The patch removes the duplicate navigation selector which appears in the
'Show non-respondents' page by removing the 'nonrespondents' node from
the module's settings navigation. Additionally, it highlights the
'Responses' item in the secondary navigation and sets it as active in
the module settings navigation.
- With PHP7, libxml_disable_entity_loader() was making those
flags futile, and the DTDs were not being requested ever.
- With PHP8, the flags get precedence and requests for the
DTD have started to happen.
- Those requests are not served by W3C (1 minute time-out).
- Those DTDs aren't used by anything in code (no entity
replacement, no validation...)
- Remove the flags so it will work the same in PHP7 and PHP8.
- Just to double ensure we don't want any remote loading
to happen ever, add explicitly the LIBXML_NONET flag.
Introduces some changes to the exising _extend_settings_navigation()
methods that utilize the global $PAGE object. In order to accomodate
the changes done for the secondary navigation for single activity
courses, the methods that extend the settings navigation can no longer
rely on the $PAGE object, instead the more reliabe way to obtain this
infomation is through the get_page() method from settings_navigation
Creates secondary navigation dedicated for the single activity course
format. To accomodate these chanages a new property
'showchildreninsubmenu' is introduced in navigation_node which can be
used to define whether the node's children should be displayed in a
submenu when applicable. Also, new method get_page() is added in
settings_navigation which can be used to get the $page class property.
Before this commit, is_empty() was being applied before returning
the mock response. But we want to be able to mock the empty response
for some tests, hence moving the condition to null/isset, that is
the value that array_pop() returns where there aren't more elements
in the array.
With that change performed, we can test lti_load_cartridge() with
empty responses, hence adding a new test for that.
Sometimes (detected with Windows, when running @ GHA), both the
response and the error of a curl request to non-existing URL
returns the empty string.
In that case, we cannot call to DOMDocument::loadXML() because the
1st param cannot be empty. So here, whenever that happens, we are
throwing the moodle_exception earlier, instead of waiting for the
XML errors to be processed later.
Three modes are initially introduced here, for use by dependent code:
1. Automatic - where accounts will be automatically created for users
2. Prompt new or existing - where the user can choose to use an existing
account or have a new account created for them.
3. Prompt existing only - where users must link an existing account.
This change also adds linked logins, for use with provisioning.
- Allow the tool to generate secure, one time, dynamic registration
URLs for use in supporting platforms.
- Registration endpoint, which validates the one time URL, makes
the registration requqest to the platform and adds the approriate
tool registration changes in the tool on success.
- Admin settings pages make use of the 'copy to clipboard' module
which is now in core.
This change adds a new grade sync task for LTI Advantage and updates
the legacy task such that it only operates on legacy tools. This uses
the assignment and grades service 2.0.
This change adds a new member sync task for LTI Advantage and updates
the legacy task such that it only operates on legacy tools. This uses
the names and roles provisioning service 2.0.