2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
< ? PHP // $Id$
2005-10-05 10:16:39 +00:00
// quiz.php - created with Moodle 1.5.2 + (2005060223)
2005-06-29 08:48:50 +00:00
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'acceptederror' ] = 'P<> ijateln<6C> chyba' ;
2005-06-29 08:48:50 +00:00
$string [ 'action' ] = 'Akce' ;
$string [ 'adaptive' ] = 'Adaptivn<76> ot<6F> zky' ;
2005-05-17 11:32:18 +00:00
$string [ 'addcategory' ] = 'P<> idat kategorii' ;
2005-06-29 08:48:50 +00:00
$string [ 'addingquestions' ] = 'Zde spravujete datab<61> zi sv<73> ch testov<6F> ch <20> loh. <20> lohy se ukl<6B> daj<61> do kategori<72> – vytv<74> <76> en<65> m kategori<72> tak m<> <6D> ete svou datab<61> zi p<> ehledn<64> strukturovat. Jednotliv<69> kategorie lze pou<6F> <75> t v jak<61> mkoliv testu v tomto kurzu, a dokonce i v jin<69> ch kurzech, pokud se rozhodnete je \'zve<76> ejnit\'.<br /><br />Pot<6F> , co vyberete nebo vytvo<76> <6F> te kategorii, budete moci vytv<74> <76> et nebo upravovat <20> lohy. Ty pak m<> <6D> ete p<> id<69> vat do testu v lev<65> <20> <> sti t<> to str<74> nky.' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'addquestions' ] = 'P<> idat <20> lohy' ;
2005-05-17 11:32:18 +00:00
$string [ 'addquestionstoquiz' ] = 'Vlo<6C> it <20> lohy do st<73> vaj<61> c<EFBFBD> ho testu' ;
2005-06-29 08:48:50 +00:00
$string [ 'addrandom' ] = 'Vlo<6C> it do testu uveden<65> po<70> et n<> hodn<64> ch ot<6F> zek: $a' ;
2005-05-17 11:32:18 +00:00
$string [ 'addrandom1' ] = ' << Vlo<6C> it ' ;
$string [ 'addrandom2' ] = 'n<> hodn<64> ot<6F> zky' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'addselectedtoquiz' ] = 'P<> idat vybranou do testu' ;
2005-05-17 11:32:18 +00:00
$string [ 'addtoquiz' ] = 'Vlo<6C> it do testu' ;
$string [ 'affectedstudents' ] = 'Po<50> et student<6E> , kter<65> ch se zm<7A> na dotkne' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'aiken' ] = 'Form<72> t Aiken' ;
2005-06-29 08:48:50 +00:00
$string [ 'allattempts' ] = 'V<> echny pokusy' ;
2005-05-17 11:32:18 +00:00
$string [ 'allinone' ] = 'Bez omezen<65> ' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'allowreview' ] = 'Umo<6D> nit prohl<68> dnut<75> ' ;
$string [ 'alreadysubmitted' ] = 'Pravd<76> podobn<62> jste ji<6A> vyu<79> ili tento pokus' ;
2004-09-04 00:42:37 +00:00
$string [ 'alternativeunits' ] = 'Alternativn<76> jednotky' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'alwaysavailable' ] = 'St<53> le k dispozici' ;
2005-06-29 08:48:50 +00:00
$string [ 'analysisoptions' ] = 'Nastaven<65> anal<61> zy' ;
$string [ 'analysistitle' ] = 'Tabulka polo<6C> kov<6F> anal<61> zy' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'answer' ] = 'Odpov<6F> d<EFBFBD> t' ;
$string [ 'answerhowmany' ] = 'Jedna nebo v<> ce odpov<6F> d<EFBFBD> ?' ;
2005-06-29 08:48:50 +00:00
$string [ 'answers' ] = ' <20> e<EFBFBD> en<65> ' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'answersingleno' ] = 'Umo<6D> nit v<> ce odpov<6F> d<EFBFBD> ' ;
$string [ 'answersingleyes' ] = 'Pouze jedna odpov<6F> <76> ' ;
$string [ 'answerswithacceptederrormarginmustbenumeric' ] = 'Odpov<6F> di s p<> ijatelnou chybou musej<65> b<> t numerick<63> .' ;
2005-05-17 11:32:18 +00:00
$string [ 'answertoolong' ] = 'Odpov<6F> <76> je p<> ili<6C> dlouh<75> (p<> ekro<72> eno na <20> <> dku $a, pou<6F> ijte nanejv<6A> <76> 255 znak<61> ).' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'aon' ] = 'Form<72> t AON' ;
$string [ 'attempt' ] = 'Pokus $a' ;
2005-05-17 11:32:18 +00:00
$string [ 'attemptduration' ] = 'D<> lka pokusu' ;
$string [ 'attemptedon' ] = 'Datum a <20> as pokusu' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'attemptfirst' ] = 'Prvn<76> pokus' ;
$string [ 'attemptincomplete' ] = 'Tento pokus (u<> ivatel $a) nen<65> dosud dokon<6F> en.' ;
$string [ 'attemptlast' ] = 'Posledn<64> pokus' ;
$string [ 'attemptquiznow' ] = 'Pokusit se o zvl<76> dnut<75> testu' ;
2005-05-17 11:32:18 +00:00
$string [ 'attempts' ] = 'Pokusy' ;
2005-06-29 08:48:50 +00:00
$string [ 'attemptsallowed' ] = 'Povolen<65> po<70> et pokus<75> ' ;
$string [ 'attemptselection' ] = 'Vyberte pokusy, kter<65> maj<61> b<> t pro dan<61> ho u<> ivatele zahrnuty do anal<61> zy : ' ;
2004-05-28 01:18:31 +00:00
$string [ 'attemptsexist' ] = 'O zvl<76> dnut<75> tohoto testu se ji<6A> n<> kdo pokusil' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'attemptsunlimited' ] = 'Neomezen<65> po<70> et pokus<75> ' ;
2005-05-17 11:32:18 +00:00
$string [ 'back' ] = 'Zp<5A> r k n<> hledu <20> lohy' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'backtoquiz' ] = 'Zp<5A> t k <20> prav<61> testu' ;
$string [ 'bestgrade' ] = 'Nejlep<65> <70> bodov<6F> n<EFBFBD> ' ;
$string [ 'blackboard' ] = 'Form<72> t Blackboard' ;
2005-05-17 11:32:18 +00:00
$string [ 'calculated' ] = 'Vypo<70> <6F> t<EFBFBD> van<61> <20> loha' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'calculatedquestion' ] = 'Vypo<70> <6F> t<EFBFBD> van<61> <20> loha na <20> <> dku $a nen<65> podporov<6F> na. <20> loha bude ignorov<6F> na.' ;
$string [ 'caseno' ] = 'Ne, na mal<61> ch/VELK<4C> CH nez<65> le<6C> <65> ' ;
$string [ 'casesensitive' ] = 'Rozli<6C> ovat mal<61> /VELK<4C> ' ;
2005-05-17 11:32:18 +00:00
$string [ 'caseyes' ] = 'Ano, velikost p<> smen mus<75> odpov<6F> dat' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'categories' ] = 'Kategorie' ;
$string [ 'category' ] = 'Kategorie' ;
2005-05-17 11:32:18 +00:00
$string [ 'categoryadded' ] = 'Kategorie \'$a\' byla p<> id<69> na' ;
$string [ 'categorydeleted' ] = 'Kategorie \'$a\' byla odstran<61> na' ;
$string [ 'categoryinfo' ] = 'Informace o kategorii' ;
$string [ 'categorymove' ] = 'Kategorie \'$a->name\' obsahuje $a->count <20> loh. Pros<6F> m vyberte kategorii, do kter<65> je chcete p<> esunout.' ;
$string [ 'categorymoveto' ] = 'P<> esunout vybran<61> <20> lohy do t<> to kategorie' ;
$string [ 'categorynoedit' ] = 'Nem<65> te opr<70> vn<76> n<EFBFBD> pot<6F> ebn<62> pro prov<6F> d<EFBFBD> n<EFBFBD> <20> prav v kategorii \'$a\'.' ;
$string [ 'categoryupdated' ] = 'Kategorie byla <20> sp<73> <70> n<EFBFBD> aktualizov<6F> na' ;
2004-09-04 00:42:37 +00:00
$string [ 'checkanswer' ] = 'Zkontrolovat' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'choice' ] = 'Mo<4D> nost' ;
$string [ 'choices' ] = 'Mo<4D> nosti' ;
2004-09-04 00:42:37 +00:00
$string [ 'choosedatasetproperties' ] = 'Vyberte vlastnosti datov<6F> sady' ;
2005-06-29 08:48:50 +00:00
$string [ 'close' ] = 'Zav<61> <76> t okno' ;
$string [ 'closepreview' ] = 'Uzav<61> <76> t n<> hled' ;
$string [ 'closereview' ] = 'Uzav<61> <76> t' ;
$string [ 'completedon' ] = 'Dokon<6F> en<65> testu' ;
$string [ 'confirmclose' ] = 'Hodl<64> te uzav<61> <76> t tento pokus. Po uzav<61> en<65> pokusu ji<6A> nebudete m<> t mo<6D> nost upravit sv<73> odpov<6F> di.' ;
$string [ 'confirmserverdelete' ] = 'Opravdu chcete odstranit server <b>$a</b> ze seznamu?' ;
2005-05-17 11:32:18 +00:00
$string [ 'confirmstartattempt' ] = 'Tento test m<> <20> asov<6F> limit. Jste si jisti, <20> e chcete te<74> za<7A> <61> t?' ;
2005-06-29 08:48:50 +00:00
$string [ 'containercategorycreated' ] = 'Tato kategorie byla vytvo<76> ena proto, aby do n<> mohly b<> t um<75> st<73> ny v<> echny p<> vodn<64> kategorie p<> esunut<75> z d<> vod<6F> uveden<65> ch n<> <6E> e do kategorie nejvy<76> <79> <EFBFBD> <20> rovn<76> .' ;
$string [ 'continueattemptquiz' ] = 'Pokra<72> ovat v posledn<64> m pokusu' ;
2005-05-17 11:32:18 +00:00
$string [ 'copyingfrom' ] = 'Vytv<74> <76> <EFBFBD> se kopie ot<6F> zky \'$a\'' ;
$string [ 'copyingquestion' ] = 'Vytv<74> <76> <EFBFBD> se kopie ot<6F> zky' ;
2005-06-29 08:48:50 +00:00
$string [ 'correct' ] = 'Spr<70> vn<76> odpov<6F> <76> ' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'correctanswer' ] = 'Spr<70> vn<76> odpov<6F> <76> ' ;
2004-09-04 00:42:37 +00:00
$string [ 'correctanswerformula' ] = 'Vzorec spr<70> vn<76> odpov<6F> di' ;
2005-05-17 11:32:18 +00:00
$string [ 'correctanswerlength' ] = 'Platn<74> <20> <> slice' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'correctanswers' ] = 'Spr<70> vn<76> odpov<6F> di' ;
2005-05-17 11:32:18 +00:00
$string [ 'correctanswershows' ] = 'U spr<70> vn<76> ch odpov<6F> d<EFBFBD> se zobrazuj<75> ' ;
2004-11-30 18:44:29 +00:00
$string [ 'corrresp' ] = 'Spr<70> vn<76> ' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'countdown' ] = 'Odpo<70> <6F> t<EFBFBD> v<EFBFBD> n<EFBFBD> ' ;
2005-05-17 11:32:18 +00:00
$string [ 'countdownfinished' ] = 'Test se uzav<61> r<EFBFBD> , m<> li byste okam<61> it<69> odeslat sv<73> odpov<6F> di.' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'countdowntenminutes' ] = 'Test bude uzav<61> en za deset minut.' ;
$string [ 'coursetestmanager' ] = 'Form<72> t Course Test Manager' ;
2005-05-17 11:32:18 +00:00
$string [ 'createfirst' ] = 'Nejd<6A> <64> ve mus<75> te vytvo<76> it <20> lohy s kr<6B> tkou tvo<76> enou odpov<6F> d<EFBFBD> .' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'createmultiple' ] = 'Vytvo<76> it v<> ce <20> loh najednou' ;
$string [ 'createnewquestion' ] = 'Vytvo<76> it novou <20> lohu' ;
$string [ 'custom' ] = 'Vlastn<74> form<72> t' ;
2004-09-04 00:42:37 +00:00
$string [ 'datasetdefinitions' ] = 'Znovupou<6F> iteln<6C> definice datov<6F> sady v kategorii $a' ;
$string [ 'datasetnumber' ] = '<27> <> slo' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'daysavailable' ] = 'Zb<5A> v<EFBFBD> dn<64> ' ;
2005-05-17 11:32:18 +00:00
$string [ 'decimalformat' ] = 'desetinn<6E> m<> sta' ;
$string [ 'decimalpoints' ] = 'Po<50> et desetinn<6E> ch m<> st' ;
2004-09-04 00:42:37 +00:00
$string [ 'decimals' ] = 's $a' ;
2005-05-17 11:32:18 +00:00
$string [ 'default' ] = 'V<> choz<6F> ' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'defaultgrade' ] = 'Standardn<64> po<70> et bod<6F> za <20> lohu' ;
2005-05-17 11:32:18 +00:00
$string [ 'defaultinfo' ] = 'V<> choz<6F> kategorie pro ukl<6B> d<EFBFBD> n<EFBFBD> testov<6F> ch <20> loh' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'deleteattemptcheck' ] = 'Jste si naprosto jisti, <20> e chcete <20> pln<6C> odstranit tyto pokusy?' ;
$string [ 'deletequestioncheck' ] = 'Jste si absolutn<74> jisti, <20> e chcete odstranit \'$a\'?' ;
2005-05-17 11:32:18 +00:00
$string [ 'deletequestionscheck' ] = 'Opravdu chcete smazat n<> sleduj<75> c<EFBFBD> ot<6F> zky? <div>$a</div>' ;
$string [ 'deleteselected' ] = 'Vymazat vybran<61> ' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'description' ] = 'Popis' ;
2005-05-17 11:32:18 +00:00
$string [ 'discrimination' ] = 'Diskrimina<6E> n<EFBFBD> index' ;
$string [ 'displayoptions' ] = 'Zp<5A> sob zobrazen<65> ' ;
$string [ 'download' ] = 'Klikn<6B> te pro sta<74> en<65> exportovan<61> ho souboru' ;
$string [ 'downloadextra' ] = '(soubor je rovn<76> <6E> ulo<6C> en ve slo<6C> ce soubor<6F> kurzu v adres<65> <73> i \'test\')' ;
2005-06-29 08:48:50 +00:00
$string [ 'duplicateresponse' ] = 'Tato odpov<6F> <76> byla ignorov<6F> na, proto<74> e jste stejnou odpov<6F> <76> zadali ji<6A> d<> <64> ve.' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'eachattemptbuildsonthelast' ] = 'Ka<4B> d<EFBFBD> pokus stav<61> na p<> edchoz<6F> m' ;
$string [ 'editcategories' ] = 'Upravit kategorie' ;
2005-05-17 11:32:18 +00:00
$string [ 'editcategory' ] = 'Upravit kategorii' ;
$string [ 'editcatquestions' ] = 'Upravit kategorie ot<6F> zek' ;
2004-09-04 00:42:37 +00:00
$string [ 'editdatasets' ] = 'Upravit datov<6F> sady' ;
$string [ 'editingcalculated' ] = '<27> prava vypo<70> <6F> t<EFBFBD> van<61> ot<6F> zky' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'editingdescription' ] = '<27> prava popisu' ;
2005-06-29 08:48:50 +00:00
$string [ 'editingmatch' ] = '<27> prava – p<> i<EFBFBD> azovac<61> <20> loha' ;
$string [ 'editingmultianswer' ] = '<27> prava – dopl<70> ovac<61> <20> loha (cloze)' ;
$string [ 'editingmultichoice' ] = '<27> prava – <20> loha s v<> b<EFBFBD> rem odpov<6F> d<EFBFBD> ' ;
$string [ 'editingnumerical' ] = '<27> prava – numerick<63> <20> loha' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'editingquestion' ] = '<27> prava <20> lohy' ;
$string [ 'editingquiz' ] = '<27> prava testu' ;
2005-06-29 08:48:50 +00:00
$string [ 'editingrandom' ] = '<27> prava – n<> hodn<64> vybran<61> <20> loha' ;
$string [ 'editingrandomsamatch' ] = '<27> prava – p<> i<EFBFBD> azov<6F> n<EFBFBD> pro n<> hodn<64> vybran<61> <20> lohy s kr<6B> tkou tvo<76> enou odpov<6F> d<EFBFBD> ' ;
$string [ 'editingrqp' ] = '<27> prava – vzd<7A> len<65> <20> loha (RQP)' ;
$string [ 'editingshortanswer' ] = '<27> prava – <20> loha s kr<6B> tkou tvo<76> enou odpov<6F> d<EFBFBD> ' ;
$string [ 'editingtruefalse' ] = '<27> prava – <20> loha pravda/nepravda' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'editquestions' ] = 'Upravit <20> lohy' ;
2005-06-29 08:48:50 +00:00
$string [ 'editquiz' ] = '<27> prava testu' ;
$string [ 'errormissingquestion' ] = 'Chyba – syst<73> m postr<74> d<EFBFBD> <20> lohu s id $a' ;
$string [ 'errornotnumbers' ] = 'Chyba – odpov<6F> di musej<65> b<> t <20> <> seln<6C> ' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'errorsdetected' ] = 'Po<50> et zji<6A> t<EFBFBD> n<EFBFBD> ch chyb: $a' ;
2005-06-29 08:48:50 +00:00
$string [ 'event1' ] = 'Autosave' ;
$string [ 'event2' ] = 'Ulo<6C> it' ;
$string [ 'event3' ] = 'Hodnotit' ;
$string [ 'event5' ] = 'Validate' ;
$string [ 'event6' ] = 'Uza<7A> <61> t' ;
2005-10-05 10:16:39 +00:00
$string [ 'examview' ] = 'N<> hled' ;
2005-05-17 11:32:18 +00:00
$string [ 'existingcategory1' ] = 'liter<65> lem z ji<6A> vytvo<76> en<65> sady liter<65> l<EFBFBD> u<> <75> van<61> ch tak<61> jin<69> mi <20> lohami v t<> to kategorii' ;
$string [ 'existingcategory2' ] = 'souborem z ji<6A> vytvo<76> en<65> sady soubor<6F> u<> <75> van<61> ch tak<61> jin<69> mi <20> lohami v t<> to kategorii' ;
$string [ 'existingcategory3' ] = 'odkazem z ji<6A> vytvo<76> en<65> sady odkaz<61> u<> <75> van<61> ch tak<61> jin<69> mi <20> lohami v t<> to kategorii' ;
2004-07-15 12:18:09 +00:00
$string [ 'exportfilename' ] = 'test' ;
$string [ 'exportname' ] = 'Jm<4A> no souboru' ;
$string [ 'exportnameformat' ] = '%%Y-%%m-%%d-%%H-%%M' ;
$string [ 'exportquestions' ] = 'Exportovat <20> lohy do souboru' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'false' ] = 'Nepravda' ;
2005-05-17 11:32:18 +00:00
$string [ 'feedback' ] = ' Koment<6E> <74> ' ;
2004-09-04 00:42:37 +00:00
$string [ 'file' ] = 'Soubor' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'fileformat' ] = 'Form<72> t souboru' ;
2005-06-29 08:48:50 +00:00
$string [ 'fillcorrect' ] = 'Uk<55> zat spr<70> vn<76> odpov<6F> di' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'filloutoneanswer' ] = 'Mus<75> te vyplnit alespo<70> jednu odpov<6F> <76> . Pr<50> zdn<64> odpov<6F> di nebudou pou<6F> ity.' ;
$string [ 'filloutthreequestions' ] = 'Mus<75> te vyplnit alespo<70> t<> i ot<6F> zky. Pr<50> zdn<64> ot<6F> zky nebudou pou<6F> ity.' ;
$string [ 'fillouttwochoices' ] = 'Mus<75> te vyplnit alespo<70> dv<64> mo<6D> nosti. Pr<50> zdn<64> mo<6D> nosti nebudou pou<6F> ity.' ;
2005-06-29 08:48:50 +00:00
$string [ 'finishattempt' ] = 'Odeslat v<> e a ukon<6F> it n<> hled' ;
2004-09-04 00:42:37 +00:00
$string [ 'forceregeneration' ] = 'vnutit regeneraci' ;
2005-06-29 08:48:50 +00:00
$string [ 'fractionsaddwrong' ] = 'Sou<6F> et kladn<64> ch hodnocen<65> nen<65> roven 100 %%, n<> br<62> <20> in<69> $a %%. <br />Chcete se vr<76> tit a opravit tuto <20> lohu?' ;
2005-05-17 11:32:18 +00:00
$string [ 'fractionsnomax' ] = 'Jedna z odpov<6F> d<EFBFBD> by m<> la b<> t ohodnocena 100%%, aby bylo mo<6D> n<EFBFBD> <br />z<> skat pln<6C> po<70> et bod<6F> . <br />Chcete se vr<76> tit a opravit tuto <20> lohu?' ;
$string [ 'functiontakesatleasttwo' ] = 'Funkce $a vy<76> aduje minim<69> ln<6C> dva argumenty' ;
2004-09-04 00:42:37 +00:00
$string [ 'functiontakesnoargs' ] = 'Funkce $a nem<65> <20> <> dn<64> argumenty' ;
2005-05-17 11:32:18 +00:00
$string [ 'functiontakesonearg' ] = 'Funkce $a vy<76> aduje pr<70> v<EFBFBD> jeden argument' ;
$string [ 'functiontakesoneortwoargs' ] = 'Funkce $a vy<76> aduje bu<62> jeden nebo dva argumenty' ;
$string [ 'functiontakestwoargs' ] = 'Funkce $a vy<76> aduje pr<70> v<EFBFBD> dva argumenty' ;
2004-09-04 00:42:37 +00:00
$string [ 'generatevalue' ] = 'Vygenerovat novou hodnotu mezi' ;
2005-05-17 11:32:18 +00:00
$string [ 'geometric' ] = 'geometrick<63> ' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'gift' ] = 'Form<72> t GIFT' ;
2005-05-17 11:32:18 +00:00
$string [ 'grade' ] = 'Body' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'gradeaverage' ] = 'Pr<50> m<EFBFBD> rn<72> po<70> et bod<6F> ' ;
$string [ 'gradehighest' ] = 'Nejvy<76> <79> <EFBFBD> po<70> et bod<6F> ' ;
$string [ 'grademethod' ] = 'Metoda bodov<6F> n<EFBFBD> ' ;
2005-06-29 08:48:50 +00:00
$string [ 'gradingdetails' ] = 'Bodov<6F> zisk: $a->raw/$a->max. ' ;
$string [ 'gradingdetailsadjustment' ] = 'V<> sledn<64> bodov<6F> zisk p<> i zapo<70> ten<65> p<> edchoz<6F> ch penalizac<61> : <strong>$a->cur/$a->max</strong>. ' ;
$string [ 'gradingdetailspenalty' ] = 'Tento pokus byl zat<61> <74> en penalizac<61> $a.' ;
$string [ 'gradingdetailszeropenalty' ] = 'Tento pokus nebyl penalizov<6F> n. ' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'guestsno' ] = 'Je mi l<> to, host<73> si nemohou prohl<68> <6C> et nebo zkou<6F> et testy' ;
2005-05-17 11:32:18 +00:00
$string [ 'hotpot' ] = 'Form<72> t Hot Potatoes' ;
2004-09-04 00:42:37 +00:00
$string [ 'illegalformulasyntax' ] = 'Neplatn<74> syntaxe vzorce po<70> <6F> naje \'$a\'' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'imagedisplay' ] = 'Obr<62> zek k zobrazen<65> ' ;
$string [ 'imagemissing' ] = 'Obr<62> zek na <20> <> dku $a nen<65> dostupn<70> . Jm<4A> no souboru bude ignorov<6F> no.' ;
2005-05-17 11:32:18 +00:00
$string [ 'importmax10error' ] = 'Chybn<62> definice <20> lohy. <20> loha nesm<73> obsahovat v<> ce ne<6E> deset odpov<6F> d<EFBFBD> .' ;
2005-10-05 10:16:39 +00:00
$string [ 'importmaxerror' ] = 'Chyba v t<> to <20> loze. Je zde p<> <70> li<6C> mnoho odpov<6F> d<EFBFBD> .' ;
2005-05-17 11:32:18 +00:00
$string [ 'importminerror' ] = 'Chybn<62> definice <20> lohy. Definice neobsahuje dostate<74> n<EFBFBD> po<70> et odpov<6F> d<EFBFBD> pro dan<61> typ <20> lohy.' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'importquestions' ] = 'Importovat <20> lohy ze souboru' ;
2005-06-29 08:48:50 +00:00
$string [ 'incorrect' ] = 'Nespr<70> vn<76> odpov<6F> <76> ' ;
2005-05-17 11:32:18 +00:00
$string [ 'indivresp' ] = 'Odezvy jednotliv<69> ch u<> ivatel<65> na ka<6B> dou polo<6C> ku' ;
2005-06-29 08:48:50 +00:00
$string [ 'info' ] = 'Info' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'introduction' ] = '<27> vod' ;
2005-06-29 08:48:50 +00:00
$string [ 'invalidsource' ] = 'The source is not accepted as valid by the server $a->rendering_server.' ;
$string [ 'invalidsourcetype' ] = 'Invalid source type.' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'itemanal' ] = 'Anal<61> za odezvy na polo<6C> ku' ;
2004-09-04 00:42:37 +00:00
$string [ 'itemdefinition' ] = 'Definice' ;
2005-06-29 08:48:50 +00:00
$string [ 'itemsource' ] = 'Item Source' ;
$string [ 'itemsourceformat' ] = 'Item Source Format' ;
$string [ 'itemtypes' ] = 'Item Types' ;
2005-05-17 11:32:18 +00:00
$string [ 'keptcategory1' ] = 'liter<65> lem ze stejn<6A> sady v<> cen<65> sobn<62> pou<6F> iteln<6C> ch liter<65> l<EFBFBD> dan<61> kategorie, kter<65> byla k t<> to <20> loze p<> i<EFBFBD> azena ji<6A> d<> <64> ve' ;
$string [ 'keptcategory2' ] = 'souborem ze stejn<6A> sady v<> cen<65> sobn<62> pou<6F> iteln<6C> ch soubor<6F> dan<61> kategorie, kter<65> byla k t<> to <20> loze p<> i<EFBFBD> azena ji<6A> d<> <64> ve' ;
$string [ 'keptcategory3' ] = 'odkazem ze stejn<6A> sady v<> cen<65> sobn<62> pou<6F> iteln<6C> ch odkaz<61> dan<61> kategorie, kter<65> byla k t<> to <20> loze p<> i<EFBFBD> azena ji<6A> d<> <64> ve' ;
$string [ 'keptlocal1' ] = 'liter<65> lem ze stejn<6A> soukrom<6F> sady liter<65> l<EFBFBD> , kter<65> byla p<> i<EFBFBD> azena k t<> to <20> loze ji<6A> d<> <64> ve' ;
$string [ 'keptlocal2' ] = 'souborem ze stejn<6A> soukrom<6F> sady soubor<6F> , kter<65> byla p<> i<EFBFBD> azena k t<> to <20> loze ji<6A> d<> <64> ve' ;
$string [ 'keptlocal3' ] = 'odkazem ze stejn<6A> soukrom<6F> sady odkaz<61> , kter<65> byla p<> i<EFBFBD> azena k t<> to <20> loze ji<6A> d<> <64> ve' ;
2005-06-29 08:48:50 +00:00
$string [ 'lastanswer' ] = 'Va<56> e p<> edchoz<6F> odpov<6F> <76> ' ;
2005-05-17 11:32:18 +00:00
$string [ 'learnwise' ] = 'Form<72> t Learnwise' ;
2004-09-04 00:42:37 +00:00
$string [ 'link' ] = 'Odkaz' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'listitems' ] = 'Seznam polo<6C> ek testu' ;
2005-05-17 11:32:18 +00:00
$string [ 'literal' ] = 'Liter<65> l' ;
$string [ 'loguniform' ] = '<27> <> slicemi (rozd<7A> len<65> pravd<76> podobnosti \'loguniform\')' ;
2005-06-29 08:48:50 +00:00
$string [ 'lowmarkslimit' ] = ' Vylou<6F> it pokusy se sk<73> rem ni<6E> <69> <EFBFBD> m ne<6E> : ' ;
2005-05-17 11:32:18 +00:00
$string [ 'makecopy' ] = 'Ulo<6C> it jako novou <20> lohu' ;
2005-06-29 08:48:50 +00:00
$string [ 'managetypes' ] = 'Spravovat typy <20> loh a servery' ;
$string [ 'mark' ] = 'Odeslat' ;
$string [ 'markall' ] = 'Odeslat aktu<74> ln<6C> str<74> nku' ;
2005-05-17 11:32:18 +00:00
$string [ 'marks' ] = 'Body' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'match' ] = 'P<> i<EFBFBD> azov<6F> n<EFBFBD> ' ;
$string [ 'matchanswer' ] = 'P<> i<EFBFBD> azen<65> odpov<6F> <76> ' ;
2005-05-17 11:32:18 +00:00
$string [ 'max' ] = 'Max' ;
$string [ 'min' ] = 'Min' ;
2004-07-15 12:18:09 +00:00
$string [ 'minutes' ] = 'Minuty' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'missinganswer' ] = 'Na <20> <> dku $a je p<> <70> li<6C> m<> lo hodnot :ANSWER, :Lx, :Rx. Mus<75> te definovat alespo<70> dv<64> mo<6D> n<EFBFBD> odpov<6F> di.' ;
$string [ 'missingcorrectanswer' ] = 'Mus<75> te ur<75> it spr<70> vnou odpov<6F> <76> ' ;
2005-06-29 08:48:50 +00:00
$string [ 'missingitemtypename' ] = 'Missing name' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'missingname' ] = 'Chyb<79> n<> zev <20> lohy' ;
$string [ 'missingquestion' ] = 'Chyb<79> popisek <20> lohy za <20> <> dkem $a' ;
$string [ 'missingquestiontext' ] = 'Chyb<79> zn<7A> n<EFBFBD> <20> lohy' ;
2005-05-17 11:32:18 +00:00
$string [ 'missingword' ] = 'Form<72> t Vynechan<61> slovo' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'modulename' ] = 'Test' ;
$string [ 'modulenameplural' ] = 'Testy' ;
2005-05-17 11:32:18 +00:00
$string [ 'moveto' ] = 'P<> esunout do >>' ;
$string [ 'multianswer' ] = 'Dopl<70> ovac<61> <20> loha (cloze)' ;
$string [ 'multichoice' ] = '<27> loha s v<> b<EFBFBD> rem odpov<6F> d<EFBFBD> ' ;
2004-09-04 00:42:37 +00:00
$string [ 'multiplier' ] = 'N<> sobitel' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'name' ] = 'Jm<4A> no' ;
2005-06-29 08:48:50 +00:00
$string [ 'newattemptfail' ] = 'Chyba: Nebylo mo<6D> n<EFBFBD> za<7A> <61> t nov<6F> pokus.' ;
2005-05-17 11:32:18 +00:00
$string [ 'newcategory1' ] = 'liter<65> lem z nov<6F> sady liter<65> l<EFBFBD> , kterou bude mo<6D> no pou<6F> <75> t tak<61> u ostatn<74> ch ot<6F> zek dan<61> kategorie' ;
$string [ 'newcategory2' ] = 'souborem z nov<6F> sady soubor<6F> , kterou bude mo<6D> no pou<6F> <75> t tak<61> u ostatn<74> ch ot<6F> zek dan<61> kategorie' ;
$string [ 'newcategory3' ] = 'odkazem z nov<6F> sady odkaz<61> , kterou bude mo<6D> no pou<6F> <75> t tak<61> u ostatn<74> ch ot<6F> zek dan<61> kategorie' ;
$string [ 'newlocal1' ] = 'liter<65> lem z nov<6F> sady liter<65> l<EFBFBD> , kterou bude mo<6D> no pou<6F> <75> t pouze u t<> to <20> lohy' ;
$string [ 'newlocal2' ] = 'souborem z nov<6F> sady soubor<6F> , kterou bude mo<6D> no pou<6F> <75> t pouze u t<> to <20> lohy' ;
$string [ 'newlocal3' ] = 'odkazem z nov<6F> sady odkaz<61> , kterou bude mo<6D> no pou<6F> <75> t pouze u t<> to <20> lohy' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'noanswers' ] = 'Nen<65> vybr<62> na odpov<6F> <76> !' ;
2005-05-17 11:32:18 +00:00
$string [ 'noattempts' ] = 'Zat<61> m se nikdo nepokusil napsat tento test' ;
2005-06-29 08:48:50 +00:00
$string [ 'noattemptstoshow' ] = 'Nenalezeny <20> <> dn<64> pokusy' ;
$string [ 'noconnection' ] = 'Moment<6E> ln<6C> nen<65> mo<6D> n<EFBFBD> p<> ipojit se k webov<6F> slu<6C> b<EFBFBD> , kter<65> by zpracovala tuto <20> lohu. Obra<72> te se pros<6F> m na spr<70> vce serveru.' ;
$string [ 'nodataset' ] = 'ni<6E> <69> m – nejedn<64> se o masku' ;
2005-05-17 11:32:18 +00:00
$string [ 'nominal' ] = 'nomin<69> ln<6C> ' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'nomoreattempts' ] = 'Ji<4A> nem<65> te dal<61> <6C> pokusy' ;
2005-05-17 11:32:18 +00:00
$string [ 'nopossibledatasets' ] = 'Nejsou dostupn<70> <20> <> dn<64> datov<6F> sady' ;
$string [ 'noquestionintext' ] = '<27> loha neobsahuje <20> <> dn<64> vno<6E> en<65> ot<6F> zky' ;
$string [ 'noquestions' ] = 'Do testu dosud nebyly vlo<6C> eny <20> <> dn<64> <20> lohy.' ;
2005-06-29 08:48:50 +00:00
$string [ 'noquestionsfound' ] = 'Nenalezeny <20> <> dn<64> <20> lohy.' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'noresponse' ] = 'Bez odezvy' ;
2005-05-17 11:32:18 +00:00
$string [ 'noreview' ] = 'Nejste opr<70> vn<76> ni prohl<68> dnout si tento test' ;
$string [ 'noreviewuntil' ] = 'Nejste opr<70> vn<76> ni prohl<68> dnout si tento test a<> do n<> sleduj<75> c<EFBFBD> ho data: $a' ;
2004-07-15 12:18:09 +00:00
$string [ 'noscript' ] = 'Pro pokra<72> ov<6F> n<EFBFBD> mus<75> te povolit JavaScript' ;
2005-06-29 08:48:50 +00:00
$string [ 'notavailable' ] = 'Litujeme, tento test nen<65> p<> <70> stupn<70> .' ;
$string [ 'notavailabletostudents' ] = 'Upozorn<72> n<EFBFBD> : studenti k tomuto testu nyn<79> nemaj<61> p<> <70> stup.' ;
2005-05-17 11:32:18 +00:00
$string [ 'notenoughanswers' ] = 'Nejni<6E> <69> <EFBFBD> po<70> et odpov<6F> d<EFBFBD> pro tento typ <20> lohy je $a' ;
2004-09-16 17:13:57 +00:00
$string [ 'notenoughsubquestions' ] = 'Nen<65> definov<6F> no dost podot<6F> zek!<br />Chcete se vr<76> tit zp<7A> t a opravit tuto <20> lohu?' ;
2005-06-29 08:48:50 +00:00
$string [ 'notimedependentitems' ] = '<27> asov<6F> z<> visl<73> polo<6C> ky nejsou nyn<79> modulem Test podporov<6F> ny. N<> hradn<64> m <20> e<EFBFBD> en<65> m m<> <6D> e b<> t nastaven<65> <20> asov<6F> ho limitu pro cel<65> test. P<> ejete si vybrat jinou polo<6C> ku (nebo p<> esto pou<6F> <75> t st<73> vaj<61> c<EFBFBD> )?' ;
$string [ 'numberabbr' ] = '#' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'numerical' ] = 'Numerick<63> <20> loha' ;
2004-09-04 00:42:37 +00:00
$string [ 'optional' ] = 'voliteln<6C> ' ;
2005-06-29 08:48:50 +00:00
$string [ 'outof' ] = ' z maxim<69> ln<6C> ho po<70> tu ' ;
2004-09-04 00:42:37 +00:00
$string [ 'overdue' ] = 'Zpo<70> d<EFBFBD> n<EFBFBD> ' ;
2005-10-05 10:16:39 +00:00
$string [ 'pagesize' ] = 'Po<50> et zobrazovan<61> ch pokus<75> na str<74> nce:' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'paragraphquestion' ] = 'Odstavcov<6F> <20> loha na <20> <> dku $a nen<65> podporovan<61> . <20> loha bude ignorov<6F> na' ;
2005-05-17 11:32:18 +00:00
$string [ 'parent' ] = '<27> rove<76> vno<6E> en<65> ' ;
2005-06-29 08:48:50 +00:00
$string [ 'partiallycorrect' ] = '<27> <> ste<74> n<EFBFBD> spr<70> vn<76> odpov<6F> <76> ' ;
2004-07-15 12:18:09 +00:00
$string [ 'passworderror' ] = 'Vlo<6C> en<65> heslo nebylo spr<70> vn<76> ' ;
2005-06-29 08:48:50 +00:00
$string [ 'penalty' ] = 'Penalizace' ;
2005-05-17 11:32:18 +00:00
$string [ 'penaltyfactor' ] = 'Penaliza<7A> n<EFBFBD> faktor' ;
2005-06-29 08:48:50 +00:00
$string [ 'penaltyscheme' ] = 'Penalizace' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'percentcorrect' ] = 'Procent spr<70> vn<76> ' ;
2005-06-29 08:48:50 +00:00
$string [ 'pleaseclose' ] = 'V<> <56> po<70> adavk byl zpraov<6F> n, nyn<79> m<> <6D> ete toto okno zav<61> <76> t.' ;
2005-05-17 11:32:18 +00:00
$string [ 'popup' ] = 'Zobrazit test v „zabezpe<70> en<65> m“ okn<6B> ' ;
2005-06-29 08:48:50 +00:00
$string [ 'popupnotice' ] = 'Student<6E> m se tento test zobraz<61> v zabezpe<70> en<65> m okn<6B> .' ;
2004-09-04 00:42:37 +00:00
$string [ 'preview' ] = 'N<> hled' ;
$string [ 'previewquestion' ] = 'N<> hled ot<6F> zky' ;
2005-06-29 08:48:50 +00:00
$string [ 'previewquiz' ] = 'N<> hled testu' ;
$string [ 'previous' ] = 'O krok zp<7A> t' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'publish' ] = 'Zve<76> ejnit' ;
2005-05-17 11:32:18 +00:00
$string [ 'publishedit' ] = 'Pro <20> pravu nebo p<> id<69> v<EFBFBD> n<EFBFBD> ot<6F> zek v t<> to kategorii mus<75> te m<> t p<> <70> slu<6C> n<EFBFBD> pr<70> va v kurzu, kter<65> ji zve<76> ej<65> uje.' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'qti' ] = 'Form<72> t IMS QTI' ;
2005-05-17 11:32:18 +00:00
$string [ 'qti2' ] = 'Form<72> t IMS QTI 2.0' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'question' ] = '<27> loha' ;
$string [ 'questioninuse' ] = '<27> loha \'$a\' je pr<70> v<EFBFBD> pou<6F> <75> v<EFBFBD> na:' ;
$string [ 'questionname' ] = 'N<> zev <20> lohy' ;
$string [ 'questionnametoolong' ] = 'N<> zev <20> lohy na <20> <> dku $a byl p<> <70> li<6C> dlouh<75> (maximum je 255 znak<61> ) a byl zkr<6B> cen.' ;
$string [ 'questions' ] = '<27> lohy' ;
2005-06-29 08:48:50 +00:00
$string [ 'questionsinuse' ] = '(* <20> lohy ozna<6E> en<65> hv<68> zdi<64> kou jsou nyn<79> pou<6F> <75> v<EFBFBD> ny v jednom <20> i v<> ce testech – budou proto odstran<61> ny pouze ze seznamu ot<6F> zek dan<61> kategorie, nikoliv v<> ak z test<73> .)' ;
2005-05-17 11:32:18 +00:00
$string [ 'questionsperpage' ] = 'Po<50> et ot<6F> zek na str<74> nce' ;
$string [ 'questiontype' ] = 'Typ <20> lohy: $a' ;
$string [ 'questiontypesetupoptions' ] = 'Nastaven<65> pro jednotliv<69> typy <20> loh:' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'quizavailable' ] = 'Test je p<> <70> stupn<70> a<> do: $a' ;
$string [ 'quizclose' ] = 'Uzav<61> <76> t test' ;
$string [ 'quizclosed' ] = 'Test byl uzav<61> en $a' ;
2005-05-17 11:32:18 +00:00
$string [ 'quizcloses' ] = 'Datum a <20> as uzav<61> en<65> testu' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'quiznotavailable' ] = 'Test nebude p<> <70> stupn<70> a<> do: $a' ;
$string [ 'quizopen' ] = 'Zp<5A> <70> stupnit test' ;
2004-05-28 01:18:31 +00:00
$string [ 'quizopens' ] = 'Test zp<7A> <70> stupn<70> n' ;
2004-07-15 12:18:09 +00:00
$string [ 'quiztimelimit' ] = '<27> asov<6F> limit: $a' ;
$string [ 'quiztimer' ] = '<27> asom<6F> ra' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'random' ] = 'N<> hodn<64> vybran<61> <20> loha' ;
$string [ 'randomcreate' ] = 'Vytvo<76> it n<> hodn<64> vybran<61> <20> lohy' ;
2004-11-30 18:44:29 +00:00
$string [ 'randomsamatch' ] = 'P<> i<EFBFBD> azov<6F> n<EFBFBD> pro n<> hodn<64> vybran<61> <20> lohy s kr<6B> tkou tvo<76> enou odpov<6F> d<EFBFBD> ' ;
$string [ 'randomsamatchcreate' ] = 'Vytvo<76> it p<> i<EFBFBD> azov<6F> n<EFBFBD> pro n<> hodn<64> vybran<61> <20> lohy s kr<6B> tkou tvo<76> enou odpov<6F> d<EFBFBD> ' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'randomsamatchintro' ] = 'Ke ka<6B> d<EFBFBD> z n<> sleduj<75> c<EFBFBD> ch <20> loh p<> i<EFBFBD> a<EFBFBD> te odpov<6F> <76> z nab<61> dky.' ;
$string [ 'randomsamatchnumber' ] = 'Po<50> et <20> loh k v<> b<EFBFBD> ru' ;
2005-06-29 08:48:50 +00:00
$string [ 'readytosend' ] = 'Rozhodli jste se dokon<6F> it tento pokus. Chcete jej opravdu dokon<6F> it?' ;
2005-05-17 11:32:18 +00:00
$string [ 'reattemptquiz' ] = 'Za<5A> <61> t dal<61> <6C> pokus' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'recentlyaddedquestion' ] = '<27> loha byla p<> id<69> na!' ;
2005-05-17 11:32:18 +00:00
$string [ 'recurse' ] = 'Zobrazit tak<61> <20> lohy z podkategori<72> ' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'regrade' ] = 'Znovu obodovat v<> echny pokusy' ;
$string [ 'regradecomplete' ] = 'V<> echny pokusy byly znovu obodov<6F> ny' ;
$string [ 'regradecount' ] = '$a->changed z $a->attempt bodov<6F> n<EFBFBD> bylo zm<7A> n<EFBFBD> no' ;
2005-10-05 10:16:39 +00:00
$string [ 'regradedisplayexplanation' ] = 'Pokusy, kter<65> byly zm<7A> n<EFBFBD> ny v pr<70> b<EFBFBD> hu p<> ezn<7A> mkov<6F> n<EFBFBD> , jsou zobrazeny jako odkazy na revizi p<> <70> slu<6C> n<EFBFBD> <20> lohy' ;
$string [ 'regradingquestion' ] = 'P<> ezn<7A> mkov<6F> n<EFBFBD> : \"$a\".' ;
$string [ 'regradingquiz' ] = 'P<> ezn<7A> mkov<6F> n<EFBFBD> testu \"$a\"' ;
2005-05-17 11:32:18 +00:00
$string [ 'relative' ] = 'relativn<76> ' ;
2004-09-04 00:42:37 +00:00
$string [ 'remove' ] = 'Odstranit' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'rename' ] = 'P<> ejmenovat' ;
2005-06-29 08:48:50 +00:00
$string [ 'renderingserverconnectfailed' ] = 'Server $a nezpracoval po<70> adavek RQP. Zkontrolujte pros<6F> m, <20> e zadan<61> URL je spr<70> vn<76> .' ;
$string [ 'repaginate' ] = 'Znovu str<74> nkovat, po<70> et <20> loh na str<74> nce: $a' ;
2005-05-17 11:32:18 +00:00
$string [ 'replace' ] = 'P<> epsat' ;
2005-06-29 08:48:50 +00:00
$string [ 'replacementoptions' ] = 'Mo<4D> nosti nahrazen<65> ' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'report' ] = 'V<> sledky' ;
2005-06-29 08:48:50 +00:00
$string [ 'reportanalysis' ] = 'Polo<6C> kov<6F> anal<61> za' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'reportfullstat' ] = 'Podrobn<62> statistika' ;
$string [ 'reportmulti_percent' ] = 'Multi-procenta' ;
$string [ 'reportmulti_q_x_student' ] = 'Multi-studentsk<73> volby' ;
$string [ 'reportmulti_resp' ] = 'Odezvy jednotlivc<76> ' ;
$string [ 'reportoverview' ] = 'P<> ehled' ;
2005-10-05 10:16:39 +00:00
$string [ 'reportregrade' ] = 'P<> ezn<7A> mkovat pokusy' ;
2005-06-29 08:48:50 +00:00
$string [ 'reports' ] = 'V<> sledky' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'reportsimplestat' ] = 'Jednoduch<63> statistika' ;
2004-07-15 12:18:09 +00:00
$string [ 'requirepassword' ] = 'Vy<56> aduje heslo' ;
2005-05-17 11:32:18 +00:00
$string [ 'requirepasswordmessage' ] = 'Chcete-li se pokusit o absolvov<6F> n<EFBFBD> tohoto testu, mus<75> te zadat heslo.' ;
2004-07-15 12:18:09 +00:00
$string [ 'requiresubnet' ] = 'Vy<56> aduje s<> <73> ovou adresu' ;
2005-06-29 08:48:50 +00:00
$string [ 'response' ] = 'Odpov<6F> <76> ' ;
$string [ 'responses' ] = 'Odpov<6F> di ' ;
2004-09-04 00:42:37 +00:00
$string [ 'reuseifpossible' ] = 'znovu pou<6F> <75> t d<> <64> ve odstran<61> nou' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'review' ] = 'Revize' ;
2005-05-17 11:32:18 +00:00
$string [ 'reviewafter' ] = 'Po uzav<61> en<65> testu' ;
$string [ 'reviewalways' ] = 'Kdykoliv' ;
$string [ 'reviewbefore' ] = 'Dokud je test zp<7A> <70> stupn<70> n' ;
2005-06-29 08:48:50 +00:00
$string [ 'reviewclosed' ] = 'Po uzav<61> en<65> testu' ;
$string [ 'reviewimmediately' ] = 'Ihned po pokusu o zvl<76> dnut<75> testu' ;
2005-05-17 11:32:18 +00:00
$string [ 'reviewnever' ] = 'Nikdy' ;
2005-06-29 08:48:50 +00:00
$string [ 'reviewofattempt' ] = 'Prohl<68> dka pokusu <20> . $a' ;
$string [ 'reviewopen' ] = 'Pozd<7A> ji, dokud je test zp<7A> <70> stupn<70> n' ;
$string [ 'reviewoptions' ] = 'Student<6E> m se maj<61> zobrazit' ;
$string [ 'reviewresponse' ] = 'Prohl<68> dnout odpov<6F> <76> ' ;
$string [ 'rqp' ] = 'Remote Question' ;
$string [ 'rqps' ] = 'Remote Questions' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'save' ] = 'Ulo<6C> it' ;
2005-05-17 11:32:18 +00:00
$string [ 'saveandedit' ] = 'Ulo<6C> it zm<7A> ny a upravit ot<6F> zky' ;
2005-10-05 10:16:39 +00:00
$string [ 'savedfromdeletedcourse' ] = 'Ulo<6C> eno z odstran<61> n<EFBFBD> ho kurzu \"$a\"' ;
2005-05-17 11:32:18 +00:00
$string [ 'savegrades' ] = 'Ulo<6C> it bodov<6F> n<EFBFBD> ' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'savemyanswers' ] = 'Ulo<6C> it m<> odpov<6F> di' ;
2005-06-29 08:48:50 +00:00
$string [ 'savenosubmit' ] = 'Ulo<6C> it bez odesl<73> n<EFBFBD> ' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'savequiz' ] = 'Ulo<6C> it cel<65> test' ;
$string [ 'score' ] = 'Hrub<75> sk<73> r' ;
2005-06-29 08:48:50 +00:00
$string [ 'scores' ] = ' Body ' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'select' ] = 'Vybrat' ;
$string [ 'selectall' ] = 'Vybrat v<> e' ;
$string [ 'selectcategoryabove' ] = 'Vyberte v<> <76> e kategorii' ;
2005-05-17 11:32:18 +00:00
$string [ 'selectedattempts' ] = 'Vybran<61> pokusy...' ;
$string [ 'selectnone' ] = 'Zru<72> it v<> b<EFBFBD> r' ;
2005-10-05 10:16:39 +00:00
$string [ 'serveradded' ] = 'P<> id<69> no serverem' ;
$string [ 'serveridentifier' ] = 'Identifik<69> tor' ;
$string [ 'serverinfo' ] = 'Informace serveru' ;
$string [ 'serverinuse' ] = 'Server, kter<65> hodl<64> te odstranit, je posledn<64> $a server. Byly nalezeny <20> lohy, kter<65> nebudou fungovat, pakli<6C> e tento server odstran<61> te.' ;
2005-06-29 08:48:50 +00:00
$string [ 'servers' ] = 'Servery' ;
2005-10-05 10:16:39 +00:00
$string [ 'serverurl' ] = 'URL adresa serveru' ;
2004-11-30 18:44:29 +00:00
$string [ 'shortanswer' ] = 'Kr<4B> tk<74> tvo<76> en<65> odpov<6F> <76> ' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'show' ] = 'Uk<55> zat' ;
2005-06-29 08:48:50 +00:00
$string [ 'showall' ] = 'Zobrazit v<> echny <20> lohy na jedn<64> str<74> nce' ;
$string [ 'showbreaks' ] = 'Zobrazit p<> ed<65> ly mezi str<74> nkami testu' ;
2005-05-17 11:32:18 +00:00
$string [ 'showcorrectanswer' ] = 'Zobrazit spr<70> vnou odpov<6F> <76> v hodnocen<65> ' ;
$string [ 'showdetailedmarks' ] = 'Zobrazit podrobn<62> hodnocen<65> ' ;
$string [ 'showfeedback' ] = 'Zobrazit hodnocen<65> po odpov<6F> di' ;
$string [ 'showhidden' ] = 'Zobrazit tak<61> star<61> ot<6F> zky' ;
$string [ 'shownoattempts' ] = 'Zahrnout studenty, kte<74> <65> se o test nepokusili' ;
$string [ 'showteacherattempts' ] = 'Zahrnout pokusy u<> itel<65> ' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'shuffleanswers' ] = 'Zam<61> chat odpov<6F> di' ;
$string [ 'shufflequestions' ] = 'Zam<61> chat <20> lohy' ;
2004-09-04 00:42:37 +00:00
$string [ 'significantfigures' ] = 's $a' ;
2005-05-17 11:32:18 +00:00
$string [ 'significantfiguresformat' ] = 'platn<74> <20> <> slice' ;
2005-10-05 10:16:39 +00:00
$string [ 'sortage' ] = 'Se<53> adit podle st<73> <74> <EFBFBD> ' ;
$string [ 'sortalpha' ] = 'Se<53> adit podle abecedy' ;
$string [ 'sortsubmit' ] = 'Se<53> adit <20> lohy' ;
$string [ 'startagain' ] = 'Za<5A> <61> t znovu' ;
2005-06-29 08:48:50 +00:00
$string [ 'startedon' ] = 'Zapo<70> et<65> testu' ;
2005-05-17 11:32:18 +00:00
$string [ 'subneterror' ] = 'Litujeme, ale tento test byl nastaven tak, aby k n<> mu bylo mo<6D> n<EFBFBD> p<> istupovat jen z n<> kter<65> ch po<70> <6F> ta<74> <61> . V<> <56> po<70> <6F> ta<74> nepat<61> <74> k t<> m, pro kter<65> je p<> <70> stup povolen.' ;
2005-06-29 08:48:50 +00:00
$string [ 'subnetnotice' ] = 'Tento test je nastaven tak, aby k n<> mu bylo mo<6D> n<EFBFBD> p<> istupovat jen z n<> kter<65> ch po<70> <6F> ta<74> <61> . V<> <56> po<70> <6F> ta<74> nepat<61> <74> k t<> m, pro kter<65> je p<> <70> stup povolen. Jako vyu<79> uj<75> c<EFBFBD> v<> ak m<> te mo<6D> nost prohl<68> dnout si test i p<> esto.' ;
2005-05-17 11:32:18 +00:00
$string [ 'substitutedby' ] = 'bude nahrazena' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'time' ] = '<27> as' ;
$string [ 'timecompleted' ] = 'Hotovo' ;
2004-07-15 12:18:09 +00:00
$string [ 'timeleft' ] = 'Zb<5A> vaj<61> c<EFBFBD> <20> as' ;
$string [ 'timelimit' ] = '<27> asov<6F> limit' ;
2004-09-04 00:42:37 +00:00
$string [ 'timelimitexeeded' ] = 'Lituji! <20> as vypr<70> el!' ;
2005-06-29 08:48:50 +00:00
$string [ 'timestr' ] = '%%H:%%M:%%S on %%d/%%m/%%y' ;
2004-09-04 00:42:37 +00:00
$string [ 'timesup' ] = '<27> as!' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'timetaken' ] = 'Uplynul<75> <20> as' ;
2004-09-04 00:42:37 +00:00
$string [ 'tolerance' ] = 'Tolerance' ;
$string [ 'tolerancetype' ] = 'Typ tolerance' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'toomanyrandom' ] = 'Po<50> et po<70> adovan<61> ch n<> hodn<64> ch <20> loh je v<> t<EFBFBD> <74> , ne<6E> kolik jich tato kategorie obsahuje! ($a)' ;
2005-10-05 10:16:39 +00:00
$string [ 'top' ] = 'Nejvy<76> <79> <EFBFBD> <20> rove<76> ' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'true' ] = 'Pravda' ;
$string [ 'truefalse' ] = 'Pravda/Nepravda' ;
$string [ 'type' ] = 'Typ' ;
2005-06-29 08:48:50 +00:00
$string [ 'unfinished' ] = 'nedokon<6F> eno' ;
2005-05-17 11:32:18 +00:00
$string [ 'uniform' ] = 'desetinn<6E> mi m<> sty (rozlo<6C> en<65> pravd<76> podobnosti \'uniform\')' ;
2004-09-04 00:42:37 +00:00
$string [ 'unit' ] = 'Jednotka' ;
2005-05-17 11:32:18 +00:00
$string [ 'unknowntype' ] = 'Na <20> <> dku $a se nach<63> z<EFBFBD> nepodporovan<61> typ <20> lohy. <20> loha bude ignorov<6F> na.' ;
2004-09-04 00:42:37 +00:00
$string [ 'unsupportedformulafunction' ] = 'Funkce $a nen<65> podporov<6F> na' ;
2005-10-05 10:16:39 +00:00
$string [ 'unusedcategorydeleted' ] = 'Tato kategorie byla odstran<61> na, nebo<62> po odstran<61> n<EFBFBD> kurzu nebyly jeho <20> lohy ji<6A> v<> ce na serveru pou<6F> <75> v<EFBFBD> ny.' ;
2005-05-17 11:32:18 +00:00
$string [ 'upgradesure' ] = '<div style=\"color: red;\">Obzvl<76> <6C> t<EFBFBD> modul Test provede rozs<7A> hl<68> zm<7A> ny v datab<61> zi, a tento upgrade je<6A> t<EFBFBD> nebyl dostate<74> n<EFBFBD> otestov<6F> n. Velmi d<> razn<7A> v<> s vyb<79> z<EFBFBD> me, abyste nejd<6A> <64> ve provedli z<> lohu sv<73> datab<61> ze.</div>' ;
2005-06-29 08:48:50 +00:00
$string [ 'url' ] = 'URL' ;
2005-10-05 10:16:39 +00:00
$string [ 'usedcategorymoved' ] = 'Tato kategorie byla p<> esunuta na <20> rove<76> str<74> nek, nebo<62> i po odstran<61> n<EFBFBD> kurzu byly jeho <20> lohy pou<6F> <75> v<EFBFBD> ny v dal<61> <6C> ch testech na serveru.' ;
2005-06-29 08:48:50 +00:00
$string [ 'validate' ] = 'Potvrdit' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'viewallanswers' ] = 'Zobrazit $a hotov<6F> ch test<73> ' ;
2005-05-17 11:32:18 +00:00
$string [ 'viewallreports' ] = 'Zobrazit v<> sledky $a pokus<75> ' ;
$string [ 'warningsdetected' ] = 'Po<50> et zachycen<65> ch upozorn<72> n<EFBFBD> : $a' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'webct' ] = 'Form<72> t WebCT' ;
2005-05-17 11:32:18 +00:00
$string [ 'wildcard' ] = 'Maska' ;
2005-06-29 08:48:50 +00:00
$string [ 'withselected' ] = 'Vybran<61> polo<6C> ky...' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'withsummary' ] = 'se Souhrnnou statistikou' ;
2005-05-17 11:32:18 +00:00
$string [ 'wronggrade' ] = 'Nespr<70> vn<76> po<70> et bod<6F> (za <20> <> dkem $a):' ;
2005-06-29 08:48:50 +00:00
$string [ 'wronguse' ] = 'Nepovolen<65> pou<6F> it<69> str<74> nky' ;
2005-05-17 11:32:18 +00:00
$string [ 'xhtml' ] = 'Form<72> t XHTML' ;
2004-09-04 00:42:37 +00:00
$string [ 'xml' ] = 'Form<72> t Moodle XML' ;
2005-05-17 11:32:18 +00:00
$string [ 'xmltypeunsupported' ] = 'XML import <20> loh typu $a nen<65> v sou<6F> asnosti podporov<6F> n.' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00
$string [ 'yourfinalgradeis' ] = 'V<> <56> kone<6E> n<EFBFBD> po<70> et bod<6F> z tohoto testu je $a' ;
2005-05-17 11:32:18 +00:00
$string [ 'zerosignificantfiguresnotallowed' ] = 'Spr<70> vn<76> odpov<6F> <76> nesm<73> m<> t nulov<6F> po<70> et platn<74> ch <20> <> slic!' ;
2004-03-07 14:00:43 +00:00