To temporarily prevent the PHP 8.2 warning about Dynamic Properties' deprecation,
the #[AllowDynamicProperties] property was added. We encourage anyone to perform the upgrade
as soon as the Google library complies with PHP 8.2.
In PHP 8.2 and later, setting a value to an undeclared class property is
deprecated and emits a deprecation notice.
So we need to add missing class properties that still need to be declared.
In PHP 8.2 and later, setting a value to an undeclared class property is
deprecated and emits a deprecation notice.
So we need to add missing class properties that still need to be declared.
While working on this issue, even though it's not related to the deprecation issue,
I added 'use core_external\external_api' to avoid the 'Undefined type external_api' warning at
In PHP 8.2 and later, setting a value to an undeclared class property is
deprecated and emits a deprecation notice.
So we need to add missing class properties that still need to be declared.
In PHP 8.2 and later, setting a value to an undeclared class property is
deprecated and emits a deprecation notice.
So we need to add missing class properties that still need to be declared.
In PHP 8.2 and later, setting a value to an undeclared class property is
deprecated and emits a deprecation notice.
So we need to add missing class properties that still need to be declared.
We should be proactive in ensuring that the environment is clean when
running a task. We already ensure that we have a clean renderer and
other parts of the output chain, but we were not setting a clean user.
This change adds a call to setup the cron user before each task is
actually executed.
The main goal of this issue is to avoid scanners (Dependabot
and friends), reporting about security issues with the current
xmldom 0.6.0 package.
Note that this doesn't affect prod at all, because it's a dev
dependency, hardly exploitable. So it's not a security fix, just
a security_benefit, if something.
So here, we are updating from xmldom 0.6.0 to @xmldom/xmldom 0.8.7
(note that the package was renamed in 0.7.0, so it's the very same)
Also, when proceeding with the changes, it was detected that we
are incorrectly declaring @babel/eslint-parser as a normal dependency
instead of a development one, so we are also fixing that little detail.
The commands executed to get the changes above applied have been:
- nvm use
- npm install @xmldom/xmldom@^0.8.7 --save-dev
- npm uninstall xmldom
- npm install @babel/eslint-parser@^7.17.0 --save-dev
(we haven't run a complete re-install because we only want to modify
the minimum possible at this stage).
When questions are filtered by tags in the question bank, the qtagids
params are passed in the array format. Though moodle_url handles this,
single_button::export_for_template cannot. Hence changes done in
weblib.php to provide params for export_for_template in the
suitable format.
Thanks Huong. I have added the Behat test you provided in the patch.