If we cannot resize the given file (files such as ICO can't be, for
SVG it makes no sense), then we should just return the original file
as is rather than an error.
This is a follow up of MDL-75908 because a Behat tests with the Chrome
driver was failing and it could be traced back to the changes of
MDL-750908. There was no issue with the Firefox driver and
apparently no issue when using the Chrome browser under normal
The help message for the Course start/end date will be different
when the show_started_courses_task/hide_ended_courses_task tasks
are enabled, to let add some reference to this feature.
Two new scheduled tasks, show_started_courses_task and
hide_ended_courses_task have been added, to automatically change
the course visibility when the start/end course date match the
current one.
They are disabled by default, to keep the current behaviour.
When admins enable any of them, they are executed once per
day by default (around midnight).
These scheduled tasks are based on the "CUL Course Visibility Update"
third-party plugin created by Tim Gagen and refactored and currently
maintained by Amanda Doughty:
Thanks!! :-)
All rules included in "eslint:recommended" set containing matching
values are removed from the list. Recommended set is defined in
To identify deprecated rules, temporary install sarbbottam/eslint-find-rules, then run
`npx eslint-find-rules -d .eslintrc`, it will return a list of rules
defined in .eslintrc that were deprecated.
Adding 'plugin:promise/recommended' results in 5k+ jsdoc warnings most
of which includes missing return and naming preferences (e.g. 'returns'
over 'return' or 'string' over 'String'). This needs to be audited and
addressed seprately.
This enables recommended rules and brings back related rules. Without
reducing level to warn for some of them, this gives numerous (about 88) issues mainly
catch-or-return. Recommended set is defined in
This patch includes changes:
* Upgrade "@babel/core" to latest point release
* Remove plugins already included into current "@babel/preset-env":
- "@babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties"
- "@babel/plugin-proposal-json-strings"
- "@babel/plugin-syntax-dynamic-import"
- "@babel/plugin-syntax-import-meta"
* Upgrade "eslint" to latest version
* Replace "eslint-plugin-babel" (depreacted in 2019) with "@babel/eslint-parser" and "@babel/eslint-plugin"