This form layout applies when adding or editing any instance which is
based on a preconfigured tool (course or site). That is now the only
supported way of configuring a mod_lti instance.
This change:
- removes all uses of mod/lti:addmanualinstance and deprecates it.
- updates the activity instance edit form, specifically the way it deals
with existing manually-configured instances, removing the ability to
edit tool configuration and adding a notice to the user.
In summary:
- Remove the 'External tool' item from get_course_content_items()
hook, which results in its removal from the activity chooser.
- Remove the 'External tool' item from get_all_content_items() hook,
which results in its removal from the admin activity chooser
recommendations page.
- Prevent use of the edit_form for creation of new manual instances.
- Retain the ability to edit existing manual instances.
- Fix tests expecting external tool.
* Add new table for LTI types course categories
* Update LTI add / update form to restrict tool availablily in selected course categories
* Bumped version
Significant string changes:
* pluginnamesummary,qtype_ddimageortext and
pluginnamesummary,qtype_ddmarker - Note about the question type not
being accessible to visually impaired users
* addresourceoractivity,core - Removing 'resource' as the new activity
chooser doesn't have resource types separated
- Changed mod_lti edit_form.php to add necessary fields.
- Added configuration field 'keytype' that can be RSA_KEY or JWK_KEYSET, defaulting to RSA_KEY if none is found.
- Changed mod_lti locallib.php to add the usage of jwk in the verifications of jwt's.
- Changed mod_lti token.php to call the verification function from locallib.php.
- Caches the keyset endpoint content of any given lti tool.
- Updated language files to accommodate new functionalities.
- Added test method for JWK functionalities.
- Added test_keyset file in the fixtures folder.
- Bumped the mod_lti version to 2020022200.
Significant string changes:
* moodleorghubname,core_admin and
sitemustberegistered,message_airnotifier - '' changed to
* registration_help,core_admin and registermoochtips,core_hub - removed
erroneous 'access to our course sharing platform'
* trackingtype_help,mod_forum and formnotavailable,core_grading and
showgrades_help,core and rolewarning_help,core_rating -
'Administration block' changed to 'Actions menu or admin block',
'navigation block' changed to 'navigation drawer or block'
LTI 1.3 requires working openssl functions to generate a private
key used for the JWT. Some installs (e.g. windows) can have the
functions available - but require configuration in php before they
actually do anything.
Significant string changes:
* importgroups_help,core_group - Correcting optional fieldnames
(removing picture, hidepicture and adding groupidnumber, groupingname
and enablemessaging)
* penaltyforeachincorrecttry_help,core_question - additional paragraph
about scoring logic
* resultdownloadready,tool_dataprivacy - wording corrected (no need to
go to a download page)
* auth_dbfielduser,auth_db - varchar data type requirement
Significant string changes:
* withselectedusers_help, core - removing mention of 'Add a common note'
as the option no longer exists
* considereddigitalminor and digitalminor_desc, core - more
child-friendly wording
* configmessagingallusers, core_admin - clearer explanation
* auth_dbtype, auth_db - fixed broken link
Significant string changes:
* completionpass_help, gradetopassnotset in mod_quiz - grade to pass set
in quiz settings not gradebook
* namecolumnmissing,core_cohort - fixing incorrect message about adding
users to a cohort
A huge thanks goes to 'Diego del Blanco' and
'Chris Lawson' for contributing much of their
code and time to this project, and to Cengage
for sponsoring it.
Much appreciated!
* Rebase and resolve conflicts from initial patch.
* Reorganise contentitem and contentitem_return pages.
* Add capability checks for contentitem and contentitem_return pages.
* Move the building of Content-Item selection request to a local
lib function.
* Move contentitem_return processing logic to a local lib function.
* Fix type settings update. Content-item checkbox does not get
checked/unchecked on load.
* Fix tool settings update. Disabled content-item checkbox gets unchecked when
tool settings form is submitted.
* Add "Select content" button on load which launches the content item
selection dialogue.
* Move hardcoded HTML and JS to mustache templates and AMD modules.
* Use standard YUI dialog for displaying the Content-Item selection page.
* Added processing for the following Content-Item properties:
- text
- icon
* On ContentItem selection, fill out form with the configuration data retrieved,
instead of automatically saving the tool and redirecting to the course page.
* Removed section- and sectionreturn-related code since we're not automatically
adding the tool on ContentItem selection.
* On mod_lti_mod_form, enable configuration fields if they support ContentItem
* New form-field module for setting fields using JS
* Change types_config table's 'value' column from char(255) to text