2.1 KiB
title |
Typography |
This is a h1
This is a paragraph:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur iaculis, mauris sed feugiat finibus, quam odio sollicitudin justo, id convallis justo neque et ante. Fusce ultricies, tortor et viverra tempor, sapien diam vehicula nisi, ac cursus ligula nulla a eros. Vivamus lobortis eros ut arcu fringilla molestie. Nunc sit amet risus a magna congue porta.
This is a link. And this is a styled one.
This is a h2
This is a quote:
Seeing comes before words. The child looks and recognizes before it can speak. But there is also another sense in which seeing comes before words. It is seeing which establishes our place in the surrounding world; we explain that world with words, but words can never undo the fact that we are surrounded by it. The relation between we see and what we know is never settled.
John Berger, Ways of Seeing
This is a h3
This is an unordered list:
- Etiam viverra velit.
- Finibus lobortis sagittis
- Nulla auctor interdum lorem
- In fermentum risus facilisis in
- Praesent sollicitudin nulla
- Eu diam ullamcorper eleifend
- Suspendisse vulputate, eros eu tristique mattis
This is an ordered list:
- Lorem nisl pulvinar tellus
- A bibendum nisl orci ac est
- Nulla nulla lectus, varius id magna non
This is a h4
This is a table:
# | Novel | Year |
1 | Oliver Twist | 1837 |
2 | The Old Curiosity Shop | 1840 |
3 | David Copperfield | 1849 |
4 | A Tale of Two Cities | 1859 |
5 | Great Expectations | 1860 |
This is a h5
This is a <pre>
\# | Novel | Year
1 | Oliver Twist | 1837
2 | The Old Curiosity Shop | 1840
3 | David Copperfield | 1849
4 | A Tale of Two Cities | 1859
5 | Great Expectations | 1860
This is a h6
This is an horizontal rule: