The upgrade key can be defined in the main config.php as
$CFG->upgradekey. If it is defined there, then its value must be
provided every time the site is being upgraded, regardless the
administrator is logged in or not.
Not directly related to the issue but spotted while developing it and it
is not worth of submitting in a separate issue.
At the Plugins check page, when the "Display the full list of installed
plugins" link was followed, the heading at the next page read something
like "Number of plugins requiring your attention: 357". That is
misleading as this is actually not the number of displayed plugins, not
the number of plugins requiring attention.
When nodes are added to the dom, they may need to be re-processed by a JS based
filter. To do this we need to trigger the legacy YUI event filter-content-updated.
To make this easier I added some wrappers to template that will insert the node, run any
JS and trigger the event.
I also changed existing yui code to call the amd function to trigger the event. This way
all jquery and yui listeners will always be notified.
There are two essential improvements here. Firstly, by replacing the
file_exists() check with array_key_exists() we make sure that only
actual language code will be written into the config.php file (and not
the empty value in case of input that does not pass the PARAM_SAFEDIR
Additionally, we no longer display the full list of available languages
by default. The list can be displayed in the interactive mode by typing
the ? character instead of the language code. This makes the overall
interface cleaner, does not cause the header information (such as the
Moodle version) to scroll away and makes the nice cli logo more visible
(which was the main motivation for the whole patch anyway ;-).
Now the db/service.php array can contain these extra keys to provide information
on how a webservice may be called:
'ajax' => true (Default is false)
Replaces the xx_is_allowed_from_ajax callback.
'loginrequired' => false (Default is true)
Means that this webservice can be called through lib/ajax/service-nosession.php
which sets NO_MOODLE_COOKIES to true (faster). This is only safe for webservices returning
static public data (e.g. get_string).
These tests only needed the javascript tag because of the user menu.
Now that issue has been resolved, they do not need it.
Note: Some were also not using the singleselect feature, so would fail
without changes to use this too as they were not handling proper selection
of the singleselect element.