$string['emaildisplayyes']="Permetre que tothom veja la meua adre<72>a de correu";
$string['emailexists']="Aquesta adre<72>a de correu ja est<73> registrada.";
$string['emailformat']="Format del correu";
$string['emailmustbereal']="Nota: l'adre<72>a de correu ha de ser una adre<72>a real";
$string['enrolmentkey']="Clau d'inscripci<63>";
$string['enrolmentkeyfrom']="Aquest curs requereix una clau d'inscripci<63> - una contrasenya<BR>
d'un sol <20>s que t'had'haverproporcionat\$a";
$string['enrolmentkeyhint']="Aquesta clau d'inscripci<63> es err<72>nia, per favor torna a intentar-ho<BR>
$string['entercourse']="Fes clic per a entrar en aquest curs";
$string['enteremailaddress']="Introdueix la teua adre<72>a de correu per anul<75>lar la contrasenya anterior i rebre'n una de nova per correu electr<74>nic.";
$string['loginsteps']="Hola! L'acc<63>s complet als cursos requereix que dediques un minut a la creaci<63> d'un nou compte d'usuari v<>lid per a aquest lloc web. Cada curs pot requerir tamb<6D> una "clau d'inscripci<63>" que se't demanaria nom<6F>s la primera vegada que entres. Els passos que has de donar s<>n els seg<65>ents:
<LI>Sise't demana una "clau d'inscripci<EFBFBD>",utilitzalaquet'hadonatelprofessor.Ambaix<EFBFBD>quedar<EFBFBD>sinscritenelcurs.
<LI>Arajatindr<EFBFBD>sacc<EFBFBD>scompletalcurs.Enendavantnom<EFBFBD>shaur<EFBFBD>sd'introduir el teu nom d'usuariilacontrasenya(enelformularid'aquestap<EFBFBD>gina)pertaldeconnectar-teiteniracc<EFBFBD>saqualsevolcursenelqualestiguesinscrit.
$string['loginto']="Entrar en\$a";
$string['loginusing']="Entra ac<61> utilitzant el teu nom d'usuari i contrasenya";
$string['mainmenu']="Men<EFBFBD> principal";
$string['makeafolder']="Crear una carpeta";
$string['managedatabase']="Gesti<EFBFBD> de la base de dades";
$string['markthistopic']="Marcar aquest tema com a tema actual";
$string['maximumchars']="M<EFBFBD>xim de \$a car<61>cters";
$string['wordforstudent']="La teua paraula per a 'Estudiant'";
$string['wordforstudenteg']="p. e. Estudiant, Participant, etc.";
$string['wordforstudents']="La teua paraula per a 'Estudiants'";
$string['wordforstudentseg']="p. e. Estudiants, Participants, etc.";
$string['wordforteacher']="La teua paraula per a 'Professor'";
$string['wordforteachereg']="p. e. Professor, Tutor, Facilitador, etc.";
$string['wordforteachers']="La teua paraula per a 'Professors'";
$string['wordforteacherseg']="p. e. Professors, Tutors, Facilitadors, etc.";
$string['wrongpassword']="Contrasenya incorrecta per a aquest nom d'usuari";
$string['yourlastlogin']="La teua <20>ltima entrada va ser";
$string['yourself']="tu mateix";
$string['yourteacher']="el teu \$a";
$string[allownot]="No permetre";
$string[closewindow]="Tanca aquesta finestra";
$string[configauth]="Choose the authentication module you want to use. The default is 'email' and has the best security. The method 'none' has no checking whatsoever - be careful using it unless you really know what you are doing.";
$string[configgdversion]="Indicate the version of GD that is installed. The version shown by default is the one that has been auto-detected. Don't change this unless you really know what you're doing.";
$string[configerrorlevel]="Choose the amount of PHP warnings that you want to be displayed. Normal is usually the best choice.";
$string[confightmleditor]="Choose whether or not to allow use of the embedded HTML text editor. Even if you choose allow, this editor will only appear when the user is using a compatible browser (IE 5.5 or later). Users can also choose not to use it.";
$string[configintro]="On this page you can specify a number of configuration variables that help make Moodle work properly on your server. Don't worry too much about it - the defaults will usually work fine and you can always come back to this page later and change these settings.";
$string[configlang]="Choose a default language for the whole site. Users can override this setting later.";
$string[configlangdir]="Most languages are printed left-to-right, but some, like Arabic and Hebrew, are printed right-to-left.";
$string[configlocale]="Choose a sitewide locale - this will affect the format and language of dates. You need to have this locale data installed on your operating system. (eg en_US or es_ES). If you don't know what to choose leave it blank.";
$string[configlongtimenosee]="If students haven't logged in for a very long time, then they are automatically unsubscribed from courses. This parameter specifies that time limit.";
$string[configmaxeditingtime]="This specifies the amount of time people have to re-edit forum postings, journal feedback etc. Usually 30 minutes is a good value.";
$string[configproxyhost]="If this <B>server</B> needs to use a proxy computer (eg a firewall) to access the Internet, then provide the proxy hostname and port here. Otherwise leave it blank.";
$string[configslasharguments]="Files (images, uploads etc) are provided via a script using 'slash arguments' (the second option here). This method allows files to be more easily cached in web browsers, proxy servers etc. Unfortunately, some PHP servers don't allow this method, so if you have trouble viewing uploaded files or images (eg user pictures), set this variable to the first option";
$string[configsmtphosts]="Give the full name of one or more local SMTP servers that Moodle should use to send mail (eg 'mail.a.com' or 'mail.a.com;mail.b.com'). If you leave it blank, Moodle will use the PHP default method of sending mail.";
$string[configsmtpuser]="If you have specified an SMTP server above, and the server requires authentication, then enter the username and password here.";
$string[configunzip]="Indicate the location of your unzip program (Unix only). This is needed to unpack zip archives on the server.";
$string[configzip]="Indicate the location of your zip program (Unix only). This is needed to create zip archives on the server.";
$string[displayingusers]="Llista d'usuaris \$a->start a \$a->end";
$string[documentation]="Moodle Documentation";
$string[downloadexcel]="Baixar en format Excel";
$string[downloadtext]="Baixar en format text";
$string[formathtml]="Format HTML";
$string[formattext]="Autoformat Moodle";
$string[helprichtext]="Referent a l'editor HTML Richtext";
$string[htmleditor]="Utilitzar l'editor HTML Richtext (requereix IE 5.5 o posterior)";
$string[htmleditordisabled]="Tens desactivat l'editor Richtext en el teu perfil d'usuari";
$string[htmleditordisabledadmin]="L'administrator d'aquest lloc ha desactivat l'editor Richtext";
$string[htmleditordisabledbrowser]="L'editor Richtext no est<73> disponible perqu<71> no est<73>s utilitzant l'Internet Explorer versi<73> 5.5 o posterior";
$string[jumpto]="Saltar a...";
$string[langltr]="Language direction left-to-right";
$string[langrtl]="Language direction right-to-left";
$string[loginstepsnone]="Hola!<P>Per tal de tenir acc<63>s complet als cursos t'has de crear
uncompted'usuari.<P>Consisteix simplement a triar un nom d'usuariiunacontrasenyaambelsqualst'identificar<61>s, despr<70>s, en aquesta p<>gina.<P>Si alg<6C> ja ha triat abans el mateix nom d'usuariquetu,n'haur<EFBFBD>sdeprovarunaltrediferent.";
$string[nofilesyet]="Encara no s'han penjat fitxers en aquest curs";
$string[noimagesyet]="Encara no s'han penjat imatges en aquest curs";
$string[studentnotallowed]="Ho lamentem, no pots entrar en aquest curs com a '\$a'";
$string[textediting]="Quan edites text";
$string[texteditor]="Utilitzar formularis web normals";