In PHP 8.2 and later, setting a value to an undeclared class property is
deprecated and emits a deprecation notice.
So we need to add missing class properties that still need to be declared.
// Removed test_add_malformed_favourite()
PHPUnit version >= 9.5 no longer converts PHP deprecations to exceptions by default.
To comply with PHP 8.2, which will deprecate the dynamic properties,
we need to remove test_add_malformed_favourite()
because the test will raise a warning for dynamic property deprecations.
The Assignment 2.2 activity module was disabled in 2012 but kept to
enable pre-2.2 backups to be restored and have the assignments
auto-converted to new assignments. After almost 10 years, it's time
to remove it from Moodle core.
Added a new type of service which can be used to interact with the
all favourites for a given component, not just those owned by a a
specific user. As such, objects of this type are scoped to a component.
This gets rid of specific repo functions which were unused, and makes
sure the following methods are defined on the interface, implemented
and tested:
- exists_by($criteria)
- find_by($criteria)
- delete_by($crtieria)
Also, added missing tests for find_favourite() repo method.
Let's worry about reuse of the crud code later, when that requirement
arises, so moved that into the ifavourite_repository interface, and then
renamed it favourite_repository_interface.
This patch adds several things:
- favourite entity class under local/entity
- refactoring of repository and service to use the new class instead
of stdClass.
- update repository unit tests to use the object instead of stdClass.
- update service_test so that the mock repo requires the object for
the add operation.
- remove unnecessary constructor from favourites_repository class.