New Chinese help files and update php files.

This commit is contained in:
coolbit 2002-12-14 09:04:05 +00:00
parent 93f03cc436
commit fa949b2b5c
8 changed files with 456 additions and 56 deletions

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<?PHP // $Id$
// assignment.php - created with Moodle 1.0.5 dev (2002092300)
// assignment.php - created with Moodle 1.0.8 dev (2002121200)
$string['allowresubmit'] = "允许重交";
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ $string['description'] = "
$string['duedate'] = "截止日期";
$string['early'] = "\$a 之前";
$string['failedupdatefeedback'] = "为用户 \$a 更新上交反馈失败";
$string['feedback'] = "反馈";
$string['feedbackupdated'] = "\$a 个人更新上交反馈";
$string['late'] = "\$a 之后";
$string['maximumgrade'] = "最高得分";
@ -19,6 +20,7 @@ $string['modulenameplural'] = "
$string['newsubmissions'] = "已交的作业";
$string['notsubmittedyet'] = "未交";
$string['overwritewarning'] = "警告:重新上载将覆盖你已交的作业";
$string['saveallfeedback'] = "保存我的所有反馈";
$string['submissionfeedback'] = "上交反馈";
$string['submissions'] = "上交";
$string['submitassignment'] = "用此表单上交作业";

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<?PHP // $Id$
// forum.php - created with Moodle 1.0.7 (2002121000)
// forum.php - created with Moodle 1.0.8 dev (2002121200)
$string['addanewdiscussion'] = "添加一个新的讨论话题";
@ -44,10 +44,10 @@ $string['introteacher'] = "һ
$string['learningforums'] = "学习讨论区";
$string['maxtimehaspassed'] = "抱歉,编辑该贴的时间限制( \$a )已过!";
$string['message'] = "讯息";
$string['modeflatnewestfirst'] = "列表显示回贴,新贴在前";
$string['modeflatoldestfirst'] = "列表显示回贴,旧贴在前";
$string['modenested'] = "嵌套显示回贴";
$string['modethreaded'] = "树状显示回贴";
$string['modeflatnewestfirst'] = "列表显示回贴内容,新贴在前";
$string['modeflatoldestfirst'] = "列表显示回贴内容,旧贴在前";
$string['modenested'] = "嵌套显示回贴内容";
$string['modethreaded'] = "树状显示回贴标题";
$string['modulename'] = "讨论区";
$string['modulenameplural'] = "讨论区";
$string['more'] = "更多";
@ -71,23 +71,36 @@ $string['parentofthispost'] = "
$string['postadded'] = "你的贴子已经发表了。<P>如果你想修改,在 \$a 时间内是允许的。";
$string['postincontext'] = "在上下文中看此贴";
$string['postingtip'] = "<B>发贴提示:</B>
$string['postmailinfo'] = "这是一份来自 \$a 网站的贴子。
$string['postrating1'] = "Shows mostly SEPARATE knowing";
$string['postrating2'] = "Equally separate and connected";
$string['postrating3'] = "Shows mostly CONNECTED knowing";
$string['postrating1'] = "极端独立型";
$string['postrating2'] = "独立型与情景型兼备";
$string['postrating3'] = "极端情况型";
$string['postupdated'] = "你的贴子已经更新";
$string['processingpost'] = "正在处理贴子 \$a";
$string['rate'] = "评分";

View File

@ -1,21 +1,12 @@
<P ALIGN=CENTER><B>Guest Access</B></P>
<P ALIGN=CENTER><B>访客参观</B></P>
<P>You have the choice of allowing "guests" into your course.
<P>People can log in as guests using the "Login as a guest" button
on the login screen.
<P>Guests ALWAYS have "read-only" access - meaning they can't leave
any posts or otherwise mess up the course for real students.
<P>This can be handy when you want to let a colleague in to
look around at your work, or to let students see a course before
they have decided to enrol.
<P>Note that you have a choice between two types of guest access:
with the enrolment key or without. If you choose to allow
guests who have the key, then the guest will need to provide
the current enrolment key EVERY TIME they log in (unlike
students who only need to do it once). This lets you restrict
your guests. If you choose to allow guests without a key, then
anyone can get straight into your course.

View File

@ -1,13 +1,11 @@
<P ALIGN=CENTER><B>Help on writing html</B></P>
<P ALIGN=CENTER><B>html编写帮助</B></P>
<P>When writing HTML in Moodle, you are free to use any HTML tags you like
to produce the effect you want.
<P>Your code will normally be printed on the page within a table cell,
<LI>there is no need to use any &lt;HEAD> or &lt;BODY> tags
<LI>be careful about unmatched &lt;/TABLE> tags that may mess up the display.
<LI>不要使用任何&lt;HEAD> 或 &lt;BODY> 标签
<LI>注意未匹配的&lt;/TABLE> 标签可能会破坏正常的显示。

View File

@ -1,12 +1,9 @@
<P ALIGN=CENTER><B>Language Editing</B></P>
<P ALIGN=CENTER><B>编辑语言</B></P>
<P>To edit languages on this page the files need to be writable
by the web server process.
<P>Within some of the strings you will notice <B>$a</B> and <B>$a->something</B>.
<P>在一些字串中你要注意 <B>$a</B><B>$a->something</B>
<P>These represent variables that will be replaced by names or other words from
within Moodle.
<P>When there is only one variable, the $a form is used. When there are two or
more variables, then each one has a name.

View File

@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
<P ALIGN=CENTER><B>Activity Modules</B></P>
<P ALIGN=CENTER><B>活动项目模块</B></P>
<P>Moodle contains a wide range of activity modules that can be used to
build up any type of course.</P>
<P><IMG VALIGN=absmiddle SRC="<?=$CFG->wwwroot?>/mod/forum/icon.gif">&nbsp;<B>Forums</B></P>
<P><IMG VALIGN=absmiddle SRC="<?=$CFG->wwwroot?>/mod/forum/icon.gif">&nbsp;<B>讨论区</B></P>
<P>This activity can be the most important - it is here that most discussion takes place.
<P>这个活动项目This activity can be the most important - it is here that most discussion takes place.
Forums can be structured in different ways, and can include peer rating of each posting.
The postings can be viewed in a variety for formats, and can include attachments.
By subscribing to a forum, participants will receive copies of each new posting

View File

@ -1,26 +1,24 @@
<?PHP // $Id$
$string['modulename'] = "杂志";
$string['modulenameplural'] = "杂志";
<?PHP // $Id$
// journal.php - created with Moodle 1.0.8 dev (2002121200)
$string['alwaysopen'] = "总是开放";
$string['blankentry'] = "空白条目";
$string['daysavailable'] = "可看天数";
$string['editingends'] = "编辑期结束";
$string['editingended'] = "编辑期已经结束";
$string['editingends'] = "编辑期结束";
$string['journalname'] = "杂志名称";
$string['journalquestion'] = "杂志问题";
$string['journalrating1'] = "不满意";
$string['journalrating2'] = "满意";
$string['journalrating3'] = "出色";
$string['modulename'] = "杂志";
$string['modulenameplural'] = "杂志";
$string['newjournalentries'] = "新杂志条目";
$string['noentry'] = "没有条目";
$string['noratinggiven'] = "没有评分可得";
$string['notopenuntil'] = "这个杂志不能打开,直到";
$string['notstarted'] = "你还没有启动这个杂志";
$string['noratinggiven'] = "没有评分可得";
$string['overallrating'] = "全部的评分";
$string['rate'] = "评分";
$string['startoredit'] = "启动或编辑我的杂志条目";

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<?PHP // $Id$
// moodle.php - created with Moodle 1.0.7 (2002121000)
// moodle.php - created with Moodle 1.0.8 dev (2002121200)
$string['action'] = "动作";
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ $string['activities'] = "
$string['activity'] = "活动项目";
$string['activityreport'] = "活动报告";
$string['add'] = "添加";
$string['addadmin'] = "添加管理员";
$string['added'] = "已添加 \$a";
$string['addinganew'] = "添加一个新的 \$a";
$string['addinganewto'] = "正在添加一个新 \$a->what 到 \$a->to";
@ -29,7 +30,8 @@ $string['alphanumerical'] = "ֻ
$string['alreadyconfirmed'] = "登记已经确认";
$string['answer'] = "回答";
$string['assessment'] = "评价";
$string['assignteachers'] = "分派教师";
$string['assignadmins'] = "任命管理员";
$string['assignteachers'] = "任命教师";
$string['authentication'] = "身份验证";
$string['availablecourses'] = "现有的课程";
$string['cancel'] = "取消";
@ -51,6 +53,7 @@ $string['city'] = "
$string['closewindow'] = "关闭窗口";
$string['comparelanguage'] = "比较并编辑当前语言";
$string['complete'] = "完成";
$string['configcountry'] = "如果你在这里设定了国家,那么新用户在默认情况下选择的也是这个国家。如果要让用户选择国家,只要保留原样不作改动。";
$string['configerrorlevel'] = "选择显示的PHP警告数目。正常是最佳选择。";
$string['configgdversion'] = "指明已安装的GD版本。默认显示的版本号是自动探测的结果。不要轻易改变它除非你清楚你在做什么。";
$string['confightmleditor'] = "选择是否允许使用嵌入式文本编辑器。即使你选择允许也只能在IE5.5以上版本使用。用户也可以选择不用。";
@ -122,21 +125,126 @@ $string['edituser'] = "
$string['email'] = "Email地址";
$string['emailconfirm'] = "确认你的帐号";
$string['emailconfirmation'] = "\$a->lastname <br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;刚才你用你的电子邮箱地址在‘ \$a->sitename ’上申请了一个新帐号。
<P align=right> \$a->sitename ’管理员<br>
\$a->admin </P>";
$string['emailconfirmsent'] = " <P>一封电子邮件已经发送到你的地址 <B> \$a </B>。
$string['emaildisplay'] = "Email显示";
$string['emaildisplaycourse'] = "只允许参加同一课程的其他成员看见我的email地址";
@ -147,13 +255,35 @@ $string['emailformat'] = "Email
$string['emailmustbereal'] = "注意你的email地址必须是真实的";
$string['enrolmentkey'] = "选课密钥";
$string['enrolmentkeyfrom'] = "该课程需要‘选课密钥’——<BR>
一个从 \$a 获得的一次性密码";
$string['enrolmentkeyhint'] = "这个选课密钥不正确,请再试一次<BR>
$string['entercourse'] = "点击进入该课程";
$string['enteremailaddress'] = "输入你的email地址以重设密码
$string['error'] = "错误";
$string['existingadmins'] = "现有管理员";
$string['existingteachers'] = "现有教师";
$string['feedback'] = "反馈";
$string['filemissing'] = "\$a 找不到";
@ -182,10 +312,52 @@ $string['gd2'] = "GD 2.x
$string['gdnot'] = "GD没有安装";
$string['gpl'] = "版权所有 (C) 2001-2002 Martin Dougiamas (
$string['grade'] = "年级";
$string['grades'] = "年级";
@ -199,8 +371,10 @@ $string['help'] = "
$string['helphtml'] = "如何写html";
$string['helppicture'] = "如何上载图片";
$string['helpquestions'] = "如何提问题";
$string['helpreading'] = "仔细阅读";
$string['helprichtext'] = "关于富文本格式HTML编辑器";
$string['helptext'] = "如何写文本";
$string['helpwriting'] = "仔细编写";
$string['hide'] = "隐藏";
$string['hits'] = "点击次数";
$string['hitsoncourse'] = "\$a->username 点击 \$a->coursename 的次数";
@ -241,14 +415,77 @@ $string['loginas'] = "
$string['loginguest'] = "作为访客登录";
$string['loginsite'] = "登录该站";
$string['loginsteps'] = "嗨,你好!为了完全访问所有课程,你必须花一两分钟时间申请一个新帐号。各个课程可能还需要一个一次性的“选课密钥”,用过一次以后就不再需要。请按以下步骤:
<OL size=2>
<LI>填写<A HREF= \$a >注册新帐号</A>上的关于个人情况的表单。
$string['loginstepsnone'] = "嗨!<P>为了完全访问课程你必须申请一个新帐号。<P>你所需要做的是创建一个用户名和密码,并在本页面中使用。<P>如果别人已经申请了相同的用户名,只好请你委屈一下用别的用户名重试。";
$string['loginto'] = "登录到 \$a";
@ -305,21 +542,133 @@ $string['new'] = "
$string['newaccount'] = "新帐号";
$string['newpassword'] = "新密码";
$string['newpasswordtext'] = "\$a->lastname <br>
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;你在‘ \$a->sitename ’上的帐号密码已被重设,这是你新的临时密码。
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 用户名: \$a->username
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 密码: \$a->newpassword
<P align=right>'\$a->sitename'管理员<br>
$string['newpicture'] = "新照片";
$string['newsitem'] = "新闻条目";
@ -329,11 +678,13 @@ $string['newuser'] = "
$string['newusers'] = "新用户";
$string['no'] = "";
$string['nocoursesyet'] = "此类中无课程";
$string['noexistingadmins'] = "没有管理员,这是个严重的错误,你应该不会看到这条信息。";
$string['noexistingteachers'] = "没有教师";
$string['nofilesyet'] = "你的课程尚未上载任何文件";
$string['nograde'] = "不分级";
$string['noimagesyet'] = "你的课程尚未上载任何图片";
$string['none'] = "";
$string['nopotentialadmins'] = "没有候选管理员";
$string['nopotentialteachers'] = "没有候选教师";
$string['normal'] = "正常";
$string['nostudentsyet'] = "尚无学生选修此课程";
@ -362,12 +713,34 @@ $string['passwordrecovery'] = "
$string['passwordsdiffer'] = "这些密码不对";
$string['passwordsent'] = "密码已被发送";
$string['passwordsenttext'] = " <P>一封email已经送到你的邮箱 \$a->email。
<A HREF= \$a->link >这里</A>改成你自己容易记的密码。";
$string['people'] = "人物";
$string['personalprofile'] = "个人资料";
$string['phone'] = "电话";
$string['potentialadmins'] = "候选管理员";
$string['potentialteachers'] = "候选教师";
$string['preferredlanguage'] = "偏爱的语言";
$string['preview'] = "预览";
@ -375,6 +748,7 @@ $string['previeworchoose'] = "Ԥ
$string['question'] = "问题";
$string['readme'] = "README";
$string['recentactivity'] = "当前活动项目";
$string['removeadmin'] = "删除管理员";
$string['removeteacher'] = "删除教师";
$string['rename'] = "重命名";
$string['requireskey'] = "该课程要求一个选课密钥";
@ -391,7 +765,7 @@ $string['secs'] = "
$string['section'] = "Section";
$string['selectacountry'] = "选择一个国家";
$string['senddetails'] = "用email发送我的详细资料";
$string['separateandconnected'] = "Separate and Connected ways of knowing";
$string['separateandconnected'] = "独立型和情景型思维方式";
$string['serverlocaltime'] = "服务器的当地时间";
$string['settings'] = "设置";
$string['shortname'] = "简称";
@ -471,8 +845,36 @@ $string['weeklyoutline'] = "ÿ
$string['welcometocourse'] = "欢迎来到 \$a";
$string['welcometocoursetext'] = "欢迎你来 \$a->coursename
$string['withchosenfiles'] = "用选中的文件";
$string['wordforstudent'] = "你用于称呼学生的字词";