Removal of the callback get_shortcuts() and its plugin implementations.
The private methods in the content_item_readonly_repository class
which were only used by the callback hook logic are also removed.
This code was used only by deleted upgrade steps so it's safe
to proceed with straight deletion, considering it internal.
Deletion has been documented in corresponding upgrade.txt files:
- \mod_forum\task\refresh_forum_post_counts adhoc task
And these is the list of code that has NOT been removed
because it may be needed in the future:
- \core_search\manager::clean_up_non_existing_area(), used by
- adhoc task: \core\task\clean_up_deleted_search_area_task adhoc task
This just deletes all the upgrade steps previous to 3.9.0. Some
small adjustments, like tweaking globals can also be applied
when needed.
Also includes an upgrade step to prevent upgrading from any
version < 2020061500 (v3.9.0) as anti-cheating measure.
The next commits will proceed to deprecate / remove functions
that were exclusively (usually belonging to upgradelib) being
used by those, now removed, upgrade steps. This is the list
of code to remove and document in upgrade.txt files:
- upgrade_analytics_fix_contextids_defaults()
- upgrade_convert_hub_config_site_param_names()
- upgrade_rename_prediction_actions_useful_incorrectly_flagged()
- \mod_forum\task\refresh_forum_post_counts adhoc task.
And these is the code that has NOT been removed
because it may be needed later (no matter there aren't uses now):
- \core_search\manager::clean_up_non_existing_area(), used by
- \core\task\clean_up_deleted_search_area_task adhoc task
This re-applies the same fix that was used for the central mod form
to the workshop activity. This is needed because the completion
support for this module is custom (there are 2 grade items), hence
the validations are also custom.
For more information, read the previous commit and MDL-74516
Unfortunately, because of a related bug with assessment completion
(see MDL-69690) we cannot provide automated testing for this
activity. Manual instructions will be provided instead.
Current code was relying on grade_floatval() that is not a validation
function. Instead, the gradepass field must be defined as proper float
and then perform the needed validations using unformat_float().
Note that the float element form has some particularities, see
MDL-73994 for more information and that makes us to have to check
for some values (null, zero) manually. Once that form element type
gets its behaviour fixed, the code will need to be revisited, hence
we have annotated it as comments for easier finding it in the future
(the same changes already were applied to other gradebook forms).
Also, remove an unreachable line of code (comparing with empty string)
within the grade_floatval() function because it's not possible anymore
to pass any string to it, as far as it's "?float" typed.
Covered as many cases with quiz completion as have been able to imagine.