These new settings are designed to enchance user privacy surrounding
groups. They allow groups to be configured so that users outside the
group cannot see the group, so that users in the group cannot see each
other, or so that users cannot see the group at all, even if they are in
it. This avoids issues where a group may be assigned based on sensitive
personal information (such as a person requiring special arrangements
due to a disability).
By default, groups are visible to all and available for participation in
activities, which maintains the current behaviour.
For performance, a new cache has been added to track the number of
groups on a course that are not visible to non-members. This allows us
to revert to the existing behaviour if the new features are not being
used at all on a course, and only apply the new visibility conditions if
they are.
Users who have the moodle/course:viewhiddengroups capability should be
concious of exposing hidden groups when showing their screen to other
users. The "Switch role to..." feature can be used to show a course page
on screen without exposing private availability conditions, for example.
The changes cover several specific areas:
* grouplib functions, which most code should use to get lists of groups
and members (this includes the participants page).
* Activities supporting group overrides will not allow overrides for
groups that are hidden from all users.
* Activities supporting separate/visible groups modes will only allow
groups with the new "participation" flag enabled to be selected.
* Group messaging will be disabled for groups where members cannot see
each other, or cannot see the group at all.
Create new entities for exposing report data on course groups and
groupings, joining to existing course/user entities to provide data
for the reportbuilder editor.
All externallib_test, generator_test and filter_test classes:
- Namespaced with component[\level2-API]
- Moved to level2-API subdirectory when required.
- Fixed incorrect use statements with leading backslash.
- Changed code to point to global scope when needed.
- Fix some relative paths and comments here and there.
- All them passing individually.
- Complete runs passing too.
Special mention to tests under testing/tests:
1) The core_testing component doesn't exist.
2) But testing/tests are allowed because there is a suite pointing to it (phpunit.xml).
3) So, the only possible namespace for them is "core".
4) And to avoid problems with other core testcases (under lib/tests)
they have been renamed to have testing_xxxx as prefix.
Finally, also modified calendar/tests/events/events_test.php because it uses
some renamed (core_calendar_externallib_testcase => \core_calendar\externallib_test)
All lib_test and locallib_test classes:
- Namespaced with component (and API whenever makes sense).
- Fixed incorrect use statements with leading backslash.
- Changed code to point to global scope when needed or add new uses.
- All them passing individually.
- Complete runs passing too.
Special mention to tests under login/tests:
1) The core_login component doesn't exist.
2) But login/tests are allowed because there is a suite pointing to it (phpunit.xml).
3) So, the only possible namespace for them is "core".
4) And to avoid problems with other core testcases (under lib/tests)
they have been renamed to have login_xxxx as prefix.
As far as now all them have correct privacy level2 namespace:
- Move them to "privacy" subdir.
- Rename the files to "provider_test.php", this includes old
privacy_test.php and privacy_provider_test.php files
- Rename the testcase to provider_test too (to match file name)
Also, change some relative paths and comments to point to new
All privacy_test and privacy_provider_test classes:
- Namespaced with component\privacy.
- Fixed incorrect use statements with leading backslash.
- Changed code to point to global scope when needed.
- Renamed a few files to make all be privacy_test or privacy_provider_test.php
- All them passing individually.
- Complete runs passing too.
All the scenarios failing with Chrome zero-size errors are
getting the @skip_chrome_zerosize to be able to keep them apart from
regular runs. See MDL-71108 for more information about
that error.
They will be run by another job, specifically using that tag to
keep them failing and under control.
This class would belong more appropriately within the 'user' API
(core_user) instead of within the 'core' API, since it is
directly related to user data.
Since the class has only just been added to Moodle, now is a good
time to move it.
The methods assertContains() and assertNotContains() now perform
strict (type and value) comparison, pretty much like assertSame()
A couple of new assertContainsEquals() and assertNotContainsEquals()
methods have been created to provide old (non-strict) behavior, pretty
much like assertEquals() do.
Apart from replacing the calls needing a relaxed comparison to those
new methods, there are also a couple of alternative, about how to
fix this, depending of every case:
- If the test is making any array_values() conversion, then it's better
to remove that conversion and use assertArrayHasKey(), that is not
- Sometimes if may be also possible to, simply, cast the expectation
to the exact type coming in the array. I've not applied this technique
to any of the cases in core.
In all cases changes have been kept to a minimum while not making
the code completely horrible. For example, there are many instances
where it would probably be better to rewrite a query entirely, but
I have not done that (in order to reduce the risk of changes).
Plus additional amendments to Fred's original commit:
1. Updating the version numbers
2. Merging the original two-step upgrade below into one for simplicity:
1. Deleting the pictures for groups with hidepicture set to 1; and
2. Dropping the hidepicture field itself.
3. Converted array() usages to the short syntax [].
The W3C WebDriver leads to faster operation of individual steps which
highlights where WebDriver is moving to a new step faster than the
browser can process it.
The solution here is to use the `execute` function to interact with the
browsers as this makes use of the various wait and check steps.
The optional parameters of assertEquals() and assertNotEquals()
are deprecated in PHPUnit 8 (to be removed in PHPUnit 9):
- delta => use assertEqualsWithDelta()
- canonicalize => use assertEqualsCanonicalizing()
- ignoreCase => use assertEqualsIgnoringCase
- maxDepth => removed without replacement.
More info @
Initial search done with:
ag 'assert(Not)?Equals\(.*,.*,' --php
Then, running tests and fixing remaining cases.