- Core upgrade MUST NOT call rebuild_course_cache() at all - update DB directly instead
- Plugins MUST call rebuild_course_cache(.., TRUE) for clearing the course cache and can not update DB directly
- Plugins MUST NOT call rebuild_course_cache() unless for clearing the cache
- Created function upgrade_ensure_not_running() to be included in other functions that can not be used during upgrade
It is weird, but Chrome PDF viewer keeps retrying byteserving requests for anything but 407. This commit also normalises response headers on all error pages.
For third-parth plugins, in can be helpful if the 'More help' links in
help pop-ups (the ones that come from $string['..._link'] string in the
language file) can go to other places.
This change support two other sorts of URL in addition to the standard
'course/editing' type of link that goes to MoodelDocs.
You can use absolute URLs, starting http:// or https:///
You can use a link starting %%WWWROOT%%, and that token is replaced by
$CFG->wwwroot to make the link.
This changes makes sure the error is triggerd when the exception is
thrown, so that the problem code is in the stack-trace. Before, the
error happend in the exception hander, so you could not see the code
that caused the problem.
* constants refactoring
* reworked db table init
* support for $CFG->debug = -1
* functional DB tests
* fixed $DB->get_indexes() to not throw exceptions when table does not exist
* fix handling of user passwords in test db
* add debug info to exception messages
* removed unnecessary PHP debug errors from mathslib
* fixed @error suppression in get_string
* fixed PHPUnit error handler setup
* added timezone info to default install
The trouble is that dml driver methods (insert, update, select) are not guaranteed to return the same exception class for various db problems and coding style issues. The recommended practice is to catch dml_exception only.
incorrect PAGE init - it should be done at the very end; redirect() should not use OUTPUT before PAGE init; SITEID should be deprecated in favour of $SITE->id (this is going to cause troubles in tenant switching in CLI, cron and tests); missing "global $SITE"'; minor coding style issues; PHPDocs; it also helps with merging/testing of multitenant patch