2021-10-23 23:24:31 +02:00

6.3 KiB

Upgrade from 6.x to 7.x

Step 1: Update deploy.php

  1. Change hostname to alias.
  2. Change real_hostname to hostname.
  3. Change user to remote_user.
  4. Update host() definitions:
    1. Add set prefix to all setters: identityFile -> setIdentityFile or set('identify_file')
    2. Update host(...)->addSshOption('UserKnownHostsFile', '/dev/null') to host(...)->setSshArguments(['-o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null']);
    3. Replace stage with labels, i.e.
          ->set('labels', ['stage' => 'prod']); 
      When deploying use instead of vendor/bin/dep deploy prod now vendor/bin/dep deploy stage=prod.
    4. alias() is deleted, host() itself sets alias and hostname, to override hostname use setHostname().
  5. Update task() definitions.
    1. Replace onRoles() with select():
  6. Third party recipes now live inside main Deployer repo in contrib:
    require 'contrib/rsync.php';
  7. Replace inventory() with import(). It now can import hosts, configs, tasks:
    import: recipe/common.php
      application: deployer
        - uploads
        - storage/logs/
        - storage/db
        - .env
        - config/test.yaml
      keep_releases: 3
      http_user: false
        local: true
        - deploy:prepare
        - deploy:vendors
        - deploy:publish
        - run: 'cd {{release_path}} && echo {{bin/composer}} {{composer_options}} 2>&1'
  8. Rename success task in success to deploy:success.
  9. Verbosity function (isDebug(), etc) deleted. Use output()->isDebug() instead.
  10. runLocally() commands are executed relative to the recipe file directory. This behaviour can be overridden via an environment variable:
    DEPLOYER_ROOT=. vendor/bin/dep taskname`

Step 2: Deploy

  1. Find out next release name (ssh to the host, ls releases dir, find the bigget number). Example: 42.
  2. Deploy with release_name:
    dep deploy -o release_name=43


    In case a rollback is needed, manually change the current symlink:

    ln -nfs releases/42 current

Upgrade from 5.x to 6.x

  1. Changed branch option priority

    If you have host definition with branch(...) parameter, adding --branch option will not override it any more. If no branch(...) parameter persists, branch will be fetched from current local git branch.

        ->set('branch', 'production')

    In order to return to old behavior add checking of --branch option.

        ->set('branch', function () {
            return input()->getOption('branch') ?: 'production';
  2. Add deploy:info task to the beginning to deploy task.

  3. run returns string instead of Deployer\Type\Result

    Now run and runLocally returns string instead of Deployer\Type\Result. Replace method calls as:

    • run('command')->toString()run('command')
    • run('if command; then echo "true"; fi;')->toBool()test('command')
  4. env_vars renamed to env

    • set('env_vars', 'FOO=bar');set('env', ['FOO' => 'bar']);

    If your are using Symfony recipe, then you need to change env setting:

    • set('env', 'prod');set('symfony_env', 'prod');

Upgrade from 4.x to 5.x

  1. Servers to Hosts

    • server($hostname) to host($hostname), and server($name, $hostname) to host($name)->hostname($hostname)
    • localServer($name) to localhost()
    • cluster($name, $nodes, $port) to hosts(...$hodes)
    • serverList($file) to inventory($file)

    If you need to deploy to same server use host aliases:

    host('', '')
        ->set('deploy_path', '~/{{hostname}}')

    Or you can define different hosts with same hostname:

        ->set('deploy_path', '~/production')       
        ->set('deploy_path', '~/beta')       
  2. Configuration options

    • Rename {{}} to {{hostname}}
  3. DotArray syntax

    In v5 access to nested arrays in config via dot notation was removed. If you was using it, consider to move to plain config options.

    Refactor this:

    set('a', ['b' => 1]);
    // ...


    set('a_b', 1);
    // ...
  4. Credentials

    Best practice in new v5 is to omit credentials for connection in deploy.php and write them in ~/.ssh/config instead.

    • identityFile($publicKeyFile,, $privateKeyFile, $passPhrase) to identityFile($privateKeyFile)
    • pemFile($pemFile) to identityFile($pemFile)
    • forwardAgent() to forwardAgent(true)
  5. Tasks constraints

    • onlyOn to onHosts
    • onlyOnStage to onStage

Upgrade from 3.x to 4.x

  1. Namespace for functions

    Add to beginning of deploy.php next line:

    use function Deployer\{server, task, run, set, get, add, before, after};

    If you are using PHP version less than 5.6, you can use this:

    namespace Deployer;
  2. env() to set()/get()

    Rename all calls env($name, $value) to set($name, $value).

    Rename all rvalue env($name) to get($name).

    Rename all server(...)->env(...) to server(...)->set(...).

  3. Moved NonFatalException

    Rename Deployer\Task\NonFatalException to Deployer\Exception\NonFatalException.

  4. Prior release cleanup

    Due to changes in release management, the new cleanup task will ignore any prior releases deployed with 3.x. These will need to be manually removed after migrating to and successfully releasing via 4.x.

Upgrade from 2.x to 3.x

  1. ->path('...')

    Replace your server paths configuration:



      ->env('deploy_path', '...');