Final deprecation for constant BADGE_BACKPACKURL (it has been removed)
and badges/backpack.js file (it has been removed too).
Besides, some methods have started the deprecation process too:
- badges_check_backpack_accessibility
- badges_setup_backpack_js()
- badges_local_backpack_js()
Apart from that, string 'addbackpack' has been deprecated here
because it's not used anywhere.
The $CFG->badges_site_backpack setting has been completely removed
because it's not required anymore. From now, the primary site
backpack will be the first one in the "Manage backpacks" list (so,
the one with lower sortorder value).
Instead of running the site backpack validation every time badges/backpacks.php
page is loaded, an action button has been added to the backpacks with OB set
to 2.0 to let admins running manually this verification when needed.
A more generic method has been added to the API to validate the
backpack connection (for now, there was only one method for
validating current backpack).
Besides, a renderer has been added to display this information
depending on the backpackid.
This site backpack verification is not required so, instead of
running it always here, it will be moved to a separate page to let
admins decide when to check it.
Significant string changes:
* configcustommenuitems,core_admin - corrected example
* custommenuitems_desc,tool_mobile - fallback behaviour of custom menu
items in the app
Significant string changes:
* hidegrader_help,mod_assign - note about setting having no effect on
comments box
* configdefaultrequestcategory, configenablecourserequests,
configlockrequestcategory, lockrequestcategory, core_admin - clearer
* configenablecompletion,core_completion - including reason for setting
activity completion conditions
* emailstop,core - clearer wording
* setuplink_desc,tool_mobile - including where the app download page
link is displayed and leaving the setting empty
Significant string changes:
- configgeneralfiles,core_backup - includes explanation of implications
of settings
- mobilenotificationsdisabledwarning,tool_mobile - location corrected
- statsreport14,core - 'views/posts' corrected to 'posts/views'
- err_nousers,core_completion - explanation of who completion
- information is displayed for errorcourselisting,block_community - note
about sunsetting
Significant string changes:
* moodleorghubname,core_admin and
sitemustberegistered,message_airnotifier - '' changed to
* registration_help,core_admin and registermoochtips,core_hub - removed
erroneous 'access to our course sharing platform'
* trackingtype_help,mod_forum and formnotavailable,core_grading and
showgrades_help,core and rolewarning_help,core_rating -
'Administration block' changed to 'Actions menu or admin block',
'navigation block' changed to 'navigation drawer or block'
This commit combines several changes:
* Show authentication errors.
* Show more detailed authentication errors
* When the site backpack is different to the user backpack, show a warning
* Do not duplicate the apiversion and backpackurls in each user backpack.
* Do not support different issuer information for each badge with Open Badges v2.
* Add obversion to assertion url
* Combine separate badges upgrade steps and bump the version number.
* Don't show private collections.
* Push the larger image size to backpacks (512x512).
* BADGE_BACKPACKURL is deprecated
* Don't use property alignments, only alignment
Upgrade the support for Open Badges 2 to support a real open badges 2 backpack.
Moodle can only talk to one backpack at a time, so after switching backpacks, users
will have to manually disconnect and then reconnect their backpack to the new one.
This commit combines several changes:
* Split classes into badges namespace
* Publish expiry data with a badge
* Publish badge alignments in badges exported to the backpack.
* Export the criteria for a badge to the backpack.
Significant string changes:
* direct:view,gradeimport_direct - wording corrected from 'CSV' to
* limitanswers_help,mod_choice - additional wording added explaining how
the setting works with groups
* pluginname,customfield_text - 'Text field' plugin renamed to
'Short text'
Properly integration badges with competencies provided in Moodle.
Automatically grant the badge when the defined competencies are marked as proficient.
Significant string changes:
* courseoverviewfiles, courseoverviewfiles_help, courseoverviewfilesext
in core, configcourseoverviewfilesext, configcourseoverviewfileslimit
in core_admin, areacourseoverviewfiles in core_repository - renaming
of 'Course summary files' to 'Course image'
Significant string changes:
* completionpass_help, gradetopassnotset in mod_quiz - grade to pass set
in quiz settings not gradebook
* namecolumnmissing,core_cohort - fixing incorrect message about adding
users to a cohort
Significant string changes:
* publishstate_help, core_notes - including GDPR guidance
* contactdataprotectionofficer_desc, tool_dataprivacy - removing mention
of link on privacy policy page as it is not yet implemented
Significant string changes:
* sitepolicies, core_admin - 'Site policies' changed to 'Site security
* processexpirationstask, enrol_paypal - more explanatory name
* sitepolicy_help and sitepolicyguest_help, core_admin - setting will
only have an effect if the site policy handler is set to default
* sitepolicyhandler_desc,core_admin - improved wording
* pathtodot_help, core_admin - Windows and Mac paths
* debugstringids_desc, core_admin - improved explanation
Significant string changes:
* errorinvalidbyhour,core_calendar - correcting number from 59 to 23
* cron_help,core_admin - updated recommendation to run cron every minute
* tour1_content_end, tour1_content_welcome, tour2_content_end,
tour2_content_welcome all in tool_usertours - removing reference to
* invalidsesskey,core_error and invalidsesskey,mod_wiki - more
understandable error message
* pluginname_help and pluginnamesummary in qtype_essay - explaining that
the question type can be used for file uploads
* formatnoinline, mustattach and mustrequire in qtype_essay - changing
the word 'inline' to 'online'
- Properly validate the displayer API response before sending the
verification email.
- Properly validate the displayer API response before creating the
saved connection.
With the Persona provider now out of commission, no new connections to
the Mozilla openbackpack can be created. This patch adds an email
verification step to core to restore the openbackpack functionality.