This check-in removes about 400 lines of code. I hope I have not screwed anything up. I would be grateful if people could review this change, and keep an eye on the navigation bar in modules.
Any navigation bar bugs you find in the near future, feel free to file them in the tracker and assign them to me. Thanks.
If not to many problems are found, I think I would like to backport this to 1.9 stable, but I am not sure that is a good idea. Opinions to the General Developer Forum please. I am about to start a thread there.
- Removed $course parameter from build_navigation()
- Updated all calls to build_navigation()
Author: Matt Clarkson <>
Committer: Matt Clarkson <>
- Modified to use build_navigation() for breadcrumb generation.
- Removed print_header method is now provided by base class.
Author: Matt Clarkson <>
I have not converted the rest of the quiz, and I don't intend to. I am hoping will do it.
I hope this does not introduce any bugs, but view.php is so complicate (at least it is less complicated than it was) and the quiz has so many options, that it is hard to be sure. This needs lots of testing before 1.7 is released.
Change to review.php so that the student will only see the grade summary
if they are allowed to view their scores - as determined by quiz options
set by the teacher.
Credit: Peter Bulmer
Moved loading of quiz review options from loop iterating over each qn to be
displayed, to the top of the pageload. Should give efficency gains
on quizes with long pages, as well as making the options available
earlier in the process.
Credit: Peter Bulmer
- When a essay question has been submitted or being reviewed and has not been graded by the instructor, then the Marks are not shown and displays a message to the student instead of saying Incorrect. (changes to questiontypes/questiontype.php in functions print_question and print_question_grading_details).
- For students, in view.php, a notice is printed to inform him/her that s/he has ungraded essay question(s).
- For teachers, in view.php, a notice is printed to inform him/her that s/he has X number of ungraded essays for X number of studnets
- In review.php, next to the grade output, informs the viewer if X number of ungraded essays in this attempt.
- In questiontypes/essay/questiontype.php created a utility function to generate the numbers used in the above changes.
- In lang/en/quiz.php added new lang entries.
So, hopefully the student will now understand that their grade does not include the ungraded essay questions. Modification of lang entries might be needed to further drive this point.
1) in all module-indpendent code the variable $quiz has been renamed to $cmoptions (it holds the options set by the course module which does not necessarily have to be a quiz, it could be a lesson for example).
2) quiz_restore_question_sessions() has the simpler name quiz_get_states
Also got rid of the quizfile.php in favour of file.php
(While I was at it I also turned the autologinguests off for most module pages, except on the index.php pages and the view.php pages for those modules that allow guests)
options or not. This is handled as in the resource module. The
"Show advanced options" button is only shown if the admin has
chosen to declare some of the options as advanced.
There are now 4 review options as suggested by Martin in
Provides separate buttons "Update this quiz" and "Edit questions",
see To make this
possible edit.php can now be called with a quiz id and it saves
its data itself rather than relying on mod.php.
mod.html now has a "Save changes" and a "Save changes and edit questions" button.
"Attempt quiz now" button gets a different language string for
re-attempts. This is currently set to "Re-attempt quiz".
After viewing the feedback for an attempt the "Continue" button
leads back to the course homepage, as requested in bugs 1224 and
1976. If there is no feedback the user is brought straight to quiz/view.php.