Autocomplete fields can now include disabled options in the suggestion
list. When calling .enchance() on a select list with disabled options,
those options will be added to the autocomplete suggestions with the
aria-disabled arribute set, and will not be selectable.
Datafilters using the autocomplete element can also hook into this by
including disabled options in their list of values.
A datafilter can now specify a subset of jointypes that it supports from
the default list of all, any or none. By default all options will be
available, but an individual filter can ovveride this to include just
those options that make sense for the filter. If only one option is
allowed, the select list will be hidden to simplify the UI.
TinyMCE has a default entity_encoding 'named',
which causes text with diacritic symbols to be converted to HTML entities,
e.g. pâté will be convert to pâté
That will be a problem with the Glossary auto-linking filter if a course has a text concept like pâté,
then the filter will likely fail to get the text concept.
Changing the TinyMCE entity_encoding to 'raw' will resolve the problem.
In this commit, there are couple of fixes based on the report:
1. Removed legacy polyfill from provider.php
2. Fixed phpunit warning detected by CodeChecker
3. Removed unused files
4. Fixed the PHPunit failures by removing "securityquestions"
from the data_provider due to it has not been included as one of the factors
5. Added PHPunit test to the factors that can be unittested
6. Removed !important rule from tool_mfa/styles.css
7. Added (int) type to sleep method within sleep_timer method due to a php deprecation
in too_mfa/classes/manager.php
8. Changed last param form bool to string in not_enough_factors() when initiating
a new single_button object in tool_mfa/renderer.php
9. Add explanation text to login page
10. Fixed "Access to an undefined property .." from PHPStan
12. Fixed all the "Variable $.. might not be defined" from PHPStan
13. Fixed the issue from
As we migrate to primarily using natives promises, we should make it
easier to use and consume them.
This change:
- updates core/str to add new methods for:
- getString
- getStrings
- accept Native promises into Modal setters
This adds a new output method which enables a page to fully render a complete
html page and then keep the connection open and stream additional content into
an element anywhere in the document. This enables pages which take some time to
render cleanly without layout bugs and reduces layout shift issues and was
inspired by Facebook BigPipe.