While, right now, sites using long (> 10 chars) $CFG->prefix
can continue working (because we still don't have any table
> 28 chars), as soon as some new table with long name is added,
it won't work with PostgreSQL anymore (if the 63 limit is raised).
Hence, this environmental check will verify on both install and
upgrade that the $CFG->prefix is always <= 10 chars.
Sites with longer prefixes will need to rename all their tables
(and maybe other objects, depending on the dbtype) to use a shorter
In this commit, there are couple of fixes based on the report:
1. Removed legacy polyfill from provider.php
2. Fixed phpunit warning detected by CodeChecker
3. Removed unused files
4. Fixed the PHPunit failures by removing "securityquestions"
from the data_provider due to it has not been included as one of the factors
5. Added PHPunit test to the factors that can be unittested
6. Removed !important rule from tool_mfa/styles.css
7. Added (int) type to sleep method within sleep_timer method due to a php deprecation
in too_mfa/classes/manager.php
8. Changed last param form bool to string in not_enough_factors() when initiating
a new single_button object in tool_mfa/renderer.php
9. Add explanation text to login page
10. Fixed "Access to an undefined property .." from PHPStan
12. Fixed all the "Variable $.. might not be defined" from PHPStan
13. Fixed the issue from https://github.com/catalyst/moodle-tool_mfa/issues/379
In this patch the "commitid" of the "upstream" has been included in this
commit. Also, we did not include three factors, which are SMS, Security
Questions and Login Banner.
Co-authored-by: Peter Burnett <peterburnett@catalyst-au.net>
Co-authored-by: Misha Golenkov <golenkovm@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Brendan Heywood <brendan@catalyst-au.net>
Co-authored-by: Alex Morris <alex.morris@catalyst.net.nz>
Co-authored-by: Dan Marsden <dan@danmarsden.com>
Co-authored-by: Kevin Pham <kevinpham@catalyst-au.net>
Co-authored-by: Chris Pratt <tonyyeb@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Andrew Lyons <andrew@nicols.co.uk>
Co-authored-by: Tomo Tsuyuki <tomotsuyuki@catalyst-au.net>
Co-authored-by: Liam Kearney <https://github.com/LiamKearn>
Co-authored-by: Nicholas Hoobin <nicholashoobin@catalyst-au.net>
Co-authored-by: Scott Verbeek <scottverbeek@catalyst-au.net>
Co-authored-by: nomisge <https://github.com/nomisge>
Co-authored-by: Dmitrii Metelkin <dmitriim@catalyst-au.net>
Co-authored-by: Matthew Hilton <matthewhilton@catalyst-au.net>
Co-authored-by: Michael Geering <https://github.com/dryj>
Co-authored-by: alphadijkstra <https://github.com/alphadijkstra>