Significant string changes:
- configgeneralfiles,core_backup - includes explanation of implications
of settings
- mobilenotificationsdisabledwarning,tool_mobile - location corrected
- statsreport14,core - 'views/posts' corrected to 'posts/views'
- err_nousers,core_completion - explanation of who completion
- information is displayed for errorcourselisting,block_community - note
about sunsetting
If blocking will have no effect (ie. you are attempting to block
the admin) the 'Block' button will not be shown and instead a
message will be shown explaining why you can not block the user.
Significant string changes:
* moodleorghubname,core_admin and
sitemustberegistered,message_airnotifier - '' changed to
* registration_help,core_admin and registermoochtips,core_hub - removed
erroneous 'access to our course sharing platform'
* trackingtype_help,mod_forum and formnotavailable,core_grading and
showgrades_help,core and rolewarning_help,core_rating -
'Administration block' changed to 'Actions menu or admin block',
'navigation block' changed to 'navigation drawer or block'
Significant string changes:
* direct:view,gradeimport_direct - wording corrected from 'CSV' to
* limitanswers_help,mod_choice - additional wording added explaining how
the setting works with groups
* pluginname,customfield_text - 'Text field' plugin renamed to
'Short text'
Added new MESSAGE_CONVERSATION_TYPE_SELF type for self-conversations
and upgraded legacy self-conversations to the new type, removing
repeated members in the message_conversation_members table.
Besides, from now, a self-conversation will be created by default for
all the existing users.
All the self-conversations have been also starred and a default message
will be displayed always to explain how to use them.
Add aria-label to the unread message and notification icons.
Add aria-label to the total conversations, unread conversations
and unread messages in the overview.
Add aria-label to the pending contact requests in the overview
and also in the contacts tab.
Add aria-hidden to the last message date.
Significant string changes:
* importgroups_help,core_group - Correcting optional fieldnames
(removing picture, hidepicture and adding groupidnumber, groupingname
and enablemessaging)
* penaltyforeachincorrecttry_help,core_question - additional paragraph
about scoring logic
* resultdownloadready,tool_dataprivacy - wording corrected (no need to
go to a download page)
* auth_dbfielduser,auth_db - varchar data type requirement
Passing the last message (which can virtually contain any character) as
a parameter for the {{#str}} mustache helper can break the JSON parsing
which eventually leads to the breakage of the messaging UI.
So for simplicity, revert the addition of the 'conversationlastmessage'
language string and render the sender and the last message as separate
Significant string changes:
* courseoverviewfiles, courseoverviewfiles_help, courseoverviewfilesext
in core, configcourseoverviewfilesext, configcourseoverviewfileslimit
in core_admin, areacourseoverviewfiles in core_repository - renaming
of 'Course summary files' to 'Course image'
* Add clarification to delete messages lang strings
* Stop message polling when sending a message to fix UI bug
* Publish update last message event when polling finds more messages
* Remove logged in user from group conversation participants list
* Use user object to fetch user preferences to reduce DB calls
* Remove animated slide transitions because the browser breaks when
showing some conversations
Create a conversation instead of throwing an exception to get the
behaviour working as it was before.
The string lang 'conversationdoesntexist' can be removed because
it was added in MDL-63466 and it's not used anywhere more.