It seems to be better to check for required permission later, when the
button to install the update is actually being displayed. Credit goes to
Dan Poltawski for suggesting this.
There was a potential security risk that someone with access to the Moodle
database could update mdl_config table and use it as a vector to
install malicious code on the server.
Credit goes to Dan Poltawski for raising this.
If the stored response has still 1.0 version (which is expected during
the upgrade to 2.4), a debugging message is displayed. Added a string to
explain what's going on and how to recover from the state.
The caller of the mdeploy.php utility is expected to create a file in
the data directory. The name of such file and the passphrase in it are
then sent to mdeploy.php as a part of the request. The submitted and
stored values are then compared.
This class represents the communication bridge from Moodle UI to the
(standalone) mdeploy.php utility. It consists of various helper methods
useful when dealing with user interface, update confirmation etc.
The class is implemented as a singleton. This allows us easily
transfer required data from top level scripts (like /admin/index.php)
into the rendering methods deep in the stack without the need to change
the API of many methods on the way.
If $CFG->disableupdateautodeploy is set in config.php, no automatic
deploy can happen. This is for sites that are managed by a provider but
their clients have admin access.
It has been reported (can't find the issue now, sorry) that having these
two links next to each other represents an usability issue as folks
found themselves clicking at the uninstall link instead of the settings
link. Previously, these links were displayed in separate columns but
then the whole table got too wide - see MDL-20438.
This was reported in forums as an usability issue. This icon is used
across Moodle as an active link to hide or show things - not as a status
icon. People were trying to disable plugins by clicking the icon. Until
there is a full support for doing this from the Plugins overview page,
it is better to remove the icons completely.