from SamMousa).
- A bug related to setGDImageTransparency() was fixed (thanks to Maarten Boerema).
- Bug item #996 "getCharBBox() returns incorrect results for TTF glyphs without outlines" was fixed.
- Bug item #991 "Text problem with SVG" was fixed (only the font style part).
- Security fix: some serialize/unserialize methods were replaced with json_encode/json_decode to avoid a potential object injection with user supplied content. Thanks to ownCloud Inc. for reporting this issue.
- K_TIMEZONE constant was added to the default configuration to supress date-time warnings.
- Bug item #956 "Monospaced fonts are not alignd at the baseline" was fixed.
- Bug item #964 "Problem when changing font size" was fixed.
- Bug item #969 "ImageSVG with radialGradient problem" was fixed.
- sRGB.icc file was replaced with the one from the Debian package icc-profiles-free (2.0.1+dfsg-1)
- Starting from this version TCPDF is also available in GitHub at
- Function getmypid() was removed for better compatibility with shared hosting environments.
- Support for pulling SVG stroke opacity value from RGBa color was mergeg [adf006].
- Bug item #951 "HTML Table within TCPDF columns doesnt flow correctly on page break ..." was fixed.
- Bug item #946 "Case sensitive type check causes broken match for SVG" was fixed.
- Bug item #945 "Imagick load doesn't account for passed data string " was fixed.