* Fixed typo breaking drag and drop of courses.
* Fixed the ' ' title for the create new button plus two other icons I found as well.
* Adding padding to items displayed in the action menu drop down. base + bootstrapbase.
* Padding adjusted to the same as on the course page. base + bootstrapbase.
* Removed hover icon from categories. base only.
* Fixed categroy typo
* Removed min-width that was being applied to coursename making its clickable area larger than normal.
* The category tree is now presented using aria attributes as per http://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/wiki/Using_ARIA_trees
* Bulk action selectors now use aria-labelledby
* Category course count now given access hidden label.
* Pagination links now have better titles.
* The course action icons now present with role=button
* Tidied up course detail permissions so that user is not shown information they couldn't access elsewhere.
* category link dimming now accounts for course creation as an action as well.
* category single select when in courses view mode is now limited to courses user can action in.
* There is now a check at the start of the management page to redirect to course/index.php if the user isn't able to manage in any category.
* Tweaked navigation again, to give the limited users a navbar structure similar to the system cap'd user.
* Cancelling a category delete now takes you back to the category you were viewing.
* Fixed undefined notice
* Improved placement of course request and approval links.
* Several styling tweaks/improvements to the base theme.
* Several styling tweaks/improvements to the bootstrapbase theme.
* Navigation/settings now show best available option.
* Resorting categories works now for limited access user.
* Display of up and down arrows corrected.
* Checkboxes no longer displayed if an action can't be performed.
* Fixed the highlighing of the default category when no categories have been selected.
* Fixed the bug preventing the action menu for AJAX loaded categories from functioning.
* Repositioned course idnumber infront of course actions.
* Fixed display of moveup on first item and movedown on last item (courses and categories)
* Fixed up resort selected categories string.
* I can rebase this for you/the integrator before it goes in for sure no probs :)
* Fixed double phpdoc block of course_change_visibility
* Moved permission checks out of course_move_after_course and into helper function.
* Reviewed setType calls for editcategory_form.php.
* Reviewed all uses of can_resort and added more specific methods.
* Fixed method mentioned in exception for resort methods.
* Converted calls to fetch courses to call get_course.
* Exceptions now thrown when trying to move courses and problems arise.
* Fixed unnecessary namespace hinting in core_course_management_renderer.
* Abstracted common logic of can_resort_any and can_change_parent_any.
* Removed check for system level capability from has_manage_capability_on_any.
* Reviewed debugging calls I've introduced.
* Implemented a new course and category management page.
* Deprecated the old management interface.
* Unit tests to cover the new API and core functions.
* Behat tests to cover the new interface.
Using 'should see' outputs rather than an incorrect
xpath query. Also our custom selectors are not properly
used by WebAssert so switching to find xpath.
This plugin is heavily based on the uploadpdf plugin from
Davo Smith <git@davosmith.co.uk>. This is a fantastic plugin
that provides a great benefit for teachers marking assignments.
A big thankyou to Davo for writing the plugin and helping us to
get it integrated to core.
The plugin provides a pdf editing interface in the teachers browser
that lets them add comments and annotations to a students assignment
submission. The comment and annotations are then added to a pdf version
of the students submission which is send back to the student so they can
download it, or read it online.
This plugin has been primarily worked on by Damyon Wiese, Jerome Mouneyrac
and Barbara Ramiro. We have also had great feedback and suggestions from others
including the entire frontend team, Martin and Frederic Massart.