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synced 2025-03-18 22:50:19 +01:00
Merge branch 'MDL-71584-master_Languagestrings' of https://github.com/brickfield/moodle
This commit is contained in:
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ $string['accessibilitydisabled'] = 'The Brickfield accessibility toolkit is not
$string['accessibilityreport'] = 'Accessibility toolkit';
$string['analysistype'] = 'Enable analysis requests';
$string['analysistypedisabled'] = 'Content analysis is disabled';
$string['analysistype_desc'] = 'Prevent content analysis from being requested';
$string['analysistype_desc'] = 'Allow content accessibility analysis to be requested';
$string['analysis:disabled'] = 'Disabled';
$string['analysis:byrequest'] = 'By request';
$string['brickfield'] = 'Brickfield toolkit';
@ -138,8 +138,6 @@ $string['tblpercentage'] = 'Percentage';
$string['tblpreview'] = 'Preview';
$string['tbltarget'] = 'Activity';
$string['tblupdateto'] = 'Update to';
$string['termsandconditions'] = '<p>These are the terms and conditions you agree to... blah blah...</p>';
$string['termsandconditionslink'] = 'terms and conditions';
$string['titleerrorscount'] = 'Error details: (showing first {$a} errors)';
$string['titleactivityresultsall'] = 'Results per activity: all reviewed courses ({$a->count} courses)';
$string['titleactivityresultspartial'] = 'Results per activity: course {$a->name}';
@ -163,8 +161,6 @@ $string['messageprovider:warningcheckid'] = 'Warning of invalid checkids';
$string['warningcheckidbody'] = 'There is an issue with a Brickfield check
which is active but not listed in the database. Please investigate.';
$string['warningcheckidsubject'] = 'Brickfield Toolkit checkID warning';
$string['warningscontact'] = 'Email address for receiving warnings';
$string['warningscontact_desc'] = 'An email address to receive any Brickfield Toolkit warnings';
// Check descriptions.
$string['checkdesc:alinksdontopennewwindow'] = 'Links opening into a new window should warn users in advance.';
@ -204,8 +200,7 @@ $string['activate'] = 'Activate';
$string['activated'] = 'The plugin is activated and ready to use.';
$string['activationform'] = 'Brickfield registration';
$string['activationheader'] = 'Brickfield activation';
$string['activationinfo'] = '<p>In order to use this plugin, you must provide valid keys for this site in this form.</p><p>Please {$a}register your details (opens in new window)</a> to receive those keys if you do not already have them. </p><p>Once activated, your keys will then be validated via scheduled cron tasks.</p>';
$string['automatedsentdaily'] = '';
$string['activationinfo'] = '<p>In order to use this plugin, you must provide valid keys for this site in this form.</p><p>Please <a href="{$a}" data-action="send_info" target="_blank">register at the Brickfield Portal (opens in new window)</a> to receive those keys if you do not already have them. </p><p>Once activated, your keys will then be validated via scheduled cron tasks.</p>';
$string['contenttypeerrors'] = 'Total results of activity content tests per course and per content type.';
$string['contentyperesults'] = 'Total passed/failed for content areas per course.';
$string['country'] = 'Country';
@ -218,35 +213,20 @@ $string['installedcli'] = 'Plugin installed via command line';
$string['installeddescription'] = 'The plugin has been installed, redirect to activation form.';
$string['language'] = 'Language';
$string['language_help'] = 'Language of the site';
$string['mail'] = 'Email';
$string['mail_help'] = 'This email will be used to register the account';
$string['mobileservice'] = 'Mobile services enabled ({$a})';
$string['moreinfo'] = 'More information';
$string['notifications'] = 'Receive notifications';
$string['notifications_help'] = 'Set to "Yes" if you want to receive email notifications. If enabled, you can set another email to receive these notifications.';
$string['numcourses'] = 'Number of courses ({$a})';
$string['numfactivities'] = 'Number of activities ({$a})';
$string['numfiles'] = 'Number of files ({$a})';
$string['numusers'] = 'Number of users ({$a})';
$string['percheckerrors'] = 'Number of specific tests and errors per check per course.';
$string['privacy'] = 'Privacy notice and data processing agreement';
$string['privacy_help'] = 'Access the link to read the entire policy';
$string['privacydesc'] = 'I agree to the <a href="{$a}" target="_blank">privacy notice and data processing agreement</a> for someurl.com';
$string['registerplugin'] = 'Register with {$a}';
$string['registration'] = 'Registration form';
$string['registrationheader'] = 'Register here';
$string['registrationheaderinfo'] = '<p>This registration process allows you to use the Brickfield accessibility toolkit version for your registered Moodle site.</p> <p>This usage is subject to the terms and conditions as stated here and which you agree to, by using this product.</p>';
$string['release'] = 'Moodle release ({$a})';
$string['secretkey'] = 'API key';
$string['secretkey_help'] = 'This code is received by email after registration.';
$string['sendfollowinginfo'] = '<p>The following information will be periodically sent to contribute to overall statistics only. It will not be made public on any central listing.</p> {$a}';
$string['sitehash'] = 'Secret key';
$string['sitehash_help'] = 'This code is received by email after registration.';
$string['sitename'] = 'Site name';
$string['sitename_help'] = 'The name of the site';
$string['siteurl'] = 'Site URL';
$string['siteurl_help'] = 'The URL of the site';
$string['usedifferentemail'] = 'Use different email';
$string['usersmobileregistered'] = 'Number of users with registered mobile devices ({$a})';
$string['validationerror'] = 'Registration key validation has failed. Check that your registered site URL and keys are correct.';
@ -272,7 +252,7 @@ $string['error:nocoursespecified'] = 'This summary report requires a valid cours
$string['pdf:filename'] = 'Brickfield_Summaryreport_CourseID-{$a}';
// Advanced page.
$string['bannercontentone'] = 'The Enterprise Accessibility Toolkit has a full set of features to help your organisation improve accessibility of your courses. {$a} to book a free demo of the advanced features.';
$string['bannercontentone'] = 'The Enterprise Accessibility Toolkit has a full set of features to help your organisation improve accessibility of your courses. <a href="{$a}">Contact Brickfield Education Labs</a> to book a free demo of the advanced features.';
$string['bannercontenttwo'] = 'Build an effective and inclusive teaching and learning platform by finding content that does not meet the guidelines, fixing the issues and future-proofing your Moodle course content with accessible files, editor and enhanced features.';
$string['bannerheadingone'] = 'Upgrade to the Enterprise Accessibility Toolkit';
$string['contactus'] = 'Contact us';
@ -41,15 +41,6 @@ admin_externalpage_setup('tool_brickfield_activation');
$thisurl = new moodle_url(\tool_brickfield\accessibility::get_plugin_url().'/registration.php');
$termsandconditions = optional_param('terms', 0, PARAM_BOOL);
if ($termsandconditions) {
echo $OUTPUT->header();
echo format_text(get_string('termsandconditions', 'tool_brickfield'), FORMAT_HTML, ['noclean' => true]);
echo $OUTPUT->footer();
$context = context_system::instance();
$PAGE->set_title(get_string('registration', manager::PLUGINNAME));
@ -85,8 +76,7 @@ if (!$registration->toolkit_is_active()) {
echo $OUTPUT->notification(get_string('activated', manager::PLUGINNAME), 'success');
$keyinfo = get_string('activationinfo', manager::PLUGINNAME, '<a href="' . $registration->get_regurl() .
'" data-action="send_info" target="_blank">');
$keyinfo = get_string('activationinfo', manager::PLUGINNAME, $registration->get_regurl());
echo format_text($keyinfo, FORMAT_HTML, ['noclean' => true]);
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
<h2>{{# str }}bannerheadingone, tool_brickfield{{/ str }}</h2>
{{# str }}bannercontentone, tool_brickfield, <a href="https://www.brickfield.ie/moodle_talk_to_sales/">{{# str }}contactus, tool_brickfield{{/ str }}</a>{{/ str }}
{{# str }}bannercontentone, tool_brickfield, https://www.brickfield.ie/moodle_talk_to_sales/{{/ str }}
@ -32,9 +32,6 @@ $string['errors'] = 'Errors';
$string['errordisplay'] = 'Display errors in this format';
$string['errorssummary'] = 'Accessibility review';
$string['frown'] = 'Errors found, sorry!';
$string['guides'] = 'Guides';
$string['link:pdf'] = 'Link to PDF resource on {$a} - opens in new window';
$string['link:video'] = 'Link to video resource on {$a} - opens in new window';
$string['nodata'] = 'No accessibility results data was found.';
$string['pluginname'] = 'Accessibility review';
$string['privacy:metadata:preference:block_accessreviewtogglestate'] = 'The user\'s preference for hiding or showing the course accessibility highlighting.';
Reference in New Issue
Block a user