Introduces a base js class that bulk actions area implementations need
to extend. This class contains all common selectors, event listeners,
methods (including abstract) that each implementation would use.
Also, introduces a common template for the bulk actions area.
* When toggling bulk editing, updating the page's title can help users,
especially screen reader users, to determine the current editing state
of the course homepage.
* Create 'editing' versions of the coursetitle and coursesectiontitle
lang strings used for the page title of the course homepage and use
these when editing mode is turned on to provide immediate information
to users, especially screen reader users, the current state of the
course homepage.
1. Modified the password related forms
2. Added a new constant in moodlelib.php called MAX_PASSWORD_CHARACTERS
3. Added a new method in moodlelib.php called exeeds_password_length
4. Updated the upgrade.text
Now Oracle can use longer table names, like all the
other databases, and the very same 10 characters limit
for $CFG->prefix applies.
As far as it's already checked by the environmental checks
we don't need to verify anything in the driver any more.
Also, deprecate the prefixtoolong,error string. I was tempted
to straight delete it but imagined some custom database driver
extending the core one so, it doesn't harm much to keep it as
deprecated some time.
While, right now, sites using long (> 10 chars) $CFG->prefix
can continue working (because we still don't have any table
> 28 chars), as soon as some new table with long name is added,
it won't work with PostgreSQL anymore (if the 63 limit is raised).
Hence, this environmental check will verify on both install and
upgrade that the $CFG->prefix is always <= 10 chars.
Sites with longer prefixes will need to rename all their tables
(and maybe other objects, depending on the dbtype) to use a shorter
* Add parameter to drop zero time units. So a time interval like
"3d 0h 0s" will be returned as "3d" only.
* Add parameter to display full format for time units. E.g. Instead of
"3d 2h", it will be returned as "3 days 2 hours"
* Deprecate unused dateintervaldayshoursmins langconfig string.