$string['deletewrongkeyvalue']='An error has occurred. If you were not trying to delete your server\'s SSL key, it is possible you have been the subject of a malicious attack. No action has been taken.';
$string['duplicate_usernames']='We failed to create an index on the columns "mnethostid" and "username" in your user table.<br />This can occur when you have <a href="{$a}" target="_blank">duplicate usernames in your user table</a>.<br />Your upgrade should still complete successfully. Click on the link above, and instructions on fixing this problem will appear in a new window. You can attend to that at the end of the upgrade.<br />';
$string['enabled_for_all']='(This service has been enabled for all hosts).';
$string['enterausername']='Please enter a username, or a list of usernames separated by commas.';
$string['error7020']='This error normally occurs if the remote site has created a record for you with the wrong wwwroot, for example, http://yoursite.com instead of http://www.yoursite.com. You should contact the administrator of the remote site with your wwwroot (as specified in config.php) asking her to update her record for your host.';
$string['error7022']='The message you sent to the remote site was encrypted properly, but not signed. This is very unexpected; you should probably file a bug if this occurs (giving as much information as possible about the application versions in question, etc.';
$string['error7023']='The remote site has tried to decrypt your message with all the keys it has on record for your site. They have all failed. You might be able to fix this problem by manually re-keying with the remote site. This is unlikely to occur unless you\'ve been out of communication with the remote site for a few months.';
$string['error7024']='You send an unencrypted message to the remote site, but the remote site doesn\'t accept unencrypted communication from your site. This is very unexpected; you should probably file a bug if this occurs (giving as much information as possible about the application versions in question, etc.';
$string['error7026']='The key that your message was signed with differs from the key that the remote host has on file for your server. Further, the remote host attempted to fetch your current key and failed to do so. Please manually re-key with the remote host and try again.';
$string['expireyourkeyexplain']='Moodle automatically rotates your keys every 28 days (by default) but you have the option to <em>manually</em> expire this key at any time. This will only be useful if you believe this key has been compromised. A replacement will be immediately automatically generated.<br />Deleting this key will make it impossible for other applications to communicate with you, until you manually contact each administrator and provide them with your new key.';
$string['installnosuchfunction']='Coding error! Something is trying to install a mnet xmlrpc function ({$a->method}) from a file ({$a->file}) and it can\'t be found!';
$string['installnosuchmethod']='Coding error! Something is trying to install a mnet xmlrpc method ({$a->method}) on a class ({$a->class}) and it can\'t be found!';
$string['installreflectionclasserror']='Coding error! MNet introspection failed for method \'{$a->method}\' in class \'{$a->class}\'. The original error message, in case it helps, is: \'{$a->error}\'';
$string['installreflectionfunctionerror']='Coding error! MNet introspection failed for function \'{$a->method}\' in file \'{$a->file}\'. The original error message, in case it helps, is: \'{$a->error}\'';
$string['keymismatch']='The public key you are holding for this host is different from the public key it is currently publishing. The currently published key is:';
$string['loginlinkmnetuser']='<br />If you are MNet remote user and can <a href="{$a}">confirm your email address here</a>, you can be redirected to your login page.<br />';
$string['mnetidproviderdesc']='You can use this facility to retrieve a link that you can log in at, if you can provide the correct email address to match the username you previously tried to log in with.';
$string['mnetidprovidermsg']='You should be able to login at your {$a} provider.';
$string['mnetidprovidernotfound']='Sorry, but no further information could be found.';
$string['mnet_session_prohibited']='Users from your home server are not currently permitted to roam to {$a}.';
$string['noaclentries']='No entries in the SSO access control list';
$string['noaddressforhost']='Sorry, but that hostname ({$a}) could not be resolved!';
$string['nocurl']='PHP cURL library is not installed';
$string['nolocaluser']='No local record exists for remote user, and it could not be created, as this host will not auto create users. Please contact your administrator!';
$string['nonmatchingcert']='The subject of the certificate: <br /><em>{$a->subject}</em><br />does not match the host it came from:<br /><em>{$a->host}</em>.';
$string['profilefielddesc']='Here you can configure the list of profile fields that are sent and received over MNet when user accounts are created, or updated. You can also override this for each MNet peer individually. Note that the following fields are always sent and are not optional: {$a}';
$string['registerallhosts']='Register all hosts (promiscuous mode)';
$string['registerallhostsexplain']='You can choose to register all hosts that try to connect to you automatically. This means that a record will appear in your hosts list for any MNet site that connects to you and requests your public key.<br />You have the option below to configure services for \'All hosts\' and by enabling some services there, you are able to provide services to any remote server indiscriminately.';
$string['ssoacldescr']='Use this page to grant/deny access to specific users from remote MNet hosts. This is functional when you are offering SSO services to remote users. To control your <em>local</em> users\' ability to roam to other MNet hosts, use the roles system to grant them the <em>mnetlogintoremote</em> capability.';
$string['ssoaclneeds']='For this functionality to work, you must have Networking on, plus the MNet authentication plugin enabled.';
$string['testtrustedhostsexplain']='Enter an IP address to see if it is a trusted host.';
$string['theypublish']='They publish';
$string['theysubscribe']='They subscribe';
$string['transport_help']='These options are reciprocal, so you can only force a remote host to use a signed SSL cert if your server also has a signed SSL cert.';
$string['unknownerror']='Unknown error occurred during negotiation.';
$string['usercannotchangepassword']='You cannot change your password here since you are a remote user.';
$string['userchangepasswordlink']='<br /> You may be able to change your password at your <a href="{$a->wwwroot}/login/change_password.php">{$a->description}</a> provider.';
$string['usernotfullysetup']='Your user account is incomplete. You need to go <a href="{$a}">back to your provider</a> and ensure your profile is completed there. You may need to log out and in again for this to take effect.';
$string['usersareonline']='Warning: {$a} users from that server are currently logged on to your site.';