Corresponding move of language string invalidpersistenterror following
move of class invalid_persistent_exception in MDL-57273.
MOV [invalidpersistenterror,core_competencies],[invalidpersistenterror,core_error]
With the default 5 sections course, after editing the activities, the
"log out" link is exactly on the edge of the view port. It's one of
those cases where Chrome fails to click/press it (have tried both).
So just make the course to have 3 sections is enough to avoid the
problem. Some day Chrome will fix that problem but, until then...
we cannot do much apart from changing the window size or try to
configure things to show differently.
All the scenarios failing with Chrome zero-size errors are
getting the @skip_chrome_zerosize to be able to keep them apart from
regular runs. See MDL-71108 for more information about
that error.
They will be run by another job, specifically using that tag to
keep them failing and under control.
As the message_jabber notification plugin has been removed from core,
the XMPPHP library (aka Jabber) is not required any more so it has
been completely removed from Moodle core too.
The "Enable web services for mobile devices" setting has been moved
from the "Mobile app settings" page to "Advanced features".
Besides, the "Mobile app" section and the "Mobile settings" page
won't be displayed if WS for mobile devices setting is disabled.
The "Enable MoodleNet integration" setting has been moved from
the "MoodleNet settings" page to "Advanced features".
Besides, the "MoodleNet settings" page and section won't be
displayed if MoodleNet integration setting is disabled.
The "Enable messaging" setting has been moved from "Messaging
settings" page to "Advanced features".
Besides, the "Messaging settings" page won't be displayed if
$CFG->messaging is disabled.
The "Enable competencies" setting has been moved from "Competencies
settings" page to "Advanced features".
Besides, the behaviour of the "Competencies" section has been reviewed
to completely hide it when competencies are disabled.
The following blocks have been removed from the Dashboard:
- Online users
- Upcoming events
- Learning plans
- Recently accessed courses
This change will only apply on new installations.