This commit does few things:
1) Remove unnecessary "I hover over today in the calendar"
steps as it's not necessary to hover onto the day to see the events
any more.
2) Replace "I follow This month" steps to "I follow Full calendar"
3) Update i_create_a_calendar_event_with_form_data() to use the new
fullcalendar lang string.
The legacy M.core.event.BLOCK_CONTENT_UPDATED event has been replaced with a
new core_block/events::blockContentUpdated native DOM event.
The new event can be triggered using the `notifyBlockContentUpdated`
event, and by providing the HTMLElement that was updated, for example:
import {notifyBlockContentUpdated} from 'core_block/events';
const someHandler = e => {
// ...
const updatedBlock ='.block');
The new event can be listened to at any point in the DOM using the
following syntax:
import {eventTypes} from 'core_block/events';
const handler = e => {
// The block that was updated.;
// The id of the updated block.
document.addEventListener(eventTypes.blockContentUpdated, handler);
A backward-compatabibility layer is included to ensure that any legacy
YUI event listener is still called with the same arguments.
This legacy bridges will be removed after Moodle 4.3.
The step "And I wait until ".block_myoverview
[data-control='next']" "css_element" exists" is not correct
because this [data-control='next'] element exists before and
after the step so, in some cases, it might cause the following
step will start earlier than expected.
As pending JS has been added, this wait steps are not required
any more.
It seems that the new phpcs3 checker is now controlling those
line comments that previously were ignored.
This commit just looks for all the cases and bulk-add
them when needed. The bash script (mac) used to add all them is:
while read -r line; do
arr=(${line//:/ })
if [[ -n ${arr[0]} ]] && [[ -n ${arr[1]} ]]; then
echo " file ${arr[0]}, line ${arr[1]}"
sed -i "${arr[1]}s/\$/\./" ${arr[0]}
done < <(find . -name version.php | xargs ag --nomultiline '>(version|requires) *=.*//.*[^;\.]$')
Create a new profile field type, move all existing content of the fields
'icq', 'skype', 'aim', 'yahoo', 'msn' and 'url' in the mdl_user table to
theses new profile fields if needed.
MOV [aimid,core],[aimid,courseimage,profilefield_social]
MOV [yahooid,core],[yahooid,profilefield_social]
MOV [skypeid,core],[skypeid,profilefield_social]
MOV [icqnumber,core],[icqnumber,profilefield_social]
MOV [msnid,core],[msnid,profilefield_social]
MOV [webpage,core],[webpage,profilefield_social]
This class would belong more appropriately within the 'user' API
(core_user) instead of within the 'core' API, since it is
directly related to user data.
Since the class has only just been added to Moodle, now is a good
time to move it.
The current ->setMethods() has been silently (won't emit any
warning) in PHPUnit 9. And will stop working (current plans)
in PHPUnit 10.
Basically the now deprecated method has been split into:
- onlyMethods(): To point to existing methods in the mocked artifact.
- addMethods(): To point to non existing (yet) methods in the mocked
In practice that means that all our current setMethods() calls can be
converted to onlyMethods() (existing) and done. The addMethods() is
mostly useful on development phases, not final testing.
Finally note that <null> isn't accepted anymore as parameter to
double all the methods. Instead empty array [] must be used.
In all cases changes have been kept to a minimum while not making
the code completely horrible. For example, there are many instances
where it would probably be better to rewrite a query entirely, but
I have not done that (in order to reduce the risk of changes).