* Make sure the activity is visible to the user (cm_info::uservisible)
before showing the activity completion information.
* Add to-do status for overridden automatic completion
* Check the activity dates on the course homepage depending on
the value of the showactivitydates course setting
* Plus use the new Behat steps for checking activity dates
* activity_date_in_activity_should_contain_text()
- Checks the presence of the given text in the activity's date info.
* activity_dates_information_in_activity_should_exist()
- Checks the presence of activity dates information in the activity
information output component.
* activity_dates_information_in_activity_should_not_exist()
- Checks the absence of activity dates information in the activity
information output component.
* activity_completion_condition_displayed_as()
- Shows the status of an automatic completion condition for a given
* activity_should_have_the_completion_condition()
- Checks that the activity displays the given completion condition
* manual_completion_button_displayed_as()
- Shows the status of the manual completion button for a given
* the_manual_completion_button_for_activity_should_be_disabled()
- Checks that the manual completion button for the given activity is
* there_should_be_no_completion_for_activity()
- Checks that the activity does not show completion information
* toggle_the_manual_completion_state()
- Toggles the manual completion button's state for a given activity
* overridden_manual_completion_button_displayed_as()
- Checks the manual completion state of an activity.
* overridden_activity_completion_condition_displayed_as()
- Checks if the activity with specified name is maked as complete.
* Add activity name for completion conditions labels. This would give
better information to screen reader users the activity that the list
of automatic completion conditions belong to. This would be useful
especially when the completion conditions are displayed on the course
* Add data-region attributes to activity dates and completion
information divs.
* Reorganise activity dates and completion information divs so they
are only rendered when they have data to show.
Deprecate \core_course_renderer::course_section_cm_completion(). It is
not being used anymore and is being replaced by
When an activity has manual completion tracking, pressing the manual
completion checkbox reloads the page after toggling the completion
state when the activity is linked to availability conditions.
The "Mark as done" button needs to mimic this behaviour as well.
The approach being taken here is to add a core_course/view JS module
for the course homepage which listens for the manualCompletionToggled
event and reloads the page when the activity module has availability
conditions tied to it.
Perhaps for future development, instead of reloading the page, the
container of the restricted course sections/activities can reloaded via
AJAX as well.
With the activity information output component dealing with the
completion information of the activity, there's no need to pass
completion info to the cm_format renderable.
Use the activity information output component to render activity
completion details and activity dates for activities on the course
Includes fixup from Shamim Rezaie <shamim@moodle.com>
The activity information output component displays information about
an activity module that can contain:
1. Activity dates
2. Completion information
a. A manual completion button; or
b. A list of automatic completion conditions and their statuses.
This patch also includes a new JS module called
core_course/manual_completion_toggle for toggling the
completion state of activities that support manual completion.
Allow the core_completion_update_activity_completion_status_manually
web service function to be called from AJAX as well. This is needed
by the new manual completion toggle button in the
core_course/completion_manual template.
This change removes references in code and comments to a few
deprecated functions that were accidentally missed in the larger
The code changes only affect service_users.php. I made it support
custom user profile fields in this query, because it was easy
enough, rather than adding another TODO to fix later.
Note that there wasn't any case of multiple testcase classes in
1 file. All the cases reported in the issue were false positives
caused but other "mock/fixture" files being named _test.
So all this issue does is:
1) rename any _test suffixed class in test files, because we are
going to start renaming a lot of test classes to _test.
2) ensure that the 2 test case classes modified in this issue,
are already observing the filename = classname rule that will
be implemented soon (and verigy it works).
This patch adds some changes to guarantee that OpenBadges 2.1 (OBv2.1)
will return always the same JSON format that OBv2.0 (because the only
difference between both versions it's the BadgeConnect API).