grunt-jsdoc is abandoned and only works with an older version of jsdoc.
This is a very simple wrapper around jsdoc itself.
This commit also includes a fix for broken docs.
This commit is a backport of MDL-74301 which should have been backported
at the time.
All rules included in "eslint:recommended" set containing matching
values are removed from the list. Recommended set is defined in
This commit is a backport of MDL-74301 which should have been backported
at the time.
To identify deprecated rules, temporary install sarbbottam/eslint-find-rules, then run
`npx eslint-find-rules -d .eslintrc`, it will return a list of rules
defined in .eslintrc that were deprecated.
This commit is a backport of MDL-74301 which should have been backported
at the time.
Adding 'plugin:promise/recommended' results in 5k+ jsdoc warnings most
of which includes missing return and naming preferences (e.g. 'returns'
over 'return' or 'string' over 'String'). This needs to be audited and
addressed seprately.
This commit is a backport of MDL-74301 which should have been backported
at the time.
This enables recommended rules and brings back related rules. Without
reducing level to warn for some of them, this gives numerous (about 88) issues mainly
catch-or-return. Recommended set is defined in
This commit is a backport of MDL-74301 which should have been backported
at the time.
This patch includes changes:
* Upgrade "@babel/core" to latest point release
* Remove plugins already included into current "@babel/preset-env":
- "@babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties"
- "@babel/plugin-proposal-json-strings"
- "@babel/plugin-syntax-dynamic-import"
- "@babel/plugin-syntax-import-meta"
* Upgrade "eslint" to latest version
* Replace "eslint-plugin-babel" (depreacted in 2019) with "@babel/eslint-parser" and "@babel/eslint-plugin"
Instead of manually including composer's auto-loading
stuff and then run PHPUnit\TextUI\Command::main(), now
we are using the PHPUnit "binary".
That way behaviour should be 100% the same than
running vendor/bin/phpunit (recommended instead of util.php --run).
Also, note that, for other util.php commands, we still need
composer's auto-loading to happen, so we have moved it immediately
after the --run command.
Finally, a few more file_exists() conditions have been added
to ensure that PHPUnit is properly installed. Redundant but...
The button at the top of the page is hidden a few seconds by the
un-enrolment confirmation dialogue. Instead of waiting a few seconds
or reloading the page, the button at the bottom is clicked instead.