
623 lines
26 KiB
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<?php // $Id$
* Functions used to show question editing interface
* TODO: currently the function question_list still provides controls specific
* to the quiz module. This needs to be generalised.
* @author Martin Dougiamas and many others. This has recently been extensively
* rewritten by members of the Serving Mathematics project
* {@link}
* @license GNU Public License
* @package questionbank
function get_module_from_cmid($cmid){
global $CFG;
if (!$cmrec = get_record_sql("SELECT cm.*, as modname
FROM {$CFG->prefix}course_modules cm,
{$CFG->prefix}modules md
WHERE = '$cmid' AND = cm.module")){
} elseif (!$modrec =get_record($cmrec->modname, 'id', $cmrec->instance)) {
$modrec->instance = $modrec->id;
$modrec->cmid = $modrec->id;
return array($modrec, $cmrec);
* Function to read all questions for category into big array
* @param int $category category number
2006-05-13 08:49:46 +00:00
* @param bool $noparent if true only questions with NO parent will be selected
* @param bool $recurse include subdirectories
* @param bool $export set true if this is called by questionbank export
* @author added by Howard Miller June 2004
function get_questions_category( $category, $noparent=false, $recurse=true, $export=true ) {
global $QTYPES;
// questions will be added to an array
$qresults = array();
// build sql bit for $noparent
$npsql = '';
if ($noparent) {
$npsql = " and parent='0' ";
2006-05-13 08:49:46 +00:00
// get (list) of categories
if ($recurse) {
$categorylist = question_categorylist( $category->id );
else {
$categorylist = $category->id;
// get the list of questions for the category
2006-05-13 08:49:46 +00:00
if ($questions = get_records_select("question","category IN ($categorylist) $npsql", "qtype, name ASC")) {
// iterate through questions, getting stuff we need
foreach($questions as $question) {
$questiontype = $QTYPES[$question->qtype];
$question->export_process = $export;
$questiontype->get_question_options( $question );
$qresults[] = $question;
return $qresults;
* Gets the default category in a course
* It returns the first category with no parent category. If no categories
* exist yet then one is created.
* @return object The default category
* @param integer $courseid The id of the course whose default category is wanted
function get_default_question_category($courseid) {
// If it already exists, just return it.
if ($category = get_records_select("question_categories", "course = '$courseid' AND parent = '0'", 'id', '*', '', 1)) {
return reset($category);
// Otherwise, we need to make one
$category = new stdClass;
$category->name = get_string("default", "quiz");
$category->info = get_string("defaultinfo", "quiz");
$category->course = $courseid;
$category->parent = 0;
$category->sortorder = 999; // By default, all categories get this number, and are sorted alphabetically.
$category->publish = 0;
$category->stamp = make_unique_id_code();
if (!$category->id = insert_record("question_categories", $category)) {
notify("Error creating a default category!");
return false;
return $category;
* prints a form to choose categories
function question_category_form($course, $pageurl, $current, $recurse=1, $showhidden=false, $showquestiontext=false) {
global $CFG;
/// Make sure the default category exists for this course
/// Get all the existing categories now
$catmenu = question_category_options($course->id, true);
$strcategory = get_string("category", "quiz");
$strshow = get_string("show", "quiz");
$streditcats = get_string("editcategories", "quiz");
popup_form ("edit.php?".$pageurl->get_query_string()."&amp;cat=", $catmenu, "catmenu", $current, "", "", "", false, "self", "<strong>$strcategory</strong>");
2007-01-08 07:58:22 +00:00
echo '<form method="post" action="edit.php" id="displayoptions">';
2007-01-08 07:58:22 +00:00
echo "<fieldset class='invisiblefieldset'>";
echo $pageurl->hidden_params_out();
question_category_form_checkbox('recurse', $recurse);
question_category_form_checkbox('showhidden', $showhidden);
question_category_form_checkbox('showquestiontext', $showquestiontext);
echo '<noscript><div class="centerpara"><input type="submit" value="'. get_string('go') .'" />';
echo '</div></noscript></fieldset></form>';
* Private funciton to help the preceeding function.
function question_category_form_checkbox($name, $checked) {
echo '<div><input type="hidden" id="' . $name . '_off" name="' . $name . '" value="0" />';
echo '<input type="checkbox" id="' . $name . '_on" name="' . $name . '" value="1"';
if ($checked) {
echo ' checked="checked"';
echo ' onchange="getElementById(\'displayoptions\').submit(); return true;" />';
echo '<label for="' . $name . '_on">';
print_string($name, 'quiz');
echo "</label></div>\n";
* Prints the table of questions in a category with interactions
* @param object $course The course object
* @param int $categoryid The id of the question category to be displayed
* @param int $cm The course module record if we are in the context of a particular module, 0 otherwise
* @param int $recurse This is 1 if subcategories should be included, 0 otherwise
* @param int $page The number of the page to be displayed
* @param int $perpage Number of questions to show per page
* @param boolean $showhidden True if also hidden questions should be displayed
* @param boolean $showquestiontext whether the text of each question should be shown in the list
function question_list($course, $pageurl, $categoryid, $cm = null,
$recurse=1, $page=0, $perpage=100, $showhidden=false, $sortorder='qtype, name ASC',
$showquestiontext = false) {
$qtypemenu = $QTYPE_MENU;
if ($rqp_types = get_records('question_rqp_types')) {
foreach($rqp_types as $type) {
$qtypemenu['rqp_'.$type->id] = $type->name;
$strcategory = get_string("category", "quiz");
$strquestion = get_string("question", "quiz");
$straddquestions = get_string("addquestions", "quiz");
$strimportquestions = get_string("importquestions", "quiz");
$strexportquestions = get_string("exportquestions", "quiz");
$strnoquestions = get_string("noquestions", "quiz");
$strselect = get_string("select", "quiz");
$strselectall = get_string("selectall", "quiz");
$strselectnone = get_string("selectnone", "quiz");
$strcreatenewquestion = get_string("createnewquestion", "quiz");
$strquestionname = get_string("questionname", "quiz");
$strdelete = get_string("delete");
$stredit = get_string("edit");
$straction = get_string("action");
$strrestore = get_string('restore');
$straddtoquiz = get_string("addtoquiz", "quiz");
$strtype = get_string("type", "quiz");
$strcreatemultiple = get_string("createmultiple", "quiz");
$strpreview = get_string("preview","quiz");
if (!$categoryid) {
2007-01-08 07:58:22 +00:00
echo "<p style=\"text-align:center;\"><b>";
print_string("selectcategoryabove", "quiz");
echo "</b></p>";
if (!$category = get_record('question_categories', 'id', $categoryid)) {
notify('Category not found!');
$canedit = has_capability('moodle/question:manage', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $category->course));
if ($cm AND $cm->modname == 'quiz') {
$editingquiz = has_capability("mod/quiz:manage", get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id));
$quizid = $cm->instance;
} else {
$editingquiz = false;
$quizid = 0;
2007-01-09 09:07:16 +00:00
echo '<div class="boxaligncenter">';
$formatoptions = new stdClass;
$formatoptions->noclean = true;
echo format_text($category->info, FORMAT_MOODLE, $formatoptions, $course->id);
echo '<table><tr>';
// check if editing questions in this category is allowed
if ($canedit) {
echo '<td valign="top" align="right">';
$returnurl = urlencode($pageurl->out());
$questionurl = new moodle_url("$CFG->wwwroot/question/question.php",
array('cmid' => $cm->id,
'returnurl' => $returnurl,
'category' => $category->id));
popup_form ($questionurl->out().'&amp;qtype=', $qtypemenu, "addquestion", "", "choose", "", "", false, "self", "<strong>$strcreatenewquestion</strong>");
echo '</td><td valign="top" align="right">';
helpbutton("questiontypes", $strcreatenewquestion, "quiz");
echo '</td>';
else {
echo '<td>';
echo '</td>';
echo '</tr></table>';
2007-01-09 09:07:16 +00:00
echo '</div>';
$categorylist = ($recurse) ? question_categorylist($category->id) : $category->id;
// hide-feature
$showhidden = $showhidden ? '' : " AND hidden = '0'";
Towards removing reference to quiz module from the question code Renaming tables: quiz_questions -> question quiz_states -> question_states Renaming functions: quiz_delete_question -> delete_question quiz_get_question_options -> get_question_options quiz_get_states -> get_question_states quiz_restore_state -> restore_question_state quiz_save_question_session -> save_question_session quiz_state_is_graded -> question_state_is_graded quiz_extract_responses -> question_extract_responses quiz_regrade_question_in_attempt -> regrade_question_in_attempt quiz_process_responses -> question_process_responses quiz_isgradingevent -> question_isgradingevent($event) quiz_search_for_duplicate_responses -> question_search_for_duplicate_responses quiz_apply_penalty_and_timelimit -> question_apply_penalty_and_timelimit quiz_print_question_icon -> print_question_icon quiz_get_image -> get_question_image quiz_make_name_prefix -> question_make_name_prefix quiz_get_id_from_name_prefix -> question_get_id_from_name_prefix quiz_new_attempt_uniqueid -> question_new_attempt_uniqueid quiz_get_renderoptions -> question_get_renderoptions quiz_print_quiz_question -> print_question quiz_get_question_responses -> get_question_responses quiz_get_question_actual_response -> get_question_actual_response quiz_get_question_fraction_grade -> get_question_fraction_grade quiz_get_default_category -> get_default_question_category Renaming constants: QUIZ_EVENT.... -> QUESTION_EVENT.... QUIZ_MAX_NUMBER_ANSWERS -> QUESTION_NUMANS
2006-02-28 09:26:00 +00:00
if (!$totalnumber = count_records_select('question', "category IN ($categorylist) AND parent = '0' $showhidden")) {
2007-01-08 07:58:22 +00:00
echo "<p style=\"text-align:center;\">";
print_string("noquestions", "quiz");
echo "</p>";
Towards removing reference to quiz module from the question code Renaming tables: quiz_questions -> question quiz_states -> question_states Renaming functions: quiz_delete_question -> delete_question quiz_get_question_options -> get_question_options quiz_get_states -> get_question_states quiz_restore_state -> restore_question_state quiz_save_question_session -> save_question_session quiz_state_is_graded -> question_state_is_graded quiz_extract_responses -> question_extract_responses quiz_regrade_question_in_attempt -> regrade_question_in_attempt quiz_process_responses -> question_process_responses quiz_isgradingevent -> question_isgradingevent($event) quiz_search_for_duplicate_responses -> question_search_for_duplicate_responses quiz_apply_penalty_and_timelimit -> question_apply_penalty_and_timelimit quiz_print_question_icon -> print_question_icon quiz_get_image -> get_question_image quiz_make_name_prefix -> question_make_name_prefix quiz_get_id_from_name_prefix -> question_get_id_from_name_prefix quiz_new_attempt_uniqueid -> question_new_attempt_uniqueid quiz_get_renderoptions -> question_get_renderoptions quiz_print_quiz_question -> print_question quiz_get_question_responses -> get_question_responses quiz_get_question_actual_response -> get_question_actual_response quiz_get_question_fraction_grade -> get_question_fraction_grade quiz_get_default_category -> get_default_question_category Renaming constants: QUIZ_EVENT.... -> QUESTION_EVENT.... QUIZ_MAX_NUMBER_ANSWERS -> QUESTION_NUMANS
2006-02-28 09:26:00 +00:00
if (!$questions = get_records_select('question', "category IN ($categorylist) AND parent = '0' $showhidden", $sortorder, '*', $page*$perpage, $perpage)) {
// There are no questions on the requested page.
$page = 0;
Towards removing reference to quiz module from the question code Renaming tables: quiz_questions -> question quiz_states -> question_states Renaming functions: quiz_delete_question -> delete_question quiz_get_question_options -> get_question_options quiz_get_states -> get_question_states quiz_restore_state -> restore_question_state quiz_save_question_session -> save_question_session quiz_state_is_graded -> question_state_is_graded quiz_extract_responses -> question_extract_responses quiz_regrade_question_in_attempt -> regrade_question_in_attempt quiz_process_responses -> question_process_responses quiz_isgradingevent -> question_isgradingevent($event) quiz_search_for_duplicate_responses -> question_search_for_duplicate_responses quiz_apply_penalty_and_timelimit -> question_apply_penalty_and_timelimit quiz_print_question_icon -> print_question_icon quiz_get_image -> get_question_image quiz_make_name_prefix -> question_make_name_prefix quiz_get_id_from_name_prefix -> question_get_id_from_name_prefix quiz_new_attempt_uniqueid -> question_new_attempt_uniqueid quiz_get_renderoptions -> question_get_renderoptions quiz_print_quiz_question -> print_question quiz_get_question_responses -> get_question_responses quiz_get_question_actual_response -> get_question_actual_response quiz_get_question_fraction_grade -> get_question_fraction_grade quiz_get_default_category -> get_default_question_category Renaming constants: QUIZ_EVENT.... -> QUESTION_EVENT.... QUIZ_MAX_NUMBER_ANSWERS -> QUESTION_NUMANS
2006-02-28 09:26:00 +00:00
if (!$questions = get_records_select('question', "category IN ($categorylist) AND parent = '0' $showhidden", $sortorder, '*', 0, $perpage)) {
// There are no questions at all
2007-01-08 07:58:22 +00:00
echo "<p style=\"text-align:center;\">";
print_string("noquestions", "quiz");
echo "</p>";
print_paging_bar($totalnumber, $page, $perpage, $pageurl, 'qpage');
echo '<form method="post" action="edit.php">';
echo '<fieldset class="invisiblefieldset" style="display: block;">';
echo '<input type="hidden" name="sesskey" value="'.$USER->sesskey.'" />';
echo $pageurl->hidden_params_out(array('qsortorder'));
echo '<table id="categoryquestions" style="width: 100%"><tr>';
echo "<th style=\"white-space:nowrap;\" class=\"header\" scope=\"col\">$straction</th>";
$sortoptions = array('name, qtype ASC' => get_string("sortalpha", "quiz"),
'qtype, name ASC' => get_string("sorttypealpha", "quiz"),
'id ASC' => get_string("sortage", "quiz"));
$orderselect = choose_from_menu ($sortoptions, 'qsortorder', $sortorder, false, 'this.form.submit();', '0', true);
2007-01-09 09:07:16 +00:00
$orderselect .= '<noscript><div><input type="submit" value="'.get_string("sortsubmit", "quiz").'" /></div></noscript>';
echo "<th style=\"white-space:nowrap; text-align: left;\" class=\"header\" scope=\"col\">$strquestionname $orderselect</th>
<th style=\"white-space:nowrap; text-align: right;\" class=\"header\" scope=\"col\">$strtype</th>";
echo "</tr>\n";
foreach ($questions as $question) {
$nameclass = '';
$textclass = '';
if ($question->hidden) {
$nameclass = 'dimmed_text';
$textclass = 'dimmed_text';
if ($showquestiontext) {
$nameclass .= ' header';
if ($nameclass) {
$nameclass = 'class="' . $nameclass . '"';
if ($textclass) {
$textclass = 'class="' . $textclass . '"';
echo "<tr>\n<td style=\"white-space:nowrap;\" $nameclass>\n";
// add to quiz
if ($editingquiz) {
echo "<a title=\"$straddtoquiz\" href=\"edit.php?".$pageurl->get_query_string()."&amp;addquestion=$question->id&amp;sesskey=$USER->sesskey\"><img
2007-01-08 07:58:22 +00:00
src=\"$CFG->pixpath/t/moveleft.gif\" alt=\"$straddtoquiz\" /></a>&nbsp;";
// preview
link_to_popup_window('/question/preview.php?id=' . $question->id . '&amp;quizid=' . $quizid, 'questionpreview',
"<img src=\"$CFG->pixpath/t/preview.gif\" class=\"iconsmall\" alt=\"$strpreview\" />",
// edit, hide, delete question, using question capabilities, not quiz capabilieies
if ($canedit) {
echo "<a title=\"$stredit\" href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/question/question.php?id=$question->id\"><img
2007-01-08 07:58:22 +00:00
src=\"$CFG->pixpath/t/edit.gif\" alt=\"$stredit\" /></a>&nbsp;";
// hide-feature
if($question->hidden) {
echo "<a title=\"$strrestore\" href=\"edit.php?".$pageurl->get_query_string()."&amp;unhide=$question->id&amp;sesskey=$USER->sesskey\"><img
2007-01-08 07:58:22 +00:00
src=\"$CFG->pixpath/t/restore.gif\" alt=\"$strrestore\" /></a>";
} else {
echo "<a title=\"$strdelete\" href=\"edit.php?".$pageurl->get_query_string()."&amp;deleteselected=$question->id&amp;q$question->id=1\"><img
2007-01-08 07:58:22 +00:00
src=\"$CFG->pixpath/t/delete.gif\" alt=\"$strdelete\" /></a>";
echo "&nbsp;<input title=\"$strselect\" type=\"checkbox\" name=\"q$question->id\" value=\"1\" />";
echo "</td>\n";
echo "<td $nameclass>" . format_string($question->name) . "</td>\n";
echo "<td $nameclass style='text-align: right'>\n";
echo "</td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
echo '<tr><td colspan="3" ' . $textclass . '>';
$formatoptions = new stdClass;
$formatoptions->noclean = true;
$formatoptions->para = false;
echo format_text($question->questiontext, $question->questiontextformat,
$formatoptions, $course->id);
echo "</td></tr>\n";
echo "</table>\n";
$paging = print_paging_bar($totalnumber, $page, $perpage, $pageurl, 'qpage',
false, true);
if ($totalnumber > DEFAULT_QUESTIONS_PER_PAGE) {
$showall = '<a href="edit.php?'.$pageurl->get_query_string(array('qperpage'=>1000)).'">'.get_string('showall', 'moodle', $totalnumber).'</a>';
} else {
$showall = '<a href="edit.php?'.$pageurl->get_query_string(array('qperpage'=>DEFAULT_QUESTIONS_PER_PAGE)).'">'.get_string('showperpage', 'moodle', DEFAULT_QUESTIONS_PER_PAGE).'</a>';
if ($paging) {
$paging = substr($paging, 0, strrpos($paging, '</div>'));
$paging .= "<br />$showall</div>";
} else {
$paging = "<div class='paging'>$showall</div>";
2006-03-19 19:23:07 +00:00
echo $paging;
echo '<table class="quiz-edit-selected"><tr><td colspan="2">';
echo '<a href="javascript:select_all_in(\'TABLE\', null, \'categoryquestions\');">'.$strselectall.'</a> /'.
' <a href="javascript:deselect_all_in(\'TABLE\', null, \'categoryquestions\');">'.$strselectnone.'</a>'.
'</td><td align="right"><b>&nbsp;'.get_string('withselected', 'quiz').':</b></td></tr><tr><td>';
if ($editingquiz) {
echo "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"add\" value=\"{$THEME->larrow} $straddtoquiz\" />\n";
echo '</td><td>';
// print delete and move selected question
if ($canedit) {
echo '<input type="submit" name="deleteselected" value="'.$strdelete."\" /></td><td>\n";
echo '<input type="submit" name="move" value="'.get_string('moveto', 'quiz')."\" />\n";
question_category_select_menu($course->id, false, true, $category->id);
echo "</td></tr></table>";
// add random question
if ($editingquiz) {
for ($i = 1;$i <= min(10, $totalnumber); $i++) {
$randomcount[$i] = $i;
for ($i = 20;$i <= min(100, $totalnumber); $i += 10) {
$randomcount[$i] = $i;
echo '<br />';
print_string('addrandom', 'quiz', choose_from_menu($randomcount, 'randomcount', '1', '', '', '', true));
echo '<input type="hidden" name="recurse" value="'.$recurse.'" />';
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"categoryid\" value=\"$category->id\" />";
echo ' <input type="submit" name="addrandom" value="'. get_string('add') .'" />';
helpbutton('random', get_string('random', 'quiz'), 'quiz');
2007-01-09 09:07:16 +00:00
echo '</fieldset>';
echo "</form>\n";
* Shows the question bank editing interface.
* The function also processes a number of actions:
* Actions affecting the question pool:
* move Moves a question to a different category
* deleteselected Deletes the selected questions from the category
* Other actions:
* cat Chooses the category
* displayoptions Sets display options
* @author Martin Dougiamas and many others. This has recently been extensively
* rewritten by Gustav Delius and other members of the Serving Mathematics project
* {@link}
* @param moodle_url $pageurl object representing this pages url.
function question_showbank($pageurl, $cm, $page, $perpage, $sortorder){
$SESSION->fromurl = $pageurl->out();
/// Now, check for commands on this page and modify variables as necessary
if (isset($_REQUEST['move']) and confirm_sesskey()) { /// Move selected questions to new category
$tocategoryid = required_param('category', PARAM_INT);
if (!$tocategory = get_record('question_categories', 'id', $tocategoryid)) {
error('Invalid category');
if (!has_capability('moodle/question:managecategory', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $tocategory->course))){
error(get_string('categorynoedit', 'quiz', $tocategory->name), $pageurl->out());
foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { // Parse input for question ids
if (preg_match('!^q([0-9]+)$!', $key, $matches)) {
$key = $matches[1];
if (!set_field('question', 'category', $tocategory->id, 'id', $key)) {
error('Could not update category field');
if (isset($_REQUEST['deleteselected'])) { // delete selected questions from the category
if (isset($_REQUEST['confirm']) and confirm_sesskey()) { // teacher has already confirmed the action
$deleteselected = required_param('deleteselected');
if ($_REQUEST['confirm'] == md5($deleteselected)) {
if ($questionlist = explode(',', $deleteselected)) {
// for each question either hide it if it is in use or delete it
foreach ($questionlist as $questionid) {
if (record_exists('quiz_question_instances', 'question', $questionid) or
record_exists('question_states', 'originalquestion', $questionid)) {
if (!set_field('question', 'hidden', 1, 'id', $questionid)) {
error('Was not able to hide question');
} else {
echo '</td></tr>';
echo '</table>';
echo '</div>';
} else {
error("Confirmation string was incorrect");
} else { // teacher still has to confirm
// make a list of all the questions that are selected
$rawquestions = $_REQUEST;
$questionlist = ''; // comma separated list of ids of questions to be deleted
$questionnames = ''; // string with names of questions separated by <br /> with
// an asterix in front of those that are in use
$inuse = false; // set to true if at least one of the questions is in use
foreach ($rawquestions as $key => $value) { // Parse input for question ids
if (preg_match('!^q([0-9]+)$!', $key, $matches)) {
$key = $matches[1]; $questionlist .= $key.',';
if (record_exists('quiz_question_instances', 'question', $key) or
record_exists('question_states', 'originalquestion', $key)) {
$questionnames .= '* ';
$inuse = true;
$questionnames .= get_field('question', 'name', 'id', $key).'<br />';
if (!$questionlist) { // no questions were selected
$questionlist = rtrim($questionlist, ',');
// Add an explanation about questions in use
if ($inuse) {
$questionnames .= '<br />'.get_string('questionsinuse', 'quiz');
notice_yesno(get_string("deletequestionscheck", "quiz", $questionnames),
$pageurl->out_action(array('deleteselected'=>$questionlist, 'confirm'=>md5($questionlist))),
echo '</td></tr>';
echo '</table>';
// Unhide a question
if(isset($_REQUEST['unhide']) && confirm_sesskey()) {
$unhide = required_param('unhide', PARAM_INT);
if(!set_field('question', 'hidden', 0, 'id', $unhide)) {
error("Failed to unhide the question.");
if ($categoryid = optional_param('cat', 0, PARAM_INT)) { /// coming from category selection drop-down menu
$SESSION->questioncat = $categoryid;
$page = 0;
$SESSION->questionpage = 0;
if (empty($SESSION->questioncat) or !count_records_select("question_categories", "id = '{$SESSION->questioncat}' AND (course = '{$COURSE->id}' OR publish = '1')")) {
$category = get_default_question_category($COURSE->id);
$SESSION->questioncat = $category->id;
if(($recurse = optional_param('recurse', -1, PARAM_BOOL)) != -1) {
$SESSION->questionrecurse = $recurse;
if (!isset($SESSION->questionrecurse)) {
$SESSION->questionrecurse = 1;
if(($showhidden = optional_param('showhidden', -1, PARAM_BOOL)) != -1) {
$SESSION->questionshowhidden = $showhidden;
if (!isset($SESSION->questionshowhidden)) {
$SESSION->questionshowhidden = 0;
if(($showquestiontext = optional_param('showquestiontext', -1, PARAM_BOOL)) != -1) {
$SESSION->questionshowquestiontext = $showquestiontext;
if (!isset($SESSION->questionshowquestiontext)) {
$SESSION->questionshowquestiontext = 0;
// starts with category selection form
print_box_start('generalbox questionbank');
print_heading(get_string('questionbank', 'question'), '', 2);
question_category_form($COURSE, $pageurl, $SESSION->questioncat, $SESSION->questionrecurse,
$SESSION->questionshowhidden, $SESSION->questionshowquestiontext);
// continues with list of questions
question_list($COURSE, $pageurl, $SESSION->questioncat, isset($cm) ? $cm : null,
$SESSION->questionrecurse, $page, $perpage, $SESSION->questionshowhidden, $sortorder,
* Common setup for all pages for editing questions.
* @param boolean $requirecmid require cmid? default false
* @param boolean $requirecourseid require courseid, if cmid is not given? default true
* @return array $thispageurl, $courseid, $cmid, $cm, $module, $pagevars
function question_edit_setup($requirecmid = false, $requirecourseid = true){
$thispageurl = new moodle_url();
if ($requirecmid){
$cmid =required_param('cmid', PARAM_INT);
} else {
$cmid = optional_param('cmid', 0, PARAM_INT);
if ($cmid){
list($module, $cm) = get_module_from_cmid($cmid);
$courseid = $cm->course;
} else {
$module = null;
$cm = null;
if ($requirecourseid){
$courseid = required_param('courseid', PARAM_INT);
} else {
$courseid = optional_param('courseid', 0, PARAM_INT);
if ($courseid){
$pagevars['qpage'] = optional_param('qpage', -1, PARAM_INT);
$pagevars['qperpage'] = optional_param('qperpage', -1, PARAM_INT);
$pagevars['qsortorder'] = optional_param('qsortorder', '');
if (preg_match("/[';]/", $pagevars['qsortorder'])) {
error("Incorrect use of the parameter 'qsortorder'");
if ($pagevars['qpage'] > -1) {
$thispageurl->param('qpage', $pagevars['qpage']);
} else {
$pagevars['qpage'] = 0;
if ($pagevars['qperpage'] > -1) {
$thispageurl->param('qperpage', $pagevars['qperpage']);
} else {
$pagevars['qperpage'] = DEFAULT_QUESTIONS_PER_PAGE;
if ($pagevars['qsortorder']) {
$thispageurl->param('qsortorder', $pagevars['qsortorder']);
} else {
$pagevars['qsortorder'] = 'qtype, name ASC';
return array($thispageurl, $courseid, $cmid, $cm, $module, $pagevars);