- Course format may define additional fields (format options) to store for course and each section
- Edit course form allows to edit format-specific options and refreshes their list on format change
- Course format may provide it's own form for editing a section
- Default form for editing section allows to edit all format-specific fields
- Class section_info refactored, it defines magic methods such as __get() to access basic section
information and format-specific options (retrieved only on the first request)
- format_base::update_course_format_options() allows to watch pre-update state of the course,
format_legacy automatically copies the options with the same names between formats
This reduces the period of time that some of the unit tests
for calculate_next_automated_backup() are failing right now
(from 1week to just some hours around the DST changes).
Note it's not the final solution because they will still fail
when New_York or Brussels DST changes are about to happen, but
to get this completely fixed we'll need to wait to switch from
current custom TZ/DST support to PHP built-in one.
* Added a bit of AMOS to copy existing strings and save a little translation effort
* Cleaned up fixed strings in several places
* Cleaned up some existing strings as required.
* Fixed install and upgrade code. Split upgrade into two parts (one for each table).
* Fixed fatal error caused by missing forms lib inclusion
* Added param types to forms.
* Converted file_get_content to use curl for URL's.
* Cleaned things up per coding style.
* Separated subscription management and form into separate files.
* Tidied up bennu inclusion to just where required.
* Lots of other small fixes as well.
CPY [calendar,calendar],[colcalendar,calendar]
CPY [actions,moodle],[actions,calendar]
CPY [never,moodle],[never,calendar]
Adds an extra import section alongside the existing export in the
calendar views. Allows the user to import from either a file or a
URL as a subscription, with an optional polling interval of hourly,
daily, weekly, monthly, or annually. This subscription may be added
to the user, group, global or course calendars. These subscriptions
are tracked in a separate database table, and an extra column added
to the events table to relate them to the subscription. The event
uuid field is also expanded to allow for the RFC-2445 UID property.
Subscriptions are listed on the calendar view page, and can be
added and removed, manually polled, and the polling interval
adjusted. Subscription events are updated on cron.