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Module and Theme Migration Guide to Bootstrap 5

Mandatory changes for modules to work with Bootstrap 5

  • Classes extending \humhub\modules\content\widgets\WallCreateContentForm: replace renderActiveForm(\humhub\modules\ui\form\widgets\ActiveForm $form) with renderActiveForm(\humhub\widgets\form\ActiveForm $form)
  • "Dropdown" replacements in HTML attributes (see bellow)


  • humhub\widgets\ActiveForm use humhub\widgets\form\ActiveForm instead
  • js/humhub/legacy/jquery.loader.js
  • CSS for User & Space picker


Widgets in these new folders:

  • humhub\widgets\bootstrap
  • humhub\widgets\form
  • humhub\widgets\modal

And especially:

Colors: secondary, light and dark are the new Bootstrap colors (default is deprecated).


Bootstrap 3 components are removed from Bootstrap 5, but those used in HumHub are still supported for a while via the static/scss/_bootstrap3.scss compatibility stylesheet

Widgets & helpers:

  • humhub\widgets\BootstrapComponent
  • humhub\widgets\Tabs use humhub\widgets\bootstrap\Tabs instead
  • humhub\widgets\Button use humhub\widgets\bootstrap\Button instead
  • humhub\widgets\Link use humhub\widgets\bootstrap\Link instead
  • humhub\widgets\Label use humhub\widgets\bootstrap\Badge instead (watch out for class name changes!)
  • humhub\modules\topic\widgets\TopicLabel use humhub\modules\topic\widgets\TopicBadge instead (watch out for class name changes!)
  • humhub\libs\Html use humhub\helpers\Html instead

Widget methods & properties:

  • humhub\widgets\bootstrap\Button::xs() use humhub\widgets\bootstrap\Button::sm() instead
  • humhub\widgets\bootstrap\Button::defaultType() use humhub\widgets\bootstrap\Button::light() or Button::secondary() instead
  • humhub\widgets\bootstrap\Badge::xs() use humhub\widgets\bootstrap\Badge::sm() instead
  • humhub\widgets\bootstrap\Badge::defaultType() use humhub\widgets\bootstrap\Badge::light() or Badge::secondary() instead
  • humhub\widgets\bootstrap\Button::htmlOptions use humhub\widgets\bootstrap\Button::options instead
  • humhub\widgets\bootstrap\Badge::htmlOptions use humhub\widgets\bootstrap\Badge::options instead

Name spaces starting with yii\bootstrap: use yii\bootstrap5 instead (but see "HumHub widgets" bellow)

Forms and Modal Dialog: see bellow.

SCSS and CSS variables: see bellow.

HumHub widgets

If available, use HumHub widgets instead of the native library widgets. This will make it easier to migrate to new versions of the external libraries (see Code Style wiki page).

E.g. \yii\bootstrap5\Html, use humhub\widgets\bootstrap\Html instead.

If a Bootstrap widget is not available, create an issue on

Modal Dialog


  • humhub\widgets\modal\ModalButton::outline() (doc)


  • humhub\widgets\Modal use humhub\widgets\modal\JsModal instead
  • humhub\widgets\ModalDialog use humhub\widgets\modal\Modal instead, which is different, as it's for the full Modal box, not just the dialog part of it
  • humhub\widgets\ModalButton use humhub\widgets\modal\ModalButton instead
  • humhub\widgets\modal\ModalButton::submitModal($url, $label) use humhub\widgets\modal\ModalButton::save($label, $url) (watch out the parameter order change!) or humhub\widgets\modal\ModalButton::primary($label)->submit($url) instead
  • humhub\widgets\ModalClose use humhub\widgets\modal\ModalClose instead
  • humhub\widgets\GlobalModal use humhub\widgets\modal\GlobalModal instead
  • humhub\widgets\GlobalConfirmModal use humhub\widgets\modal\GlobalConfirmModal instead
  • humhub\widgets\ModalDialog::begin() use humhub\widgets\modal\Modal::beginDialog() instead (see changes in the "Modal Dialog" chapter bellow)
  • humhub\widgets\ModalDialog::end() use humhub\widgets\modal\Modal::endDialog() instead
  • humhub\widgets\modal\Modal::header & humhub\widgets\modal\JsModal::header: use title instead
  • humhub\widgets\modal\Modal::animation & humhub\widgets\modal\JsModal::animation (all modal boxes are opened with the fade animation)
  • humhub\widgets\modal\Modal::centerText & humhub\widgets\modal\JsModal::centerText
  • humhub\widgets\modal\Modal::showClose: use closeButton instead (but works differently, see yii\bootstrap5\Modal::closeButton doc)
  • humhub\widgets\modal\JsModal::size & humhub\widgets\modal\Modal::size values: use Modal::SIZE_DEFAULT, Modal::SIZE_SMALL, Modal::SIZE_LARGE, Modal::SIZE_EXTRA_LARGE instead of (normal, extra-small, small, medium, and large)

Replacements in HTML attributes

  • data-backdrop => data-bs-backdrop
  • data-keyboard => data-bs-keyboard


Modal::beginDialog() (formerly ModalDialog::begin()) now includes <div class="modal-body"> and the footer must be defined as a parameter, similar to the header which has been renamed to title.


<?php ModalDialog::begin([
	'header' => Yii::t('ModuleIdModule.base', 'Title'),
]) ?>
	<div class="modal-body">
	<div class="modal-footer">
		<?= ModalButton::cancel(Yii::t('base', 'Close')) ?>
<?php ModalDialog::end()?>


<?php Modal::beginDialog([
	'title' => Yii::t('ModuleIdModule.base', 'Title'),
    'footer' => ModalButton::cancel(Yii::t('base', 'Close')),
]) ?>
<?php Modal::endDialog() ?>

If the footer contains a "Submit" button, the modal dialog must be included in the form by using the Modal::beginFormDialog() and Modal::endFormDialog() methods:

<?php $form = Modal::beginFormDialog([
    'title' => Yii::t('ModuleIdModule.base', 'Title'),
    'footer' => ModalButton::cancel() . ' ' . ModalButton::save(),
    'form' => [], //  configuration for the form (optional)
]) ?>
    Content and the form inputs for $form
<?php Modal::endFormDialog()?>


Widgets deprecations

  • yii\widgets\ActiveForm, yii\bootstrap\ActiveForm, yii\bootstrap5\ActiveForm, kartik\widgets\ActiveForm, kartik\form\ActiveForm, humhub\modules\ui\form\widgets\ActiveForm: use humhub\widgets\form\ActiveForm instead
  • yii\widgets\ActiveField, yii\bootstrap\ActiveField, yii\bootstrap5\ActiveField, humhub\modules\ui\form\widgets\ActiveField: use humhub\widgets\form\ActiveField instead
  • humhub\modules\ui\form\widgets\SortOrderField use humhub\widgets\form\SortOrderField instead
  • humhub\modules\ui\form\widgets\ContentHiddenCheckbox use humhub\widgets\form\ContentHiddenCheckbox instead
  • humhub\modules\ui\form\widgets\ContentVisibilitySelect use humhub\widgets\form\ContentVisibilitySelect instead
  • humhub\modules\ui\form\widgets\FormTabs use humhub\widgets\bootstrap\FormTabs instead

Input groups

Remove <span class="input-group-btn"> button wrapper inside <div class="input-group">.


<div class="input-group">
  <span class="input-group-btn">
    <button class="btn btn-default">My action</button>


<div class="input-group">
    <button class="btn btn-light">My action</button>

Error messages with RichTextField input widget

When using the RichTextField input widget AND setting the form attribute, as the active input is displayed as a nested input, the input elements mustn't be displayed twice. Previously, the error field was displayed by the parent input. But Bootstrap 5 requires the error field to be at the same level to the displayed input.

So now, the error HTML element (invalid-feedback) is included in the widget. Which means it needs to be removed in the parent input (by specifying the template) to prevent displaying it twice.


<?= $form->field($model, 'attribute', ['template' => "{label}\n{input}"])->widget(RichTextField::class, [
    'form' => $form,
]) ?>

Dropdown, Navs & tabs


  • Search for dropdown-menu in the code and add a dropdown-header class to header items, and a dropdown-item class to all link items (usually a and button tags ; see documentation with example).
  • Search for divider classes (search regex expression for HTML tags: <\w+\s+[^>]*class\s*=\s*["'](?:[^"']*\s)?divider(?:\s[^"']*)?["'][^>]*>), replace with dropdown-divider, and move them to a hr child tag of li.
  • Move the tags with dropdown-header class to a child tag of li (usually in a h6 tag)
  • dropdown-menu-left -> dropdown-menu-start
  • dropdown-menu-right -> dropdown-menu-end
  • dropdown-menu float-start -> dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-start
  • dropdown-menu float-end -> dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-end
  • Remove <span class="caret"></span> and <b class="caret"></b> in dropdown buttons (as there are already added by Bootstrap 5 via the :after pseudo-element)


<li class="dropdown">
    <button type="button" class="btn btn-default dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-expanded="false">
        Dropdown button
        <span class="caret"></span>
    <ul class="dropdown-menu">
        <li><h6>Dropdown header</h6></li>
        <li role="separator" class="divider"></li>
        <li><a href="#">Action</a></li>


<div class="dropdown">
    <button type="button" class="btn btn-secondary dropdown-toggle" data-bs-toggle="dropdown" aria-expanded="false">
        Dropdown button
    <ul class="dropdown-menu">
        <li><h6 class="dropdown-header">Dropdown header</h6></li>
        <li><hr class="dropdown-divider"></li>
        <li><a class="dropdown-item" href="#">Action</a></li>

Navs & tabs

Make sure the required classes nav-item and nav-link exist in HTML tags about nav & tabs (see documentation with examples). Search regex expression for HTML tags: <\w+\s+[^>]*class\s*=\s*["'](?:[^"']*\s)?nav(?:\s[^"']*)?["'][^>]*>.

The active class must be added to the nav-link element (and not the nav-item).


<ul class="nav">
    <li class="nav-item">
        <a class="nav-link active" href="#">Link</a>

Tabs with Dropdown


<ul class="nav nav-tabs">
    <li class="nav-item">
        <a class="nav-link" href="#">Link</a>
    <li class="nav-item dropdown">
        <a class="nav-link dropdown-toggle" data-bs-toggle="dropdown" href="#" role="button" aria-expanded="false">Dropdown</a>
        <ul class="dropdown-menu">
            <li><a class="dropdown-item" href="#">Action</a></li>
            <li><hr class="dropdown-divider"></li>

Replacements in HTML attributes

These replacements must be done in PHP, SCSS (formerly LESS) and JS files.

General classes replacements

  • img-responsive -> img-fluid (use the humhub\modules\ui\widgets\BaseImage widget when possible)
  • alert-default -> alert-light or alert-secondary (use the humhub\widgets\bootstrap\Alert widget when possible)
  • btn-xs -> btn-sm (use the humhub\widgets\bootstrap\Button widget when possible)
  • btn-default -> btn-light (the new btn-secondary can also be used, but it will be a darker gray)
  • pull-left -> float-start
  • pull-right -> float-end
  • center-block -> mx-auto (image, inline or inline-block elements: d-block mx-auto)
  • text-left -> text-start
  • text-right -> text-end
  • btn-group-xs -> btn-group-sm
  • media-object img-rounded -> rounded
  • img-rounded -> rounded
  • data-toggle -> data-bs-toggle
  • data-target -> data-bs-target
  • data-dismiss -> data-bs-dismiss
  • no-space -> m-0 p-0
  • align-center -> text-center or d-flex justify-content-center
  • input-group-addon -> input-group-text (or input-group-prepend or input-group-append)
  • form-group -> mb-3
  • well (search regex expression for HTML tags: <\w+\s+[^>]*class\s*=\s*["'](?:[^"']*\s)?well(?:\s[^"']*)?["'][^>]*>) -> bg-light p-3 for a simple inset container or card (with a card-body child element)
  • has-error, has-warning, and has-success -> is-invalid or is-valid, but the new classes are now append to the input instead of the previous form-group (the input is a child of the form group)
  • help-block help-block-error -> invalid-feedback
  • help-block -> text-body-secondary or form-text if in a form
  • Remove jumbotron class

Columns with breakpoints

Bootstrap 3:

  • xs: < 768px
  • sm: ≥ 768px
  • md: ≥ 992px
  • lg: ≥ 1200px

Bootstrap 5:

  • xs: removed (default)
  • sm: ≥ 576px (new)
  • md: ≥ 768px
  • lg: ≥ 992px
  • xl: ≥ 1200px
  • xxl: ≥ 1400px (new)

So replacements are (to be done in this order):

  • col-lg- -> col-xl-
  • col-md- -> col-lg-
  • col-sm- -> col-md-
  • col-xs- -> col-

Make sure:

  • the parent element has the row class
  • the parent of parent the container class

See documentation

Hidden/Visible elements

Use the new d-none class instead of the display: none; style (except for email views).

In the following class replacements, you can also use inline, flex, etc. instead of block (depending on the desired display mode). E.g., d-sm-inline or d-sm-flex instead of d-sm-block.

In Bootstrap 3, the class applies to the designed screen size only, whereas in Bootstrap 5, the class applies to the designated screen size and larger. And visible will hide the element for other screen sizes, whereas in Bootstrap 5, you need to add d-none to hide for other screen sizes.

Remplacement examples (must be adapted to the specific situation):

  • hidden-xs -> d-none d-sm-block or d-none d-sm-inline or d-none d-sm-flex (depending on the desired display mode)
  • hidden-sm (hide on small screens only) → d-sm-none d-md-block (hide on small screens, but show on medium or above ; idem, replace block with inline or flex)
  • hidden-md (hide on medium screens only) → d-md-none d-lg-block (hide on medium screens, but show on large or above)
  • hidden-lg (hide on large screens) → d-lg-none (hide on large screens and above, including extra large screens which doesn't exist in Bootstrap 3)
  • hidden (search regex expression for HTML tags: <\w+\s+[^>]*class\s*=\s*["'](?:[^"']*\s)?hidden(?:\s[^"']*)?["'][^>]*> ; search also in JS for strings such as Class('hidden'), Class("hidden"), Class' => 'hidden') -> d-none and others
  • visible-xs (hide on small screens and above) → d-block d-sm-none or d-sm-none if the element is visible by default
  • visible-sm (visible on small screens only) → d-none d-sm-block d-md-none (hide on all screens except small screens)
  • visible-xs visible-sm -> d-md-none (hide on large screens of above)
  • visible-mdd-none d-md-block d-lg-none (show on medium screens only)
  • visible-lgd-none d-lg-block (show on large screens or above)
  • visible-md visible-lg -> d-none d-md-block (show on medium screens of above)
  • visible (search regex expression for HTML tags: <\w+\s+[^>]*class\s*=\s*["'](?:[^"']*\s)?visible(?:\s[^"']*)?["'][^>]*> ; search also in JS for strings such as Class('visible'), Class("visible") and Class' => 'visible') → d-block

JavaScript with d-none

In Bootstrap 5 CSS, the d-flex class is set to flex !important, and the d-none class to display: none !important;.

So, the jQuery hide() and show() functions won't work anymore, because of the !important.

Replacements to do on these elements:

  • .hide() -> .addClass('d-none')
  • .show() -> .removeClass('d-none')


Search for sk-.


<div class="sk-spinner sk-spinner-three-bounce">
    <div class="sk-bounce1"></div>
    <div class="sk-bounce2"></div>
    <div class="sk-bounce3"></div>

After, for a button:

<span class="spinner-border spinner-border-sm"></span>

After, in a container:

<div class="text-center">
    <div class="spinner-border" role="status">
        <span class="visually-hidden"><?= Yii::t('base', 'Loading...') ?></span>

If wrapped in an HTML element having loader (search for the <\w+\s+[^>]*class\s*=\s*["'](?:[^"']*\s)?loader(?:\s[^"']*)?["'][^>]*> regex expression) or humhub-ui-loader classes, replace the hole HTML code with the LoaderWidget widget.

See documentation for more options and examples.


Should be replaced with cards.

TODO in core and to document here.

Label & Badge

Search for all label classes (label label- and the regex expression <\w+\s+[^>]*class\s*=\s*["'](?:[^"']*\s)?label(?:\s[^"']*)?["'][^>]*>) and use the new humhub\widgets\bootstrap\Badge widget instead

Use the humhub\widgets\bootstrap\Badge widget when possible.


  • badge-default -> text-bg-light or text-bg-secondary
  • badge-primary -> text-bg-primary
  • badge-danger -> text-bg-danger
  • badge-warning -> text-bg-warning
  • badge-info -> text-bg-info
  • badge-success -> text-bg-success



  • Search for media-list and remove the HTML element, or, to keep a similar style, use the class hh-list and replace the ul tag with a div. E.g. <ul class="media-list"> -> <div class="hh-list">
  • Inside, replace li tags with div or a tags. E.g. <li class="media"> -> <div class="d-flex">
  • Search for media classes (search regex expression for HTML tags: <\w+\s+[^>]*class\s*=\s*["'](?:[^"']*\s)?media(?:\s[^"']*)?["'][^>]*>) and replace with d-flex
  • Search for img-space classes and surround the UserImage and SpaceImage with the img-profile-space (see example in protected/humhub/modules/content/widgets/views/wallEntry.php)
  • media-heading -> mt-0 (removes the top margin, keeping it close to the top of the content area) ; the related HTML tag can be replaced with h5 or h4
  • media-body -> flex-grow-1
  • media-left -> flex-shrink-0 me-2
  • media-right -> flex-shrink-0 ms-2 order-last
  • media-object -> flex-shrink-0 (if on an image, encapsulate the image in a div tag with flex-shrink-0 class)
  • Remove float-start (or pull-left) class for images inside a <div class="flex-shrink-0">


Themes and Modules: LESS is replaced with SCSS

LESS format is not supported anymore. Use SCSS instead.


Convert LESS to SCSS

Rename less folder to scss and rename all .less files to .scss Prefix all SCSS files with _ except the build.scss and variables.scss files. E.g.: less/theme.less -> scss/_theme.scss Linux command: for file in *.less; do mv "$file" "_${file%.less}.scss"; done and remove the _ for the build.scss file

You can use the following tool to convert LESS to SCSS: However, you need to check the output manually, mainly functions and syntaxes such as:

  • color: fade(@color, 20%); -> color: rgba($color, 0.2);
  • transition:: remove the @include added after the conversion

An AI such as might be more powerful to convert, but still requires manual checks.

SCSS and CSS variables


Deprecated SCSS variables:

  • $default: use $light instead
  • $link: use $link-color instead

New SCSS variables:

  • $secondary
  • $light
  • $dark

CSS variable prefixes

Use the new variables starting with --bs- for Bootstrap variables, and --hh- for HumHub variables. E.g.: color: $primary -> color: var(--bs-primary) Full deprecation list in static/scss/variables.scss.

In modules or custom themes, if you need new variables, prefix them with --hh-xx- where xx is the first letters of your module or theme ID. E.g. my-module will use hh-mm-.

Use CSS variables instead of SCSS variables

In all SCSS files (except in SASS functions), replace all SCSS variables with CSS variables, when available (see list in variables.scss), except the one used in SCSS function (e.g. lighten($primary, 5%)). You can use regex:

  • search: \$([a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)
  • replace: var(--bs-$1) (mainly for base colors such as $primary) or var(--hh-$1)

Root vs component variables

Root variables are global variables that can be used in any component. They are stored in this file: _root.scss See

Component variables only apply to the HTML elements having the related class (e.g. .badge for Badge CSS variables), and HTML elements inside of it.

Their values can be overwritten in the component related SCSS file (e.g. _badge.scss). Example:

.badge {
    --bs-badge-padding-x: 0.8em;

Full list of Bootstrap CSS variables here:


Search for @media and replace with SCSS functions:

// X-Small devices (portrait phones and up)
// No media query necessary for xs breakpoint as it's effectively `@media (min-width: 0) { ... }`

// Small devices (landscape phones and up)
@include media-breakpoint-up(sm) { ... } // @media (min-width: 576px) { ... }

// Medium devices (tablets and up)
@include media-breakpoint-up(md) { ... } // @media (min-width: 768px) { ... }

// Large devices (desktops and up)
@include media-breakpoint-up(lg) { ... } // @media (min-width: 992px) { ... }

// X-Large devices (large desktops and up)
@include media-breakpoint-up(xl) { ... } // @media (min-width: 1200px) { ... }

// XX-Large devices (larger desktops)
@include media-breakpoint-up(xxl) { ... } // @media (min-width: 1400px) { ... }

It is also possible to use max-width (should be occasionally used) using media-breakpoint-down. E.g.:

// `sm` applies to x-small devices (portrait phones and down)
@include media-breakpoint-down(sm) { ... } // @media (max-width: 575.98px) { ... }

// `md` applies to small devices (landscape phones and down)
@include media-breakpoint-down(md) { ... } // @media (max-width: 767.98px) { ... }

// etc...

In modules, you will have to import the Boostrap breakpoints SCSS functions:

@import "../../../../vendor/bower-asset/bootstrap/scss/functions";
@import "../../../../vendor/bower-asset/bootstrap/scss/variables";
@import "../../../../vendor/bower-asset/bootstrap/scss/mixins/breakpoints";


Select2 stylesheet

static/css/select2Theme folder has been removed, and the SCSS file moved and renamed to static/scss/_select2.scss


Many styles have been refactored. Please review all your overwritten CSS selectors and values.

Build file

The build.scss file mustn't import the parent theme files anymore, as it is automatically done by the new compiler.

Take example with the HumHub community theme.


Grunt compiler has been removed.

Instead, compile your theme with the web browser, using the new "(Re)build Theme CSS" button in Administration -> Settings -> Appearance.

If you use the "Updater" module to update HumHub core, you don't need to recompile your custom theme CSS anymore, as it will be done automatically.

But without this module, you will have to click on the "(Re)build Theme CSS" button after each HumHub core upgrade.

Overwritten view files

Most of the views have been refactored to use the new Bootstrap 5 HTML tags and classes.

Please review all overwritten view files. See Migration: Identify Template Changes wiki for more information.

The most important change concerns the protected/humhub/views/layouts/main.php file, which has been refactored with bs5 flex logic (instead of floating right elements).
