Anton Medvedev 14f9e1a6e0
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2024-11-28 21:21:46 +01:00

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Getting Started

This tutorial will guide you through:

  • Setting up a new host with the provision recipe.
  • Configuring a deployment and performing your first deploy.

Step 1: Install Deployer

First, install Deployer. Once installed, navigate to your project directory and run:

dep init

Deployer will prompt you with a series of questions. After completing them, you'll have a deploy.php or * deploy.yaml* file—your deployment recipe. This file defines hosts, tasks, and dependencies on other recipes. Framework-specific recipes provided by Deployer are based on the common recipe.

Step 2: Provision a New Server

:::note If you already have a configured web server, skip to deployment. :::

Setting Up Your VPS

Create a new VPS with a provider like Linode, DigitalOcean, Vultr, AWS, or GCP. Use an Ubuntu image, as it's supported by Deployer's provision recipe.

:::tip Set up a DNS record pointing your domain to your server's IP address. This allows you to SSH into the server using your domain name instead of its IP. :::

Configuring deploy.php

Your deploy.php recipe should define your host with key parameters:

  • remote_user: The SSH username.
  • deploy_path: The file path where your project will be deployed.


    ->set('remote_user', 'deployer')
    ->set('deploy_path', '~/example');

If your server only has a root user, the provision recipe will create and configure a deployer user for you.

Adding an Identity Key

To connect to your server, use an identity key or private key. Instead of defining it directly in your host configuration, add it to your ~/.ssh/config file:

Host *
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa

Provisioning the Server

Run the following command to provision your server:

dep provision


  • To change the default root user, use:
    dep provision -o provision_user=your-user
  • If your remote user can sudo to become root, use:
    dep provision -o become=root


During provisioning, Deployer will ask about PHP versions, database preferences, and more. It takes about 5 minutes and installs everything required to run a website. The deployment path is configured as deploy_path.

Step 3: Deploy Your Project

Deploy your project with:

dep deploy

If the deployment fails, Deployer will display the error and the failed command. You may need to configure your .env file or similar credentials. To edit files directly on the server:

dep ssh

If needed, resume deployment from the last step:

dep deploy --start-from deploy:migrate

Step 4: Post-Deployment Configuration

After the first successful deployment, the server directory structure looks like this:

~/example                      // deploy_path
 |- current -> releases/1      // Symlink to current release
 |- releases                   // Directory for all releases
    |- 1                       // Latest release
       |- ...
       |- .env -> shared/.env  // Symlink to shared .env file
 |- shared                     // Shared files between releases
    |- ...
    |- .env                    // Shared .env file
 |- .dep                       // Deployer configuration files

Web Server Setup

Configure your web server to serve from the current directory. Example for Nginx:

root /home/deployer/example/current/public;
index index.php;
location / {
    try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$query_string;

For those using the provision recipe, Deployer will automatically configure the Caddy web server to serve from the public_path.

Step 5: Adding a Build Step

To automate build steps, add a task in your deploy.php:

task('build', function () {
    run('npm install');
    run('npm run prod');

after('deploy:update_code', 'build');

Examining Deployments

Use the releases task to view deployment details:

dep releases

Example output:

+---------------------+--------- -------+--------+-----------+
| Date (UTC)          | Release     | Author         | Target | Commit    |
| 2021-11-05 14:00:22 | 1 (current) | Anton Medvedev | HEAD   | 943ded2be |

:::tip During development, the dep push task maybe useful to create a patch of local changes and push them to the host. :::

With Deployer, you're now ready to efficiently set up, provision, and manage deployments for your projects!