Moving stuff from lib.php into static methods in localib.php. Removing
things from workshop core that were implemented in a subplugin. Dropping
stuff related to features not to be implemented in 2.0.
This seems to be over-desing-patternized. Methods needed by standard
eval plugins (ie part of standard distribution) are part of strategy
API. Contributed eval methods will have to patch strategy plugins if
they need some other data from them.
The only weak point here is that we store a raw grade into
workshop_grades and not a direct id of the selected level. Therefore,
when re-assessing, we need to actually guess what level the assessor
chose previously. This is not problem if there are not two levels with
the same grade. Such case is not common when using Rubric. In the
future, this may get refactored so Rubric would use its own storage of
filled assessment forms.
DB columns userid renamed to authorid or reviewerid to make the value
clear. Improved manual allocation UI. Raw grades are stored as numeric
values from 0.00000 to 100.00000 (instead of the current 0 to 1) to be
more precise. Started to work on the Grading report (it est the overall
report of all grades form submission and grades for assessments).