<pclass="answer">See the section on <ahref="./?file=install.html#webserver">webserver
configuration</a> in the Installation docs for more details.</p>
<pclass="answer"> </p>
<h3><aname="sessiontmp"></a>Jeg f<>r gjentatte feilmeldinger om session_start.</h3>
<pclass="answer">If you see errors like this:</p>
<pclass="answercode">Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: open(/tmp\sess_d40f380d37d431fc1516e9a895ad9ce0, O_RDWR) failed: No such file or directory (2) in G:\web\moodle\lib\setup.php on line 123</p>
<pclass="answercode">Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: open(/tmp\sess_d40f380d37d431fc1516e9a895ad9ce0, O_RDWR) failed: No such file or directory (2) in G:\web\moodle\lib\setup.php on line 123</p>
<pclass="answercode">Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at G:\web\moodle\lib\setup.php:1) in G:\web\moodle\lib\setup.php on line 123</p>
<pclass="answer">... these are all related to the fact that PHP is failing to save
"session" files on your hard disk (in a directory called /tmp). Usually the
reason is that you don't HAVE a directory called /tmp on your computer. This
is usually the case with Windows installations.
<pclass="answer">The solution is to fix the PHP setting for this path to point to a real directory. You can do this in your php.ini file:</p>
<pclass="answer">then you have encountered a small bug that occurs on some servers. The problem is with the error-checking mechanism, not with your actual path. To fix it, find this line (line 66) in the file admin/index.php: </p>
<pclass="answercode">if (!empty($dirroot) and $dirroot != $CFG->dirroot) {</p>
<pclass="answercode"> </p>
<h3><aname="loginsetting"></a>Jeg logger inn, men lenken "Logg inn" endrer seg
ikke. Jeg er logget inn og kan navigere fritt.</h3>
<pclass="answer">Make sure the URL in your $CFG->wwwroot setting is exactly the
same as the one you are actually using to access the site.</p>
<pclass="answer"> </p>
<h3><aname="resource1"></a>Jeg f<>r feilmeldinger n<>r jeg pr<70>ver <20> legge ut en
<pclass="answer">Assuming you are using Apache, then it's quite likely that your
setting in config.php for $CFG->wwwroot is different from the actual URL you
are using to access the site. Also try turning off "<b>secureforms</b>" in the
admin settings.</p>
<pclass="answer"> </p>
<h3><aname="noadmin"></a>I starten av setup-prosessen ble jeg aldri spurt om <20>
opprette en administratorkonto! (Admin)</h3>
<pclass="answer">This is a known bug in versions of Moodle up to 1.0.9, now fixed in the main code and version 1.1.</p>
<pclass="answer">It doesn't affect all people, it only occurs when the person installing Moodle has a
cookie in their browser from another program on the same site, called "user", "admin", or "teacher".</p>
<pclass="answer">Quick fixes include deleting those cookies from your browser before installing, using a different browser, or editing the file moodle/admin/user.php to insert these lines near the top:</p>
<pclass="answer">After performing any of these fixes it might be a good idea
to drop all the tables in your database and re-install again from scratch.</p>
<pclass="answer"> </p>
<h3><aname="nologin"></a>Jeg kan ikke logge inn i det hele tatt - Jeg blir bare
st<EFBFBD>ende fast p<> skjermbildet for innlogging. </h3>
<pclass="answer">The most common cause for this is that your own computer (not your Moodle server)
has a firewall that is stripping referrer information from the browser. Here are
some instructions for fixing <ahref="http://service1.symantec.com/SUPPORT/nip.nsf/46f26a2d6dafb0a788256bc7005c3fa3/b9b47ad7eddd343b88256c6b006a85a8?OpenDocument&src=bar_sch_nam">Norton firewall products</a>.</p>
<pclass="answer">The server admin can also fix this for everyone by editing the Moodle configuration
page and changing the variable "<b>secureforms</b>" to "No".</p>
<pclass="answer">Another possible cause of this problem is that sessions are
not configured properly on the server. You can test this by calling the script
<h3><aname="backup"></a>Hvordan tar jeg sikkerhetskopi av mitt Moodlenettsted?</h3>
<pclass="answer">There are two main things you need to make a copy of: the database and the uploaded files. The Moodle scripts themselves are less important, since you can always download a fresh copy if you have to.</p>
<pclass="answer">There are many ways to do such backups. Here is an outline of a little script you can run on Unix to backup the database (it works well to have such a script run daily via a cron task</p>
codes</a> and <ahref="http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/vclib/html/_crt_country_strings.asp"target="_blank">Country/region
codes</a>.(eg "esp_esp" for spanish)</p>
<pclass="answer">These new locale codes can be entered on the Admin -> Configure
-> Variables page, where they override the ones in the currently chosen language
<pclass="answer"> </p>
<h3><aname="cron"></a>E-postkopier blir ikke sendt fra mine fora.</h3>
<pclass="answer">You <strong>must</strong> set up cron properly if you want Moodle
to send out automatic email from forums, journals, assignments etc. This same
process also performs a number of clean-up tasks such as deleting old unconfirmed
users, unenrolling old students and so on.</p>
<pclass="answer">Basically, you need to set up a process to regularly call the
script http://yoursite/admin/cron.php. Please see <ahref="./?file=install.html#cron">the
section on cron in the Installation documentation</a>.</p>
<pclass="answer">Tip: Try the default setting in Moodle variables page. Leave the smtphost blank.
This will be acceptable for the majority of users.