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synced 2025-03-13 20:26:32 +01:00
More changes from Mits.
This commit is contained in:
@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ $string['description'] = "
$string['duedate'] = "提出期限";
$string['early'] = "\$a 日早い";
$string['failedupdatefeedback'] = "ユーザ \$a のフィードバック更新に失敗しました ";
$string['feedbackupdated'] = "\$a の参加者に対するフィードバックの更新";
$string['late'] = "\$a 日遅い";
$string['feedbackupdated'] = "\$a の参加者に対するフィードバックの更新";
$string['late'] = "\$a 日遅い";
$string['maximumgrade'] = "最大評価";
$string['maximumsize'] = "最大サイズ";
$string['modulename'] = "課題";
@ -21,10 +21,10 @@ $string['notsubmittedyet'] = "̤
$string['overwritewarning'] = "警告:再度アップロードすることにより現在の提出物は置き換えられます";
$string['submissionfeedback'] = "提出のフィードバック";
$string['submissions'] = "提出";
$string['submitassignment'] = "このフォームを使用して課題を提出する";
$string['submitted'] = "提出されました";
$string['typeoffline'] = "オフラインモード";
$string['typeuploadsingle'] = "単一ファイルをアップロードする";
$string['submitassignment'] = "フォームを使用して課題を提出する";
$string['submitted'] = "提出";
$string['typeoffline'] = "オフライン";
$string['typeuploadsingle'] = "ファイルをアップロードする";
$string['uploadbadname'] = "不正な文字がファイル名に含まれているため、このファイルはアップロード出来ません";
$string['uploadedfiles'] = "ファイルをアップロードしました";
$string['uploaderror'] = "サーバにファイルを保存中にエラーが発生しました";
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ $string['uploadnofilefound'] = "
$string['uploadnotregistered'] = "'\$a' は正常にアップロードされましたが登録されませんでした!";
$string['uploadsuccess'] = "'\$a' のアップロードが完了しました";
$string['viewfeedback'] = "課題の評価とフィードバックを確認する";
$string['viewsubmissions'] = "\$a の提出課題を確認する";
$string['viewsubmissions'] = "\$a 件の提出課題を確認する";
$string['yoursubmission'] = "あなたの提出物";
@ -3,15 +3,15 @@
$string['answered'] = "回答済み";
$string['choice'] = "\$a を選択";
$string['choice'] = "選択肢 \$a";
$string['choicename'] = "選択名";
$string['choicetext'] = "選択テキスト";
$string['choicetext'] = "選択文";
$string['modulename'] = "選択";
$string['modulenameplural'] = "選択";
$string['notanswered'] = "まだ回答されていません。";
$string['responses'] = "返答";
$string['responsesto'] = "\$a へ返答";
$string['savemychoice'] = "選択を保存する";
$string['viewallresponses'] = "\$a の返答を見る";
$string['notanswered'] = "未回答";
$string['responses'] = "回答";
$string['responsesto'] = "\$a へ回答する";
$string['savemychoice'] = "回答を保存する";
$string['viewallresponses'] = "\$a 件の回答を見る";
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ $string['forums'] = "
$string['forumtype'] = "フォーラムタイプ";
$string['generalforum'] = "一般利用のための標準フォーラム";
$string['generalforums'] = "総合フォーラム";
$string['inforum'] = "\$a の";
$string['inforum'] = "\$a";
$string['intronews'] = "ニュースとお知らせ";
$string['introsocial'] = "何でも投稿可能な制限無しフォーラムです";
$string['introteacher'] = "教師専用のフォーラムです";
@ -95,8 +95,8 @@ $string['rate'] = "ɾ
$string['ratings'] = "評価";
$string['re'] = "Re:";
$string['readtherest'] = "残りのトピックを読む";
$string['repliesmany'] = "現在 \$a の返答があります";
$string['repliesone'] = "現在 \$a の返答があります";
$string['repliesmany'] = "現在 \$a 件の返答があります";
$string['repliesone'] = "現在 \$a 件の返答があります";
$string['reply'] = "返信";
$string['search'] = "検索";
$string['searchforums'] = "フォーラムを検索";
@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ $string['subscribed'] = "
$string['subscribers'] = "参加者";
$string['subscribersto'] = " '\$a' の参加者";
$string['unsubscribe'] = "このフォーラムから登録抹消する";
$string['youratedthis'] = "あなたはこれを評価しました";
$string['youratedthis'] = "あなたの評価";
$string['yournewtopic'] = "新規ディスカッショントピック";
$string['yourreply'] = "あなたの返答";
@ -22,6 +22,6 @@ $string['notstarted'] = "
$string['overallrating'] = "総体的評価";
$string['rate'] = "評価";
$string['startoredit'] = "日誌を編集する";
$string['viewallentries'] = "\$a 登録済み日誌を確認する";
$string['viewallentries'] = "\$a 件の登録済み日誌を見る";
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ $string['courses'] = "
$string['courseupdates'] = "コース変更点";
$string['createaccount'] = "アカウントを作成する";
$string['createuserandpass'] = "ユーザ名とパスワードを作成する";
$string['createziparchive'] = "ZIP書庫を作成する";
$string['createziparchive'] = "ZIP書庫を作成";
$string['currentlanguage'] = "現在の言語";
$string['currentlocaltime'] = "ローカルタイム";
$string['databasechecking'] = "バージョン \$a->古いバージョンから \$a->新バージョン...";
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ $string['defaultcourseteachers'] = "
$string['delete'] = "削除";
$string['deletecheck'] = "\$a を削除しますか ?";
$string['deletecheckfull'] = "本当に \$a を完全に削除してもよろしいですか?";
$string['deletecompletely'] = "削除が完了しました";
$string['deletecompletely'] = "削除する";
$string['deletecourse'] = "コースの削除";
$string['deletecoursecheck'] = "このコースとコース内のデータを本当に削除してもよろしいですか?";
$string['deleted'] = "削除済み";
@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ $string['icqnumber'] = "ICQ
$string['idnumber'] = "IDナンバー";
$string['invalidemail'] = "不正なメールアドレスです";
$string['invalidlogin'] = "不正なログインです、再度ログインしてください";
$string['jumpto'] = "ジャンプ...";
$string['jumpto'] = "移動 ...";
$string['langltr'] = "言語の向き 左→右";
$string['langrtl'] = "言語の向き 右→左";
$string['language'] = "言語";
@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ $string['loginsteps'] = "
$string['loginstepsnone'] = "こんにちは!<P>コースを利用するためにはアカウントを開設する必要があります。<P>方法はユーザ名とパスワードをこのページのフォームを使って作成するだけです!<P>もし他の人が同じユーザ名を使っている場合は違うユーザ名で登録してください。
@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ $string['missingstudent'] = "
$string['missingsummary'] = "概要が入力されていません";
$string['missingteacher'] = "何かを選んでください";
$string['missingusername'] = "ユーザ名が入力されていません";
$string['modified'] = "修正された";
$string['modified'] = "修正日時";
$string['modulesetup'] = "Moodleのテーブルを設定する";
$string['modulesuccess'] = "\$a テーブルが正常に設定されました";
$string['mostrecently'] = "直近の";
@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ $string['question'] = "
$string['readme'] = "READMEファイル";
$string['recentactivity'] = "最新の活動";
$string['removeteacher'] = "教師を削除する";
$string['rename'] = "変名";
$string['rename'] = "リネーム";
$string['requireskey'] = "このコースには登録キーが必要です";
$string['resources'] = "資料";
$string['returningtosite'] = "アカウントをお持ちの方";
@ -453,7 +453,7 @@ $string['thanks'] = "
$string['theme'] = "テーマ";
$string['themesaved'] = "新しいテーマが保存されました";
$string['thischarset'] = "euc-jp";
$string['thislanguage'] = "日本語";
$string['thislanguage'] = "Japanese";
$string['timezone'] = "タイムゾーン";
$string['today'] = "今日";
$string['todaylogs'] = "今日のログ";
@ -480,7 +480,7 @@ $string['updatinga'] = "\$a
$string['updatingain'] = "\$a->in の \$a->what を更新中";
$string['upload'] = "アップロード";
$string['uploadafile'] = "ファイルをアップロードする";
$string['uploadthisfile'] = "このファイルをアップロードする";
$string['uploadthisfile'] = "ファイルをアップロードする";
$string['userdeleted'] = "このユーザのアカウントは削除されました";
$string['userdescription'] = "自己紹介";
$string['username'] = "ユーザ名";
@ -496,7 +496,7 @@ $string['welcometocoursetext'] = "\$a->coursename
$string['withchosenfiles'] = "選択ファイルと共に";
$string['withchosenfiles'] = "選択したものを";
$string['wordforstudent'] = "生徒(単数)に対する呼称";
$string['wordforstudenteg'] = "例 生徒、参加者";
$string['wordforstudents'] = "生徒(複数)に対する呼称";
@ -10,12 +10,12 @@ $string['answer'] = "
$string['answerhowmany'] = "解答方法";
$string['answersingleno'] = "複数解答可能";
$string['answersingleyes'] = "単一の解答のみ";
$string['attempt'] = "²òÅú \$a ";
$string['attempt'] = "チャレンジ \$a ";
$string['attemptfirst'] = "初回得点";
$string['attemptlast'] = "最終得点";
$string['attemptquiznow'] = "クイズに挑戦";
$string['attempts'] = "²òÅú";
$string['attemptsallowed'] = "²òÅú²ó¿ô";
$string['attempts'] = "チャレンジ";
$string['attemptsallowed'] = "チャレンジ回数";
$string['attemptsunlimited'] = "制限無し";
$string['backtoquiz'] = "クイズ編集に戻る";
$string['bestgrade'] = "最高得点";
@ -14,12 +14,12 @@ $string['modulename'] = "
$string['modulenameplural'] = "資料";
$string['neverseen'] = "未確認";
$string['note'] = "ノート";
$string['notefile'] = "更にコースにファイルをアップロード(このリストに表示されます)する場合、<A HREF=\$a >File Manager</A> を利用してください。";
$string['notefile'] = "更にファイルをアップロード(このリストに表示されます)する場合、<A HREF=\$a >File Manager</A> を利用してください。";
$string['notypechosen'] = "タイプを選択してください。「戻る」ボタンを押して再度入力してください。";
$string['resourcetype'] = "資料のタイプ";
$string['resourcetype1'] = "参考文献";
$string['resourcetype2'] = "ウェブページ";
$string['resourcetype3'] = "ファイルがアップロードされました";
$string['resourcetype3'] = "ファイル";
$string['resourcetype4'] = "プレインテキスト";
$string['resourcetype5'] = "リンク";
$string['resourcetype6'] = "HTMLテキスト";
@ -1,208 +1,204 @@
<?PHP // $Id$
$string['modulename'] = "Survey";
$string['modulenameplural'] = "Surveys";
$string['actual'] = "Actual";
$string['actualclass'] = "Class actual";
$string['actualstudent'] = "\$a actual";
$string['allquestions'] = "All questions in order, all students";
$string['allscales'] = "All scales, all students";
$string['alreadysubmitted'] = "You have already submitted this survey";
$string['analysisof'] = "Analysis of \$a";
$string['attlsname'] = "ATTLS (20 item version)";
$string['attlsintro'] = "The purpose of this questionnaire is to help us evaluate your attitudes towards thinking and learning.
There are no 'right' or 'wrong' answers; we are interested only in your opinion. Please be assured that your responses will be treated with a high degree of confidentiality, and will not affect your assessment.";
$string['attls1'] = "In evaluating what someone says, I focus on the quality of their argument, not on the person who's presenting it.";
$string['attls1short'] = "focus quality of argument";
$string['attls2'] = "I like playing devil's advocate - arguing the opposite of what someone is saying.";
$string['attls2short'] = "play devil's advocate";
$string['attls3'] = "I like to understand where other people are 'coming from', what experiences have led them to feel the way they do.";
$string['attls3short'] = "where people come from";
$string['attls4'] = "The most important part of my education has been learning to understand people who are very different to me.";
$string['attls4short'] = "understand different people";
$string['attls5'] = "I feel that the best way for me to achieve my own identity is to interact with a variety of other people.";
$string['attls5short'] = "interact with variety";
$string['attls6'] = "I enjoy hearing the opinions of people who come from backgrounds different to mine - it helps me to understand how the same things can be seen in such different ways.";
$string['attls6short'] = "enjoy hearing opinions";
$string['attls7'] = "I find that I can strengthen my own position through arguing with someone who disagrees with me.";
$string['attls7short'] = "strengthen by argue";
$string['attls8'] = "I am always interested in knowing why people say and believe the things they do.";
$string['attls8short'] = "know why people do";
$string['attls9'] = "I often find myself arguing with the authors of books that I read, trying to logically figure out why they're wrong.";
$string['attls9short'] = "argue with authors";
$string['attls10'] = "It's important for me to remain as objective as possible when I analyze something.";
$string['attls10short'] = "remain objective";
$string['attls11'] = "I try to think with people instead of against them.";
$string['attls11short'] = "think WITH people";
$string['attls12'] = "I have certain criteria I use in evaluating arguments.";
$string['attls12short'] = "use criteria to evaluate";
$string['attls13'] = "I'm more likely to try to understand someone else's opinion that to try to evaluate it.";
$string['attls13short'] = "try to understand";
$string['attls14'] = "I try to point out weaknesses in other people's thinking to help them clarify their arguments.";
$string['attls14short'] = "point out weaknesses";
$string['attls15'] = "I tend to put myself in other people's shoes when discussing controversial issues, to see why they think the way they do.";
$string['attls15short'] = "put myself in their shoes";
$string['attls16'] = "One could call my way of analysing things 'putting them on trial' because I am careful to consider all the evidence.";
$string['attls16short'] = "putting on trial";
$string['attls17'] = "I value the use of logic and reason over the incorporation of my own concerns when solving problems.";
$string['attls17short'] = "i value logic most";
$string['attls18'] = "I can obtain insight into opinions that differ from mine through empathy.";
$string['attls18short'] = "insight from empathy";
$string['attls19'] = "When I encounter people whose opinions seem alien to me, I make a deliberate effort to 'extend' myself into that person, to try to see how they could have those opinions.";
$string['attls19short'] = "make effort to extend";
$string['attls20'] = "I spend time figuring out what's 'wrong' with things. For example, I'll look for something in a literary interpretation that isn't argued well enough.";
$string['attls20short'] = "what's wrong?";
$string['attlsmintro'] = "In discussion ...";
$string['attlsm1'] = "Attitudes Towards Thinking and Learning";
$string['attlsm2'] = "Connected Learning";
$string['attlsm3'] = "Separate Learning";
$string['clicktocontinue'] = "Click here to continue";
$string['clicktocontinuecheck'] = "Click here to check and continue";
$string['colles1'] = "my learning focuses on issues that interest me.";
$string['colles1short'] = "focus on interesting issues";
$string['colles2'] = "what I learn is important for my professional practice.";
$string['colles2short'] = "important to my practice";
$string['colles3'] = "I learn how to improve my professional practice.";
$string['colles3short'] = "improve my practice";
$string['colles4'] = "what I learn connects well with my professional practice.";
$string['colles4short'] = "connects with my practice";
$string['colles5'] = "I think critically about how I learn.";
$string['colles5short'] = "I'm critical of my learning";
$string['colles6'] = "I think critically about my own ideas.";
$string['colles6short'] = "I'm critical of my own ideas";
$string['colles7'] = "I think critically about other students' ideas.";
$string['colles7short'] = "I'm critical of other students";
$string['colles8'] = "I think critically about ideas in the readings.";
$string['colles8short'] = "I'm critical of readings";
$string['colles9'] = "I explain my ideas to other students.";
$string['colles9short'] = "I explain my ideas";
$string['colles10'] = "I ask other students to explain their ideas.";
$string['colles10short'] = "I ask for explanations";
$string['colles11'] = "other students ask me to explain my ideas.";
$string['colles11short'] = "I'm asked to explain";
$string['colles12'] = "other students respond to my ideas.";
$string['colles12short'] = "students respond to me";
$string['colles13'] = "the tutor stimulates my thinking.";
$string['colles13short'] = "tutor stimulates thinking";
$string['colles14'] = "the tutor encourages me to participate.";
$string['colles14short'] = "tutor encourages me";
$string['colles15'] = "the tutor models good discourse.";
$string['colles15short'] = "tutor models discourse";
$string['colles16'] = "the tutor models critical self-reflection.";
$string['colles16short'] = "tutor models self-reflection";
$string['colles17'] = "other students encourage my participation.";
$string['colles17short'] = "students encourage me";
$string['colles18'] = "other students praise my contribution.";
$string['colles18hort'] = "students praise me";
$string['colles19'] = "other students value my contribution.";
$string['colles19short'] = "students value me";
$string['colles20'] = "other students empathise with my struggle to learn.";
$string['colles20short'] = "students empathise";
$string['colles21'] = "I make good sense of other students' messages.";
$string['colles21short'] = "I understand other students";
$string['colles22'] = "other students make good sense of my messages.";
$string['colles22short'] = "students understand me";
$string['colles23'] = "I make good sense of the tutor's messages.";
$string['colles23short'] = "I understand the tutor";
$string['colles24'] = "the tutor makes good sense of my messages.";
$string['colles24short'] = "tutor understands me";
$string['collesaname'] = "COLLES (Actual)";
$string['collesaintro'] = "The purpose of this survey is to help us understand how well the online delivery of this unit enabled you to learn.
Each one of the 24 statements below asks about your experience in this unit.
There are no 'right' or 'wrong' answers; we are interested only in your opinion. Please be assured that your responses will be treated with a high degree of confidentiality, and will not affect your assessment.
Your carefully considered responses will help us improve the way this unit is presented online in the future.
Thanks very much.";
$string['collesapname'] = "COLLES (Preferred and Actual)";
$string['collesapintro'] = "The purpose of this questionnaire is to help us understand how well the online delivery of this unit enabled you to learn.
Each one of the 24 statements below asks you to compare your <B>preferred</B> (ideal) and <B>actual</B> experience in this unit.
There are no 'right' or 'wrong' answers; we are interested only in your opinion. Please be assured that your responses will be treated with a high degree of confidentiality, and will not affect your assessment.
Your carefully considered responses will help us improve the way this unit is presented online in the future.
Thanks very much.";
$string['collespname'] = "COLLES (Preferred)";
$string['collespintro'] = "The purpose of this survey is to help us understand what you value in an online learning experience.
Each one of the 24 statements below asks about your <B>preferred</B> (ideal) experience in this unit.
There are no 'right' or 'wrong' answers; we are interested only in your opinion. Please be assured that your responses will be treated with a high degree of confidentiality, and will not affect your assessment.
Your carefully considered responses will help us improve the way this unit is presented online in the future.
Thanks very much.";
<?PHP // $Id$
// survey.php - created with Moodle (2002112400)
$string['collesm1'] = "Relevance";
$string['collesm1short'] = "Relevance";
$string['collesm2'] = "Reflective Thinking";
$string['collesm2short'] = "Reflective Thinking";
$string['collesm3'] = "Interactivity";
$string['collesm3short'] = "Interactivity";
$string['collesm4'] = "Tutor Support";
$string['collesm4short'] = "Tutor Support";
$string['collesm5'] = "Peer Support";
$string['collesm5short'] = "Peer Support";
$string['collesm6'] = "Interpretation";
$string['collesm6short'] = "Interpretation";
$string['collesmintro'] = "In this online unit...";
$string['done'] = "Done";
$string['download'] = "Download";
$string['downloadexcel'] = "Download data as Excel spreadsheet";
$string['downloadinfo'] = "You can download the complete raw data for this survey in a form suitable for analysis in Excel, SPSS or other package.";
$string['downloadtext'] = "Download data as a plain text file";
$string['editingasurvey'] = "Editing a survey";
$string['helpsurveys'] = "Help on the different types of surveys";
$string['howlong'] = "How long did this survey take you to complete?";
$string['howlongoptions'] = "under 1 min,1-2 min,2-3 min,3-4 min,4-5-min,5-10 min,more than 10";
$string['ifoundthat'] = "I found that";
$string['introtext'] = "Introduction text";
$string['ipreferthat'] = "I prefer that";
$string['name'] = "Name";
$string['newsurveyresponses'] = "New survey responses";
$string['nobodyyet'] = "Nobody has yet completed this survey";
$string['notdone'] = "Not done yet";
$string['notes'] = "Your private analysis and notes";
$string['othercomments'] = "Do you have any other comments?";
$string['peoplecompleted'] = "\$a people have completed this survey so far";
$string['preferred'] = "Preferred";
$string['preferredclass'] = "Class preferred";
$string['preferredstudent'] = "\$a preferred";
$string['question'] = "Question";
$string['questions'] = "Questions";
$string['questionsnotanswered'] = "Some of the multiple choice questions have not been answered.";
$string['report'] = "Survey report";
$string['scales'] = "Scales";
$string['savednotes'] = "Your notes were saved";
$string['scaleagree5'] = "Strongly disagree,Somewhat disagree,Neither agree nor disagree,Somewhat agree,Strongly agree";
$string['scaletimes5'] = "Almost Never,Seldom,Sometimes,Often,Almost Always";
$string['seemoredetail'] = "Click here to see more detail";
$string['selectedquestions'] = "Selected questions from a scale, all students";
$string['summary'] = "Summary";
$string['surveycompleted'] = "You've completed this survey. The graph below shows a summary of your results compared to the class averages.";
$string['surveyname'] = "Survey name";
$string['surveysaved'] = "Survey saved";
$string['surveytype'] = "Survey type";
$string['thanksforanswers'] = "Thanks for answering this survey, \$a";
$string['time'] = "Time";
$string['viewsurveyresponses'] = "View \$a survey responses";
$string['actual'] = "実体験";
$string['actualclass'] = "クラスの実体験";
$string['actualstudent'] = "\$a の実体験";
$string['allquestions'] = "全質問一覧、全学生";
$string['allscales'] = "全スケール、全学生";
$string['alreadysubmitted'] = "この調査は完了しています";
$string['analysisof'] = "\$a の分析";
$string['attls1'] = "発言を評価する場合、誰が発言したのかでは無く、議論の質に集中します。";
$string['attls10'] = "何かを分析する場合には出来る限り客観的な考えを持つことが重要です。";
$string['attls10short'] = "客観的に考える";
$string['attls11'] = "人に反対せずに一緒に考える。";
$string['attls11short'] = "人と考える";
$string['attls12'] = "議論を評価する場合、ある一定の基準を持っています。
$string['attls12short'] = "評価に基準を適用する";
$string['attls13'] = "人の意見を評価するためには、その意見を理解します。";
$string['attls13short'] = "理解に努める";
$string['attls14'] = "議論を明確にするために他の人の考え方の弱点を指摘します。";
$string['attls14short'] = "弱点を指摘する";
$string['attls15'] = "議論する場合、他の人がなぜそのように考えるのか理解するために相手の立場に立って考える傾向があります。";
$string['attls15short'] = "相手の立場に立つ";
$string['attls16'] = "私の分析方法は'試してみる'方法と呼べます。なぜなら全ての証拠を慎重に考慮したいからです。";
$string['attls16short'] = "試してみる";
$string['attls17'] = "問題を解決する場合、論理と動機を重要視します。
$string['attls17short'] = "論理を重要視する";
$string['attls18'] = "感情移入を行うことにより私の考え方と異なる意見を洞察することが出来ます。";
$string['attls18short'] = "感情移入による洞察";
$string['attls19'] = "私の意見とかけ離れた人に遭遇した時、どのようにしてそのような考え方を持ったのかを知るために、自分を相手の立場に置き換える慎重な努力をします。";
$string['attls19short'] = "相手の立場に立つ";
$string['attls1short'] = "議論の質に注目する";
$string['attls2'] = "私はわざと他の人と違う意見を述べることが好きです。
$string['attls20'] = "何が問題なのか理解するために時間をかけます。例えば十分に議論し尽くされていない事柄を探します。";
$string['attls20short'] = "何が問題?";
$string['attls2short'] = "わざと反対意見を述べる";
$string['attls3'] = "どのような体験をすればそのような考えに至るのかを知るために、他の人の体験を理解することが好きです。";
$string['attls3short'] = "他の人の体験";
$string['attls4'] = "学習にとって一番大切なことは、私と異なる意見を持った人のことを理解することです。";
$string['attls4short'] = "異なる考え方の人を理解する";
$string['attls5'] = "私自身のアイデンティティーに到達するためには様々な人々との相互理解が必要である思います。";
$string['attls5short'] = "様々な人との相互理解";
$string['attls6'] = "私と異なる背景を持った人の意見を聞くことを楽しく思います。このことにより、いかに一つの事柄を異なる観点から見ることが出来るかを理解できます。";
$string['attls6short'] = "意見を聞くことが楽しい";
$string['attls7'] = "他の人と意見が合わないときは、自分の立場を強くすることが出来ます。";
$string['attls7short'] = "議論で強くする";
$string['attls8'] = "私は常に他の人の意見や信じていることを知ることに興味があります。";
$string['attls8short'] = "人がなぜそうするのかを知る";
$string['attls9'] = "私は時々読んでいる本の中で、論理的に間違っていることに関して作者と論争しています。";
$string['attls9short'] = "作者と論争する";
$string['attlsintro'] = "この調査の目的は、あなたの考え方と学び方に対する姿勢を判断することにあります。
$string['attlsm1'] = "考え方と学び方に対する姿勢";
$string['attlsm2'] = "関連学習";
$string['attlsm3'] = "分離学習";
$string['attlsmintro'] = "議論している時 ...";
$string['attlsname'] = "ATTLS (20項目バージョン)";
$string['clicktocontinue'] = "続ける";
$string['clicktocontinuecheck'] = "確認して続ける";
$string['colles1'] = "興味があることに集中します。";
$string['colles10'] = "他の学生に彼らの意見に関する説明を求めます。";
$string['colles10short'] = "説明を求める";
$string['colles11'] = "他の学生が私の意見に関する説明を求めます。";
$string['colles11short'] = "説明を求められる";
$string['colles12'] = "他の学生が私の考えに返答します。";
$string['colles12short'] = "学生が私に返答する";
$string['colles13'] = "先生が私の考えを刺激します。";
$string['colles13short'] = "先生が考え方を刺激する";
$string['colles14'] = "先生が参加するように励まします。";
$string['colles14short'] = "先生が励ます";
$string['colles15'] = "先生が分かりやすい説明を行います。";
$string['colles15short'] = "先生が説明する";
$string['colles16'] = "先生が批判的な自己反省を行わせます。";
$string['colles16short'] = "先生が自己反省を行わせる";
$string['colles17'] = "他の学生が私の参加を励まします。";
$string['colles17short'] = "学生が私を励ます";
$string['colles18'] = "他の学生が私の貢献を賞賛します。";
$string['colles18hort'] = "学生が私を賞賛する";
$string['colles19'] = "他の学生が私の貢献を評価します。";
$string['colles19short'] = "学生が私を評価する";
$string['colles1short'] = "興味のある事柄に集中する";
$string['colles2'] = "学んでいることは専門的な練習にとって重要です。";
$string['colles20'] = "他の学生が私の学習努力に共感します。";
$string['colles20short'] = "学生が共感する。";
$string['colles21'] = "私は他の学生のメッセージをよく理解出来ます。";
$string['colles21short'] = "他の学生を理解する";
$string['colles22'] = "他の学生は私のメッセージをよく理解できます。";
$string['colles22short'] = "学生が私を理解する";
$string['colles23'] = "先生のメッセージをよく理解します。";
$string['colles23short'] = "先生を理解する";
$string['colles24'] = "先生が私のメッセージをよく理解します。";
$string['colles24short'] = "先生が私を理解する";
$string['colles2short'] = "練習にとって重要";
$string['colles3'] = "私の専門的な練習をいかに改善するか学びます。";
$string['colles3short'] = "練習を改善する";
$string['colles4'] = "私が学んでいることは専門的な練習につながります。";
$string['colles4short'] = "練習につながる";
$string['colles5'] = "私が学んでいることに批判的です。";
$string['colles5short'] = "学習に批判的";
$string['colles6'] = "自分の考え方に批判的です。";
$string['colles6short'] = "自分の考え方に批判的";
$string['colles7'] = "他の学生の考え方に批判的です。";
$string['colles7short'] = "他の学生に批判的";
$string['colles8'] = "読み物の考え方に批判的です。";
$string['colles8short'] = "読み物に批判的";
$string['colles9'] = "私の考え方を他の学生に説明します。";
$string['colles9short'] = "私の考え方を説明します";
$string['collesaintro'] = "この調査の目的は、オンライン教材があなたの学習にどのような影響をあたえているのかを知ることにあります。
$string['collesaname'] = "COLLES (実体験)";
$string['collesapintro'] = "この調査の目的は、オンライン教材があなたの学習にどのような影響をあたえているのかを知ることにあります。
下記の24の質問では、学習内容に関するあなたの <B>要望<B> (理想的な) 及び <B>実体験</B> に関して尋ねます。
$string['collesapname'] = "COLLES (要望と実体験)";
$string['collesm1'] = "関連性";
$string['collesm1short'] = "関連性";
$string['collesm2'] = "熟考";
$string['collesm2short'] = "熟考";
$string['collesm3'] = "相互理解";
$string['collesm3short'] = "相互理解";
$string['collesm4'] = "先生のサポート";
$string['collesm4short'] = "先生のサポート";
$string['collesm5'] = "学生のサポート";
$string['collesm5short'] = "学生のサポート";
$string['collesm6'] = "解釈";
$string['collesm6short'] = "解釈";
$string['collesmintro'] = "このオンライン教材で ...";
$string['collespintro'] = "この調査の目的は、あなたがオンライン学習をどのように見ているのかを知ることにあります。
$string['collespname'] = "COLLES (要望)";
$string['done'] = "完了";
$string['download'] = "ダウンロード";
$string['downloadexcel'] = "Excel形式でダウンロードする";
$string['downloadinfo'] = "Excel、SPSS等で分析するために、調査の実データをダウンロードすることが可能です。";
$string['downloadtext'] = "テキスト形式でダウンロードする";
$string['editingasurvey'] = "調査を編集する";
$string['helpsurveys'] = "他のタイプの調査に協力する";
$string['howlong'] = "この調査を終えるのにどれくらいの時間がかかりましたか?";
$string['howlongoptions'] = "1分以下,1-2分,2-3分,3-4分,4-5分,5-10分,10分以上";
$string['ifoundthat'] = "私は発見しました";
$string['introtext'] = "説明文";
$string['ipreferthat'] = "私は好みます";
$string['modulename'] = "調査";
$string['modulenameplural'] = "調査";
$string['name'] = "名称";
$string['newsurveyresponses'] = "新しい調査の回答";
$string['nobodyyet'] = "この調査は解答されていません";
$string['notdone'] = "未回答";
$string['notes'] = "個人的な分析とメモ";
$string['othercomments'] = "他にコメントはありますか?";
$string['peoplecompleted'] = "現在 \$a 人がこの調査に回答しています ";
$string['preferred'] = "要望";
$string['preferredclass'] = "クラスの要望";
$string['preferredstudent'] = "\$a の要望";
$string['question'] = "質問";
$string['questions'] = "質問";
$string['questionsnotanswered'] = "未回答の質問があります。";
$string['report'] = "調査報告";
$string['savednotes'] = "メモが保存されました";
$string['scaleagree5'] = "全く同意出来ない,多少同意できない,どちらでもない,多少同意できる,強く同意できる";
$string['scales'] = "スケール";
$string['scaletimes5'] = "ほとんど無い,まれに,時々,頻繁に,ほとんどいつも";
$string['seemoredetail'] = "詳細を見るためにはここをクリックしてください";
$string['selectedquestions'] = "スケールから選ばれた質問, 全学生";
$string['summary'] = "概略";
$string['surveycompleted'] = "調査が終了しました。下のグラフはクラスの平均とあなたの結果を比較したものです。
$string['surveyname'] = "調査名";
$string['surveysaved'] = "調査が保存されました";
$string['surveytype'] = "調査タイプ";
$string['thanksforanswers'] = "\$a さん、調査にご協力いただきましてありがとうございます";
$string['time'] = "時間";
$string['viewsurveyresponses'] = "\$a 件の調査結果を見る";
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