This includes:
- Breaking changes (return void + PHP 7.1 min requirement).
- Deprecations and removals.
- Specifically DbUnit and its replacement.
- Printer showing how to rerun tests removed.
That custom printer was using some hacks to be able to intercept
configuration switches, reflection and other tricks to be able to
print the:
To re-run:
vendor/bin/phpunit --verbose "core_setuplib_testcase" lib/tests/setuplib_test.php
line on every failed/exceptional/skipped test. After some internal
discussion it was agreed that the normal phpunit output:
1) core_setuplib_testcase::test_localcachedir
Time is lower that allowed start value
Failed asserting that 1601976686 is equal to 1601976687 or is greater than 1601976687.
has already all the information at hand about how to rerun a test:
- vendor/bin/phpunit lib/tests/setuplib_test.php
- vendor/bin/phpunit --filter core_setuplib_testcase::test_localcachedir
- vendor/bin/phpunit --filter ::test_localcachedir
- vendor/bin/phpunit --testsuite componentname_testsuite
- vendor/bin/phpunit --config <<compoenent directory>>
- use --cache-result to get failed tests rerun with ease.
- ...
So better, let's use standard phpunit output and done. Also, note that,
with the upgrade to phpunit 8.5, the printer was not working correctly
any more, causing some switches, like --verbose ... to be ignored. Sure
it could have been fixed but, as commented above, no real need for all
that "parapheranlia" to print the rerun information.
Apply the standard deprecation procedure to the old APIs, to
be removed in Moodle 4.2 (MDL-69882). Existing unit tests
cover the deprecation debugging.
Originally MDL-64600
In charge of taking over the, now removed/archived, phpunit/dbunit
package. It supports loading of CSV/XML files and strings and
PHP arrays, allowing to send the loaded information to database.
Perform some basic controls about the consistency of information,
surely not super-exhaustive but fair enough.
100% covered with unit test.
Planned like an "interim" replacement for phpunit/dbunit uses in
core that, ideally, should be moved to generators stuff at some
Note, expect a few tests in core to fail with this commit, I've
changed some fixtures around. Next commit will fix existing uses.
Originally MDL-64600
It can be enabled if desired from CLI using the --cache-result
option (or modifying the phpunit.xml cacheResult to true).
That will create the .phpunit.result.cache files that,
later, can be used to easily repeat failed (defects) tests or
run the slow ones first and more. See the --order-by option
to know more about all the available criteria. For example:
./vendor/bin/phpunit --order-by=defects --stop-on-defect
(will run all the failed ones first, stopping on problem, useful
for TDD and other scenarios, not so much for complete runs or CI).
Also, added to .gitignore so they won't be committed ever.
The optional parameters of assertEquals() and assertNotEquals()
are deprecated in PHPUnit 8 (to be removed in PHPUnit 9):
- delta => use assertEqualsWithDelta()
- canonicalize => use assertEqualsCanonicalizing()
- ignoreCase => use assertEqualsIgnoringCase
- maxDepth => removed without replacement.
More info @
Initial search done with:
ag 'assert(Not)?Equals\(.*,.*,' --php
Then, running tests and fixing remaining cases.
Both assertContains() and assertNotContains() are deprecated in PHPUnit 8
for operations on strings. Also the optional case parameter is. All uses
must be changed to one of:
- assertStringContainsString()
- assertStringContainsStringIgnoringCase()
- assertStringNotContainsString()
- assertStringNotContainsStringIgnoringCase()
More info:
Regexp to find all uses:
ag 'assert(Not)?Contains\('
With PHPUnit 8 a good number of assertions, all them related with
operations on non-public attributes have been deprecated. And will
be removed with PHPUnit 9.
The main point is that unit tests shouldn't be testing non-public
APIs (good practice) and those assertions were an error originally.
See for
the complete list and other details.
When possible (the attributes being checked are public), the change
is simple, just switching to normal assertions.
When the attributes are not public we need to find a workaround
to be able to test the same using public APIs, or use Reflection,
or remove the tests.
For the records, this is the regexp used to find all the cases:
ag '>(assertAttribute|attribute\(|readAttributte|getStaticAttribute| \
getObjectAttribute)' -G "test.php"
While this is not strictly required, because removal will
happen in PHPUnit 9.0, we are already getting rid of all
uses in core.
From release notes:
The annotations `@expectedException`, `@expectedExceptionCode`,
`@expectedExceptionMessage`, and `@expectedExceptionMessageRegExp`
are now deprecated.
Using these annotations will trigger a deprecation warning
in PHPUnit 8 and in PHPUnit 9 these annotations will be removed.
Also, all uses of expectExceptionMessageRegExp() has been moved
to expectExceptionMessageMatches(). See
TODO: Various weirdness found while doing the changes with these tests:
- vendor/bin/phpunit lib/tests/exporter_test.php (created MDL-69700)
- vendor/bin/phpunit competency/tests/external_test.php (same issue than prev one)
- vendor/bin/phpunit question/engine/tests/questionengine_test.php (created MDL-69624)
- vendor/bin/phpunit lib/tests/event_test.php (created MDL-69688)
While this is not strictly required, because removal will
happen in PHPUnit 9.0, we are already getting rid of all
uses in core.
From release notes:
assertArraySubset() is deprecated and will be removed in PHPUnit 9.
While this is not strictly required, because removal will
happen in PHPUnit 9.0, we are already getting rid of all
uses in core.
From release notes:
assertInternalType() is deprecated and will be removed in
PHPUnit 9. Refactor your test to use assertIsArray(), assertIsBool(),
assertIsFloat(), assertIsInt(), assertIsNumeric(), assertIsObject(),
assertIsResource(), assertIsString(), assertIsScalar(),
assertIsCallable(), or assertIsIterable() instead.
Constraints are now declared final, so we cannot extend them anymore.
Hence, instead of extending PHPUnit\Framework\Constraint\IsEqual we
are just wrapping it into our constraint.
All the setup/teardown/pre/post/conditions template methods
now are required to return void. This was warned with phpunit 7
and now is enforced.
At the same time, fix a few wrong function names,
provider data and param types, return statements...
This makes everything to break, but it's what we'll be fixing
in the next commits, heh. :-)
Generated with php72 (min version supported), following the
instructions @
Before this patch strings that were declared over multiple lines in
a template would not be parsed correctly.
would have been been parsed to get_string('value', 'core')
value, mod_forum
would have been been parsed to get_string('', 'core')
* Lighten info container.
* Fix colour contrast for the question container by
- Lightening the background a bit
- Darkening the text colour a bit
- Making sure the link colour has good colour contrast against the
question text.
* Fix colour contrast for the comments container by
- Lightening the text colour a bit
- Darkening the link colour a bit for better colour contrast against
the feedback text.
The current red, blue, and green colours achieve the minimum colour
contrast against a white background. However, when they're against
coloured background, text with these colours will easily fail the
4.5:1 contrast ratio requirement for Level AA.
The updated colours now have the following contrast ratio against a
white background:
* Blue - #0f6fc5 (5.12:1, from 4.58:1)
* Green - #357a32 (5.27:1, from 4.63:1)
* Red - #ca3120 (5.29:1, from 4.59:1)
The current red, blue, and green colours achieve the minimum colour
contrast against a white background. However, when they're against
coloured background, text with these colours will easily fail the
4.5:1 contrast ratio requirement for Level AA.
The updated colours now have the following contrast ratio against a
white background:
* Blue - #0f6fc5 (5.12:1, from 4.58:1)
* Green - #357a32 (5.27:1, from 4.63:1)
* Red - #ca3120 (5.29:1, from 4.59:1)