Moving a discussion now leaves a notification message in the
original location with a link to the new location.
Author: Luke Hudson <>
Notice: Undefined property: id in /home/moodle/public_html/certificate/mod/forum/discuss.php on line 38
This happens when the user is not logged in and wants to view a forum of type
Users can now be assigned to multiple groups. Thanks Yu!
Break out the Bob Marley!!
Otherwise groups work more or less like they did before.
This has been pretty well tested by Yu and myself, but since Yu started
uncovering lots of existing groups bugs it's possible there may be still
a few corner cases still lurking here and there.
Please help test this thoroughly for 1.6!!
because everyone was using the same values for them!
Also renamed the function to simply forum_search_form, because in the end
noone was using it to PRINT html, it was just put into a variable.
(While I was at it I also turned the autologinguests off for most module pages, except on the index.php pages and the view.php pages for those modules that allow guests)
Many thanks to Mike Churchward for his work on this and persevering
with sending updated versions to me. :-)
Shane and I have polished it up, rewritten a few parts (display-related)
and here it is, finally in CVS!
I think there will still need to be some optimisation for the SQL,
since it's still pretty intensive. Perhaps some sort of caching in
the session that gets modified along with the database whenever
something gets read.
However if there are problems the whole thing can be switched off
in the forum module config so this is not crucially urgent.
Logs now include a field called modid which contains the coursemodule id.
This makes it now possible to
- see complete logs per-activity
- do backup/restore of logs
The upgrade process will currently try to scan all the old logs and
rebuild this field based on available data (especially forums).
STILL TO DO: alter all the non-forum modules to send the coursemodule id
Still needs plenty of testing. There is no GUI yet for turning on
the groupmode just for the forum (this will be on the course page)
but you can put a 1 (visible) or 2 (separate) in the course_modules table.