<?php// $Id$
// The GIFT import filter is an easy to use method for teachers
// writing questions as a text file. It supports true-false,
// short answer, multiple-choice and numerical questions, as well
// as insertion of a blank line for the missing word format.
// Multiple Choice / Missing Word
// Who's buried in Grant's tomb?{~Grant ~Jefferson =no one}
// Grant is {~buried =entombed ~living} in Grant's tomb.
// True-False:
// Grant is buried in Grant's tomb.{FALSE}
// Short-Answer.
// Who's buried in Grant's tomb?{=no one =nobody}
// Numerical
// When was Ulysses S. Grant born?{#1822:5}
// Comment lines start with a double backslash (//).
// Optional question names are enclosed in double colon(::).
// Answer feedback is indicated with hash mark (#).
// Percentage answer weights immediately follow the tilde (for
// multiple choice) or equal sign (for short answer and numerical),
// and are enclosed in percent signs (% %). Below are more
// complicated examples with various options and formatting styles.
// ::Grant's Tomb::Grant is {
// ~buried#No one is buried there.
// =entombed#Right answer!
// ~living#We hope not!
// } in Grant's tomb.
// Difficult multiple choice question.{
// ~wrong answer #comment on wrong answer
// ~%50%half credit answer #comment on answer
// =full credit answer #well done!}
// ::Jesus' hometown (Short answer ex.):: Jesus Christ was from {
// =Nazareth#Yes! That's right!
// =%75%Nazereth#Right, but misspelled.
// =%25%Bethlehem#He was born here, but not raised here.
// }.
// //this inline comment will be ignored by the filter
// ::Numerical example::
// When was Ulysses S. Grant born? {#
// =1822:0 #Correct! 100% credit
// =%50%1982:2 #He was born in 1822.
// You get 50% credit for being close.
// }
// This filter was written through the collaboration of numerous
// members of the Moodle community. It was originally based on
// the missingword format, which included code from Thomas Robb
// and others. Paul Tsuchido Shew wrote this filter in December 2003.
// Based on default.php, included by ../import.php
classquiz_file_formatextendsquiz_default_format{functionanswerweightparser(&$answer){$answer=substr($answer,1);// removes initial %
$end_position=strpos($answer,"%");$answer_weight=substr($answer,0,$end_position);// gets weight as integer
$answer_weight=$answer_weight/100;// converts to percent
$answer=substr($answer,$end_position+1);// removes comment from answer
return$answer_weight;}functioncommentparser(&$answer){if(strpos($answer,"#")>0){$hashpos=strpos($answer,"#");$comment=addslashes(substr($answer,$hashpos+1));$answer=substr($answer,0,$hashpos);}else{$comment="";}return$comment;}functionreadquestion($lines){// Given an array of lines known to define a question in this format, this function
// converts it into a question object suitable for processing and insertion into Moodle.
$question=NULL;$comment=NULL;define("GIFT_ANSWERWEIGHT_REGEX","^%\-*([0-9]{1,2})\.?([0-9]*)%");// REMOVED COMMENTED LINES and IMPLODE
foreach($linesas$key=>$line){$line=trim($line);if(substr($line,0,2)=="//"){// echo "Commented line removed.<br />";
$lines[$key]="";}}$text=trim(implode("",$lines));if($text==""){// echo "<p>Empty line.</p>";